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  Arthur Bergen: BIOT: for June  

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Subject: BIOT: for June
From: Arthur Bergen <a.bergen@ioi.knaw.nl>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 1998 08:13:09 MET
Organization: ioi.knaw.nl
Priority: normal

New BIOTs!

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Edward Wilcox
Trevor M. D'Souza
(BIOT editors)

This BIOT message contains:

1)  Request for help with touch down PCR
2)  Please help find the origin of a sequence.
3)  How much is known about MER22 interspersed repeats?

Dear colleagues:
I tried several times to do touch down PCR, but failed and I got a smear.
Can anyone help?
  Zentrum fuer Hygiene
  AG Parasitologie
  Robert-Koch-Strasse 17
  D-35037 Marburg
  Fax :06421/285482
We have recently characterized an exonic insertion of 38-bp in a patient
with an X-linked myopathy. We are looking for the origin of this sequence
which contains 2 repeated motifs in tandem :ga gatcatatct gtcatat
gatcatatct tt gtcatat (38bp). Could anyone help us find the origin of this
insertion? Your experience in repeated sequence insertions would be of
great help.

Sylvie Tuffery (PhD)
Laboratoire de Biochimie Genetique
Institut de biologie
Bd Henri IV
34060 Montpellier cedex - France.
Tel : 33 4 67 60 95 06
Fax : 33 4 67 60 11 81
e-mail : tuffery@mail.igh.cnrs.fr
Does anybody know anything about the MER22 interspersed repeat (mechanism
of transposition etc.)? If yes, please contact me.

fatykar@sc.llu.edu (Karoly Fatyol)
Dr. Arthur A.B. Bergen
Department of Ophthalmogenetics
The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute (IOI)
Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands (KNAW)

** Snail-mail: **           ** FAX: **             ** E-mail: **

P.O.Box 12141               (+31)206916521         A.Bergen@IOI.KNAW.NL
1100 AC  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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