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  Arthur Bergen: BIOT: January 1998  

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Subject: BIOT: January 1998
From: Arthur Bergen <a.bergen@ioi.knaw.nl>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 12:25:02 MET
Organization: ioi.knaw.nl
Priority: normal

New BIOTs!

The BIOT section is open for requests and offers of information
regarding molecular biology and molecular genetics (protocols,
techniques, products, collaboration, etc.).

You can reach over 4250 of your colleagues, and on average you may
expect up to twenty replies to a single message. This service is
absolutely FREE of charge. Help yourself by helping your colleagues!

-Please send high quality messages only, including full name, address
and purpose. -Please use the appropriate TOPIC subject heading in your
message. -Please state non-trivial questions only. -Please reply by
private E-mail only, unless your request is of  general interest to
the entire HUM-MOLGEN community

Messages may be refused without further notification.

Edward Wilcox
Arthur Bergen
(BIOT editors)

This BIOT message contains:

        1) A search for a cDNA-probe of human preproIGF-II
        2) help with the genomic structure of the calcineurin A gene
        3) a question regarding immuno histochemistry in plant tissue
        4) A request for a CAT or luciferase or green fluorescent cDNA
           that is exclusively under control of the T7 promoter
        5) a very basic genetics question on the inheritability of hair color
        6) request for a protocol for extracting DNA from methanol/glacial
           acetic acid fixed cells
        7) A search for websites listing chromosomal variants and anomalies
        8) A question about making an adenovirus with a gene of interest
        9) Requesting information on possible sources of human genomic DNA from
           unrelated individuals
       10) An interest in buying used genetics textbooks
       11) An interest in the recent discovery of the gene that causes aging

Please post:

   We are interested in the role of IGF-II in the heart. To elucidate this
further we would like to transfect mouse hearts using human IGF-II
adenoviral constructs. Does anybody have a cDNA-probe for human
preproIGF-II encoding the complete IGF-II precursor protein?  Any help
would be appreciated.

Dr. Rene Zimmermann
Max-Planck-Institute (W.G. Kerckhoff-Institute) & Kerckhoff-Clinic

Dept. of Experimental Cardiology        Phone:   +49/6032/705-404
Benekestrasse 2                         Fax:     +49/6032/705-419
D-61231 Bad Nauheim                     e-mail:rzimmer@kerckhoff.mpg.de
   Can anybody provide me with the genomic structure of the calcineurin A
gene which maps to human chromosome 4q or with a genomic clone comprising
this gene. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Please contact:
Olaf Riess, MD
Molecular Human Genetics
44780 Bochum
phone: +49-2347003831
fax: +49-2347094196
email: olaf.riess@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Dear all,

   I have a question regarding immuno histochemistry in plant tissue. I am
looking for a nuclear antigen; could anyone please suggest a protocol?

sushma nagaraj
   We have cells in culture that stably express T7 RNA polymerase. We would
like to test this by transfecting a CAT or luciferase or green fluorescent
cDNA construct that is exclusively under control of the T7 promoter, i.e.
no eukaryotic promoter should be present in this construct. If anyone out
there has such a plasmid, I would be very grateful for a reply.

Thank you very much in advance. Jasper zu Putlitz
        Jasper zu Putlitz, M.D.
        Molecular Hepatology Laboratory
        MGH Cancer Center
        Harvard Medical School
        149, 13th Street
        Charlestown, MA 02129
        Phone:  +1-617-724-5561
        Fax:    +1-617-726-5609
        e-mail: jputlitz@helix.mgh.harvard.edu
   I'm hoping someone can steer me in the right direction regarding a very
basic genetics question on the inheritability of hair color. Specifically,
I was curious to know if hair color followed a similar pattern to eye
color, with darker hair being "dominant" over lighter hair, as brown eyes
are dominant over blue.
   Obviously I'm using the model here of eye color being a simple trait
(and I understand it's not quite that straightforward in the real world)
wherein parenta with brown eyes can have children with blue eyes (25% of
the time), but parents with blue eyes can only produce blue-eyed offspring.
My question is: can this admittedly oversimplified model also be applied to
hair color, in which two fair-haired parents should only produce blond
offspring? If not, under what circumstances could two blond parenta have a
decidedly brunette child (for example, if one of the parents' parents had
dark hair)?
   I apologize for injecting this high-school level question into
a professional discussion area such as this, but if anyone could help me
clarify this issue I'd be most grateful.

Thank you.

John Bertram, Toronto
Dear everyone,

   I wonder if anyone has the protocol for extracting DNA from
methanol/glacial acetic acid fixed cells (initially intended for for

Your help is much apprecaited. Thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Institute of Health & Community Medicine,
Universiti Malaysia sarawak
94300 Kota Samarahan,
Sarawak, Malaysia.
Fax : 6-082-671903
E-mail : cskua@tualang.unimas.my or cskua@hotmail.com
   I am looking for the WWW page on Chromosomal variation in Man. A catalog
of chromosomal variants and anomalies and The repository/Registratry
(Repository of human chromosomal variants and anomalies/international
registry of abnormal karyotypes). I would appreciate any information.

Thank you
Pornprot Limprasert M.D., Ph.D.
Human Genetics Unit, Department of Pathology
Faculty of Medicine
Prince of Songkla University
I have two questions and hope someone can help me find answers.

1. How long is activated PKC activity sustained after the stimulation of
EGF? Are there any references with information?

2. To make an adenovirus containing the gene of interest, I need to
co-transfect both the "arms" of the adenovirus and the plasmid vector
containing the gene into 293 cells and collect the cells containing
adenovirus which has the recombinant DNA. This process is time consuming
and not gauranteed to get the desired result. I am wondering whether there
is a better way, say, let this recombinant process happen in vitro, just
like we do the ligation of a DNA fragment with plasmid DNA?

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Huicong Cai
email: hcai@helix.nih.gov
   Requesting information on possible sources (commercial, govenmental,
etc) of human genomic DNA from unrelated individuals to allow studies of
allele frequency in the population.

Eric T. Everett, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Oral-Facial Genetics
Indiana University School of Dentistry
   I am interested in buying used genetics textbooks, study guides, problem
and solutions books. Please let me know the title and price of the book you
may wish to sell.

Thanks a lot for your help.
milyas@home.com (Mohammad Ilyas)
   I am a student at Canadore College in North Bay, Ont. Canada.  I an
doing an essay on biomedical ethics, and am quite interested in the recent
discovery of the gene that causes aging. If you can refer me to an address
where I might find further news, or any news on this topic at all, I would
greatly appreciate it, since I have not had any luck in finding such
information on the internet myself. Thank you,

Joen Seddon

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