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  The 2nd International Postgraduate School of Immunogenetics in Transfusion Medicine  
  September 15, 2000


  Research Centre for Transfusion Medicine, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA
23-26 Sept, 2001

Under the auspices of the
European Federation of Immunogenetics (EFI)
International Society for Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
Bristol School of Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences
Centre for Transfusion Medicine of the Republic of Slovenia

Organised by the
Research Center for Transfusion Medicine
Centre for Transfusion Medicine of the Republic of Slovenia

Dear colleagues,
We are happy to announce the second educational conference devoted to immunogenetics in transfusion medicine. Your response to our invitation will decide whether it will become a traditional event to take place in Ljubljana.
Immunogenetics is a scientific field investigating molecular diversity of alloantigens and polymorphic structures involved in self-nonself-discrimination. The recent understanding of immunogenicity makes it possible to interpret the specificity and physiological pathways of the immune response to alloantigens and to design tests by which certain events can be imitated in vitro.
Transfusion medicine is dealing with immunological consequences of biological diversity. Several polymorphic blood cell markers belonging to different genetic systems can trigger an alloimmune response, narrowing the future selection of acceptable blood and organ donors.
The “reversed” donor-recipient relationship in transplantation of haematopoietic stem cells brings forward additional considerations concerning histocompatibility.
It is the aim of our school to reveal the scientific background in molecular and cellular immunity and immune tolerance applicable to allogenic blood cell therapy and clinical transplantation. Strategies in selecting acceptable unrelated bone marrow donors and perspectives of cord blood banks will be presented and discussed.
Adjoining workshops will provide the opportunity to meet with certain diagnostic tests and biotechnological procedures supporting immunogenetic research and its clinical application.
The organisers are proud of the fact that all of the invited key speakers agreed to our plan. A glance at the programme should be enough to make everyone eager to take part in this event. Each of you is invited to bring along results of your own research related to immunogenetics. Send us a summary of your contribution together with your Application Form. A certain time interval within the scientific programme is reserved for your presentation.
The Scientific Committee is offering an optional test to assess your knowledge of immunogenetics relevant to transfusion and transplantation medicine.

Preliminary Programme

Sunday, 23 September
Opening ceremony

The first hundred years of immunogenetics
Mateja Bohinjec, Ljubljana

The immune response from the ancient to sophisticated one
Gyözö Petrányi, Budapest

Structural basis of serologic specificity HLA
Steven Marsh, London

Structural basis of immunogenicity
Stefan Stevanovic, Tübingen

The molecular repertoire of antigen receptors and clonal selection
Elisabeth Simpson, London

The complement system
Peter Lachmann, Cambridge

Cytokine gene polymorphism
Leigh Keen, Bristol

Open forum for discussion

Monday, 24 September
Levels of peripheral tolerance
Bernd Arnold, Heidelberg

Pathways of allorecognition: implication for transplantation tolerance
Robert Lechler, London

The establishment and immunological importance of chimerism
Gyözö Petrányi, Budapest

Immune reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation
Alejandro Madrigal, London

Minor transplantation antigens
Els Goulmy, Leiden

Platelet antigens
Primož Rožman, Ljubljana

Open forum for discussion
Poster session / short communications

Tuesday, 25 September

Structure and function of blood group antigens
David Anstee, Bristol

Prognostic tests for blood group antibodies
Andrew Hadley, Bristol

Screening of HLA alloantibodies: prognostic value in organ transplantation
Frans Claas, Leiden

Functional tests of cellular reactivity to HLA alloantigens
Matjaž Jeras, Ljubljana

In-vitro modelling of the age-associated decline in acute rejection
Ben Bradley, Bristol

Open forum for discussion

Selection of unrelated bone marrow donors
Gottfried Fischer, Vienna and Jean-Marie Tiercy, Geneva

The role of cord blood as source of stem cells for transplantation
Jill Hows, Bristol

Anti D development programme
Belinda Kumpel, Bristol

Transfusion medicine on the threshold of the new millennium
Marcela Contreras, London

Open forum for discussion

Wednesday, 26 September
Workshops and teaching sessions
W1: Production of monoclonal reagents
Vladka Šerbec-Čurin, Ljubljana

W2: Cell culturing and cloning for therapeutic purposes
Matjaž Jeras and Miomir Knežević, Ljubljana

W3: Histocompatibility testing by cellular methods
Matjaž Jeras, Ljubljana

W4: A computer supported information system of the blood transfusion service in
Ljubiša Lukić, Damijan Senčar, Matjaž Ostroveršnik, Ljubljana

W5: Statistical methods and computer applications for population genetics and
unrelated donor searches
Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Toulouse, Carlheinz Müller, Ulm and Blanka Vidan-Jeras,

Organized by: Blood Transfusion Centre of SLOVENIA
Invited Speakers: Peter Lachmann, Cambridge
Robert Lechler, London
Steven Marsh, London
Elisabeth Simpson, London
Alejandro Madrigal, London
Marcela Contreras, London
Frans Claas, Leiden
Els Goulmy, Leiden
David Anstee, Bristol
Andrew Hadley, Bristol
Ben Bradley, Bristol
DJill Hows, Bristol
Belinda Kumpel, Bristol
Leigh Keen, Bristol
Bernd Arnold, Heidelberg
Stefan Stevanovic, Tübingen
Carlheinz Müller, Ulm
Gottfried Fischer, Vienna
Gyözö Petrányi, Budapest
Jean-Marie Tiercy, Geneva
Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Toulouse

Deadline for Abstracts: March 31, 2001
Registration: Research Centre for Transfusion Medicine
Centre for Transfusion Medicine of the Republic of Slovenia,
Šlajmerjeva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Telephone: + 386 1 543 81 47, 543 81 00
Fax: + 386 1 230 22 24
E-mail: mateja.bohinjec@mf.uni-lj.si
For further updates follow our new home page: http://www.zrs-tk.si/schimmgen/

E-mail: mateja.bohinjec@mf.uni-lj.si
  Posted by:   Primoz Rozman  
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