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Health-related Quality of Life Assessment in Respiratory Disease
Mapi Research Institute , Florence, Italy

Course outline and timetable*

A Course in
Health-related Quality of Life Assessment in Respiratory Disease

Grand Hotel, Florence, Italy
August 29, 2000

Speakers: Professor Paul Jones1,Professor Elisabeth Juniper2, Isabelle Mear3, Elisabeth Ståhl4

St George’s Hospital Medical School1, London, UK; Mc Master University2, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada;
Mapi Research Institute3, Lyon, France; AstraZeneca4, Lund, Sweden

SESSION I: HRQL and Respiratory Disease
8:30 Registration
9:00 - 9:15
9:15 – 10:00 Paul Jones
 What is Health-related Quality of Life (HRQL)?

10:00 - 11:00 Elisabeth Juniper
 How do we measure HRQL?

11:00 - 11:15 Break

11:15 - 12:00 Paul Jones
 Assessment of HRQL in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

 HRQL Questionnaires in COPD

12:00 - 12:45 Elisabeth Juniper
 Assessment of HRQL in asthma
 HRQL questionnaires in asthma
-The Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ)
 Advantages and disadvantages of alternative versions
-adults and paediatrics

12:45 - 13:45 Lunch

SESSION II: Practical Aspects from Clinical Trials to the Patient
13:45 - 14:15 Isabelle Mear
 Linguistic validation of HRQL questionnaires
-cross-cultural equivalence

14:15 - 15:00 Elisabeth Ståhl
 Integration of HRQL assessment into clinical trials
-why and how is HRQL measured in clinical trials?

15:00 - 15:30 Elisabeth Juniper
 Interpretation of HRQL data
-Clinical meaning and significance

15:45 - 16:15 Paul Jones
 HRQL in clinical practice
-frequency of administration
-methods of administration (self, interviewer,
-telephone, electronic, etc.)
-training of clinic staff

16:15 - 16:45 Break

16:45 – 18:00
all Speakers
 Panel Discussion

Organized by:

Mapi Research Institute/AstraZeneca

Invited Speakers:

Professor Elisabeth F. Juniper MCSP, MSc.
Professor Paul Jones
Elisabeth Ståhl, B.Sc.
Isabelle Mear, MA

Deadline for Abstracts:

no abstracts necessary for this course on 2000/08/29


The registration fee is 330 French Francs (50 Euros), and includes educational materials, course completion certificate, lunch and refreshment breaks. In exceptional cases the fee may be waived. Please register prior to the June 15 deadline in order to attend the session, as space is limited.

Deadline for Application: June 15, 2000
Email for Requests and Registration:

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