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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: NEWS: in Bioscience and Medicine
From: "Frank S. Zollmann" <frank.zollmann@stud.uni-rostock.de>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 16:39:39 +0100

         HUM-MOLGEN News in Bioscience and Medicine

News in Bioscience and Medicine:


Summary (postings by chronological order):

1 | The Hybridoma Data Bank
2 | Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Data Base Online
4 | A new web site "Biology of the Mammary Gland Database"
    was established.
5 | The home page of the Association for Glycogen Storage
6 | Mouse/Human Dysmorphology Database
7 | REBPAGE - the brain in health and disease
8 | How to announce new Internet resources, press releases etc. (free)


1 | The Hybridoma Data Bank

  | WWW: http://www.atcc.org/hdb/hdb.html

is now available for searching via the web. If you are searching for
a mab against a specific antigen, this resource is designed just for
this task. Distributor information is also included to help locate and
obtain a mab or cell line.


2 | Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Data Base Online

  | WWW:    http://www.genet.sickkids.on.ca/CFMDB.html
  | E-mail: cfdata@sickkids.on.ca

The information contained in this database is compiled with information
collected by the Cystic Fibrosis Genetic Analysis Consortium.

Use of information in this database is subject to the guidelines of the
CF Genetic Analysis Consortium.

     CFTR Mutation Data Base
     CFTR sequence polymorphisms
     Exon/coding regions
     Intron/non-coding regions
     CFTR Gene Sequence
     CFTR cDNA Sequence

For further information, please contact:

Lap-Chee Tsui
Department of Genetics, The Hospital for Sick Children,
555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8,
CANADA. Telephone: +1 (416) 813-6015; Fax: +1 (416) 813-4931;



  | WWW:    http://q.continuum.net/~wrosen/list.html
  | E-mail: wrosen@q.continuum.net

This list is a means of networking and communication for individuals
concerned with the various genetically-transmitted diseases affecting
Jewish populations. Everyone is invited to subscribe, because diseases
common among Jewish people may affect individuals from any cultural or
ethnic group.

Anonymous subscriptions are not permitted. A verifiable personal name
must be provided to remain a subscriber to this list. However, the
subscriber list is not available publicly.

The following diseases are thought to occur at an increased frequency,
although not necessarily exclusively, among  Jewish populations:

Tay-Sachs Disease, Gaucher Disease , Essential Pentosuria, Familial
Dysautonomia, Factor XI Deficiency, Canavan Disease, Torsion Dystonia,
Abetalipoproteinemia, Bloom's Syndrome, Niemann-Pick (A+B) Disease,
Cohen's Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, B-thalassemia, Bronchiectasis,
Mucolipidosis IV

Press reports have suggested that many breast and ovarian cancers
have a genetic link within the Ashkenazi Jewish population. This
summary of recent findings provides a detailed discussion of the issue.

To subscribe, go to the subscription form at
http://shamash.nysernet.org/listform.html and select genetic-disease.


4 | A new web site "Biology of the Mammary Gland Database" was established.

  | WWW:    http://alice.dcrt.nih.gov/~mammary/
  | E-mail: mammary@nih.gov

This Web site serves as a forum to integrate various aspects of
Mammary Gland Biology, to promote collaborations and the exchange
of ideas, knowledge and resources. It was established in October
of 1995 by the Section of Developmental Biology at the National
Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases within the
National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

What's Here:

Mammary Gland Database
Bulletin Board
Development (includes transgenic and null mice with a mammary phenotype)
mini reviews
Gene Regulation
Tools (features technologies and reagents)
Research Groups
Art and History
Related Web sites

This Web site contains information not yet published in Journals
or books. Our philosophy regarding data submission and distribution
is outlined in the Mammary Gland Information Core (Magic) page


5 | The home page of the Association for Glycogen Storage Disease

  | WWW:    http://www.compulink.co.uk/~embra/agsdhome.html
  | E-mail: odonnell@sasa.gov.uk

The home page of the Association for Glycogen Storage Disease
(UK) contains information about the different types of GSD, as
well as information about the AGSD's activities - conferences,
publications research targets etc.
Although the information is intended to be understandable by affected
families, it is hoped that professionals will also find it useful.
Feedback and suggestions for more material are welcome.


6 | Mouse/Human Dysmorphology Database

  | WWW:    http://www.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/DHMHD/dysmorph.html
  | E-mail: rwinter@ich.bpmf.ac.uk

This application consists of three separate databases of human
and mouse malformation syndromes together with a database of
mouse/human syntenic regions. The mouse and human malformation
databases are linked together through the chromosome synteny
database. The purpose of the system is to allow retrieval of
syndromes according to detailed phenotypic descriptions
and to be able to carry out homology searches for the purpose
of gene mapping. Thus the database can be used to search for
human or mouse malformation syndromes in different ways:-

- By specifying specific malformations or clinical features,
  or chromosome locations.
- By Homology.
- By asking for human syndromes located at a chromosome region
  syntenic with a specific mouse chromosome region
  (and vice versa from human to mouse).

The databases in the system are derived from different sources
and authors. These are:-

a) The London Dysmorphology Database (LDDB).

This is a database of over 2000 non-chromosomal malformation
syndromes. Each syndrome is classified according to a master
list of phenotypic features. The full database is microcomputer
based and is published by Oxford University Press
(Winter RM, Baraitser M (1993). The London Dysmorphology Database:
Oxford University Press, Oxford.). It contains comprehensive
data for each syndrome including literature references, a detailed
abstract and clinical photographs stored on CDROM. In the
present application a subset of around 50 per cent of the syndromes
has been chosen. This is because many of the entries on
the full database refer to single case reports or families which
are important to register for clinical diagnostic purposes but which
are not yet useful for gene mapping purposes.
The syndromes are classified according to a master list of clinical
features. This list is a subset of the full LDDB clinical feature
list containing the major malformations or physical abnormalities.
The clinical features of each syndrome are given together with
hypertext links to OMIM -- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (which is
integrated with The Genome Data Base. Where a syndrome does not
have an OMIM entry, a key reference is provided (currently not available).

b) Mouse malformation database.

This is an updated database of mouse malformation syndromes
developed with the same system for phenotypic description
used in LDDB (Winter RM. A mouse malformation mutant supplement
to the London Dysmorphology Database. Am J Med Genet. 30:819-812;1988).
Hypertext links to mouse databases at other centres are provided, more
The Mouse Genome Database (MGD), which incorporates:
The Encyclopedia of the Mouse Genome
The Mouse Locus Catalog

c) Human Cytogenetic Aberrations.

This a database of the clinical effects of human chromosomal aberrations
(Schinzel A. Cytogenetics Database: Oxford Medical Databases: 1994).
The data used in the current application is a subset containing the
clinical features of all aberrations that have been reported more than once.

d) Mouse/Human chromosome homology.

This is derived from a database kept by Dr Tony Searle (Searle AG,
Edwards JH, Hall JG. Mouse homologues of human hereditary disease.
J Med Genet 31:1-19, 1994).


7 | REBPAGE - the brain in health and disease

  | WWW:    http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/~rebhan/rp.html
  | E-mail: rebhan@uni-hohenheim.de

This site offers a news section with selected articles about brain
disorders (treatment, diagnosis, basic research), an extensive web
guide that links you directly to databases, discussions, meeting
informations, etc., and many other services that may be of interest
for people searching information about any brain disorder.


8 | How to announce new Internet resources, press releases etc.

You can announce (free) new Internet resources, press releases etc.
at http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/HMB-NewsGen/vw3news?postF

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