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Gene Isolation: Advanced Methods in Positional Cloning

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory , Cold Spring Harbor, NY
October 11 - 24

Classical positional cloning strategies have relied on the use of genetic mapping studies to localize the gene and physical mapping reagents to clone the candidates. The completion of major sequencing efforts, promises to alter this paradigm by providing the identity and syntenic relationships of all the genes. This laboratory-based course is designed to assist in the physical isolation of novel genes, including well mapped disease-related genes and Tiles, using all available assets including physical mapping tools and sequenced genomes. Principal procedures include physical mapping by contig construction using YACs and BACs, STS-content mapping, DNA fingerprinting, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and end-rescue. Methods for converting YAC contigs to sequence ready BAC contigs are also illustrated. Procedures using the yeast as a host organism for YAC analysis and manipulation are covered. These techniques include YAC transfer between strains to facilitate purification of pure clone DNA, and fragmentation and retrofitting strategies for modifying clones prior to their introduction into cell lines or ES cells. Modification of BACs by recombination cloning methodologies are also emphasized. Methods used for the cloning of genes from large cloned DNA segments such as cDNA selection or exon trapping are compared to gene-identification computer algorithms used for searching genomic DNA sequence databases. Bioinformatics sessions emphasizing end-user applications, comparative genomic analysis and database mining are incorporated into multiple problem solving sessions. Recombinational cloning of disease-related loci using BACs and YACs is used as a means to circumvent conventional library construction and cloning techniques. Studies in mutational analysis are also included. The laboratory-based component is supplemented by lectures from prominent investigators that have pioneered the development and application of techniques utilized in the course. All participants present a synopsis of their work. These brief presentations serve as a means to discuss positional cloning strategies in the context of real research projects. Due to conservation of genomic sequence across a diversity of species, investigators engaged in projects outside mainstream sequencing projects are also encouraged to apply.

We look forward to seeing you at Cold Spring Harbor.

Organized by:

Howard Jacob, Gary Silverman & Forest Spencer

Deadline for Abstracts:

Application Deadline July 15th


Please register online
Deadline July 15th
Email for Requests and Registration:

Posted by: Michael Glaessgen   Host:
date: March 09, 2000 17:24:18
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