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Subject: NEWS: in Bioscience and Medicine
From: "Bergen (ioi)" <A.A.BERGEN@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 10:22:00 +0200

        HUM-MOLGEN News in Bioscience and Medicine

News in Bioscience and Medicine:


Summary of recent postings (selection):

1 | ABCC & examination to certify persons capable of directing molecular diagnostic laboratories
2 | Congressional decision on cancer research funding
3 | Genetic Counseling Experts Directory Available on CancerNet(tm)
4 | BioNews list
5 | Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects - Sri Lanka Collection
6 | Resources for Molecular Cytogenetics
7 | GeneCards Genome News Digest
8 | Canadian Biotech News
9 | How to announce new Internet resources, press releases etc.


1 | ABCC & examination to certify persons capable of directing molecular diagnostic laboratories

WWW:    http://www.aacc.org
E-mail: tem6h@avery.med.virginia.edu

The American Board of Clinical Chemistry (ABCC) is considering developing an
examination to certify persons capable of directing molecular diagnostic
laboratories. Persons interested in taking such an examination can respond to
the ABCC's inquiry by participating in an informal survey posted on the American
Association for Clinical Chemistry's home page, http://www.aacc.org.
Alternatively, inquiries can be sent to Theodore E. Mifflin, Ph.D., DABCC (
tem6h@avery.med.virginia.edu) who chairs a task force for ABCC on this topic.
Unless otherwise requested, all responses will be kept confidential.


2 | Congressional decision on cancer research funding

WWW:    http://oncolink.upenn.edu/
E-mail: tdilling@justdoit.dccs.upenn.edu

A Congressional decision on cancer research funding is imminent . Make your
feelings known using OncoLink's automatic letter generator to contact your
state representative:


The U.S. House of Representatives is currently debating a bill that will affect the
funding for the National Cancer Institute. This bill, the 1997/98 Bypass Budget,
has been submitted by Dr. Richard Klausner, the NCI's Director. If passed, it will
provide the level of funding needed for the NCI to fulfill its mission. A summary
of the proposed Bypass Budget may be found at:


Tom Dilling
Production Editor, OncoLink


3 | Genetic Counseling Experts Directory Available on CancerNet(tm)

WWW:   http://cancernet.nci.nih.gov/

National Cancer Institute
National Human Genome Research Institute

A directory of genetic counselors, physicians, geneticists, and nurses who have
expertise in counseling about familial risk for cancer and testing for genetic
susceptibility is available on CancerNet(tm). CancerNet is an online cancer
information service developed and maintained by the National Cancer
Institute's International Cancer Information Center (ICIC). The Internet URL for
CancerNet is:


"The directory will help health care professionals who are increasingly in need
of locating qualified cancer counseling and testing referral resources for their
patients," said Susan Molloy Hubbard, R.N., M.P.A., ICIC director. "There is
widespread agreement among health care providers," added genetic counselor
June Peters, M.S., "that individuals who are considering genetic testing for
cancer susceptibility should receive education and counseling so that they may
fully understand the appropriateness and implications of these tests." Peters,
who helped develop the directory, is with the NIH National Human Genome
Research Institute.

The Family Cancer Risk Counseling and Genetic Testing Directory is for use for
persons who have a family history of cancer or other risk factors that may
indicate heritable cancers. The directory is searchable by name, city, state,
country, and type of cancer or cancer gene. The resource provides information
on the degrees, institutional affiliation, professional licenses, and certification of
the counselors. It also specifies the gene or disease sites for which the health
care professional provides counseling and gives the context in which service is
provided. For example, it explains whether the counseling is designed to answer
specific scientific
questions in cancer genetics and whether there is a fee for clinical services.

More than 200 health professionals are currently listed in the directory. To be
eligible for listing, applicants must be in an oncology or genetics profession;
licensed, certified or eligible for board certification in their profession; a
member of a recognized health profession organization; and willing to accept
referrals. Listing in the directory, however, does not constitute an endorsement
by NCI. Initially, four professional organizations queried their membership to
identify qualified candidates: the National Society of Genetic Counselors,
Canadian Association of Genetic Counselors, Oncology Nursing Society, and the
International Society of Nurses in Genetics.

All information on CancerNet is continually reviewed and revised by oncology
experts and will be updated annually. The directory is located in the Health
Professionals section of CancerNet, under Cancer Genetics. Qualified health care
professionals who wish to be added to the directory may send an e-mail query
to genetics@icic.nci.nih.gov, or fax a request to the Genetic Counseling Directory
at (301) 402-6728.


4 | BioNews list

WWW   : http://bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il/bionews_subscribe.html
E-mail: lvrebhan@bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il

You are interested in Bioinformatics, but you don't know how to
stay up-to-date about new resources on the Web?

Have a look at our new Web interface for the BioNews list.


5 | Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects - Sri Lanka Collection

WWW:    http://infolanka.com/org/genetics
E-mail: vajiradx@sri.lanka.net

Please visit the updated "Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects -
Sri Lanka Collection" URL: http://infolanka.com/org/genetics

Features at this site:

1)Bibliography of articles appearing in Sri Lankan Journals
on Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects going back over 100 years.

2)National Twin Register Sri Lanka
All Information you need to know about the Register.

We welcome your comments about our site.


6 | Resources for Molecular Cytogenetics

WWW:    http://bioserver.uniba.it/fish/rocchi/welcome.html

New WWW site announcement: Resources for Molecular Cytogenetics

The site includes:
- Partial Chromosome Paints (PCP) derived for somatic cell hybrids, with images.
DNA samples from these hybrids are free available to non-profit Institutions.
- FISH data of about 450 YACs (from CEPH), with images.


7 | GeneCards Genome News Digest

WWW   : http://bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il/cards/genomenews.html
E-mail: lvrebhan@bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il

Selected news articles related to the Human Genome Project (with a focus on
medical aspects) may be accessed at the new GeneCards Genome News Digest.


8 | Canadian Biotech News

E-mail: pwinter@hookup.net

Just a quick note to let readers know that if they are interested in Canadian
biotech we are making Canadian Biotech News (weekly frequency) available by

Sample issues are available on request to me.

Peter Winter, Editor


9 | How to announce new Internet resources, press releases etc.

You can announce (free) new Internet resources, press releases etc. at


For other announcements please take a look at



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for the contents, or part of the contents, or even phrases of messages
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Responsibility for the (contents of) messages solely rests with the
sender of these messages.


HUM-MOLGEN - Internet Communication Forum in Human Genetics

E-mail: HUM-MOLGEN@nic.surfnet.nl

WWW: http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/HUM-MOLGEN/

Dr. Arthur A.B. Bergen
Department of Ophthalmogenetics
The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute (IOI)
Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands (KNAW)

** Snail-mail: **           ** FAX: **             ** E-mail: **

P.O.Box 12141               (+31)206916521         A.Bergen@IOI.KNAW.NL
1100 AC  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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