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An Atlantic Coast Contaminants Workshop
The Jackson Laboratory , Bar Harbor, Maine
June 22 - 25, 2000

The purpose of the Atlantic Coast Contaminants Workshop is to provide a regional forum for researchers working in the fields of ecotoxicology, immunotoxicology, endocrinology, pathobiology, environmental chemistry, clinical and veterinary medicine, epidemiology, public health, and related fields. Participants will (1)review current perspectives on endocrine disruption; (2) examine current evidence of the presence of endocrine disruptors in the marine ecosystems and their potential impacts in marine wildlife and humans; (3)share newly developed methods and approaches to ecotoxicological research; and (4) identify research needs and new directions in the field.

The workshop's focus is a result of growing concerns expressed throughout the world scientific and regulatory communities about the potential for certain environmental chemicals with estrogenic or dioxin-like activity to cause endocrine disruption, which may lead to reproductive problems, immune impairment, neurotoxocity,and other toxicities related to sexual differentiation, growth and development in wildlife and humans.

Organized by:

Susan Shaw, Dr.P.H., Marine Environmental Research Institute and Sylvain De Guise, DMV, Ph.D., University of Connecticut Department of Pathology

Invited Speakers:

Keynote Speaker: Theo Colborn, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, World Wildlife Fund

John S. Barclay, Ph.D., Wildlife Conservation Research Center, University of Connecticut

Abraham Brouwer, Ph.D., Institute of Environmental Studies, Free University of Amsterdam

Eric Dewailly, M.D., Ph.D., WHO/PAHO Center, University of Quebec

Patricia A. Fair, Ph.D., NOAA, National Ocean Service, CCEHBR, Charleston Laboratory

Michel Fournier, Ph.D., Centre de Recherche en Sante, INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, Quebec

Philippe Grandjean, M.D., Ph.D., University of Southern Denmark and Boston University

Louis Joseph Guillette, Jr., Ph.D., University of Florida

Mark E. Hahn, Ph.D., and Brenda Jensen, M.S., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Corine Koopman-Esseboom, M.D., Ph.D., Children's Hospital, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Robert J. Letcher, Ph.D., Research Institute for Toxicology (RITOX), Utrecht University

Angela Matz, Ph.D., Northern Alaska Ecological Services, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Mats Olsson, Ph.D., Contaminant Research Group, Swedish Museum of Natural History

Ross J. Norstrom, Ph.D., Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service

Christopher R. Perkins, M.S., Environmental Research Institute (ERI), University of Connecticut

Lori Schwacke, Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina

Janneche Utne Skaare, Ph.D., Department of Toxicology and Chemistry, National Veterinary Institute, Oslo,Norway

John Sowles, M.S., Marine Environmental Monitoring Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection

David J. St. Aubin, Ph.D., Director of Research and Veterinary Services, Mystic Aquarium

John Stegeman, Ph.D., Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Randall S. Wells, Ph.D., Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL

Deadline for Abstracts:



Registration Fee: Includes: hors d'oeuvres at registration, lunches, reception for faculty and participants, coffee breaks and lobster dinner.

Academic/Non-Profit: $400
For Profit: $700
Student: $250

Applications: Placement is limited to 100 participants. Applicants need to possess a masters degree or equivalent, or be advanced graduate students. Please submit the following for admission:

1) A 1-page letter with a brief, descriptive paragraph on your current work and research interest. 2)Your curriculum vitae (2-pages)3)A letter of recommendation from your major advisor (for graduate students)

Email for Requests and Registration:

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date: May 18, 2000 15:51:03
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