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  Martin Kennedy: HUM-MOLGEN: ANNO: New Meetings, Workshops & Positions  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: HUM-MOLGEN: ANNO: New Meetings, Workshops & Positions
From: Martin Kennedy <MKENNEDY@chmeds.ac.nz>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 16:34:53 +1200

Date sent:  19-APR-1996 16:33:40
Subject: ANNO: New Meetings, Workshops & Positions

         HUM-MOLGEN New Meetings, Workshops & Positions

This mail summarizes new announcements of meetings, workshops
and job vacancies listed recently at our WWW.

If you are interested in a specific announcement, please take
a look at


You can announce your positions (free) at


Thanks for your interest.

Martin Kennedy




                              RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT

   During the last 21 days we've had these new Announcements of Meetings,
   Courses and Workshops:

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _06/01/96_
       _Cell and Molecular Biology / Anatomy: First International
       Conference on Apoptosis in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscles_
       University of Padova and Citta'di Abano Terme, Abano Terme
       (Padova), Italy

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _April 27-May 3, 1996_
       _Medical Research (others): Announcement_
       Fourth Scientific Meeting and Exhibition
       International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New
       York, New York, USA

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _17 April - 2 May 1996_
       _Biochemistry / Immunology: Second Announcement_
       Seminars in Immunochemistry
       The Protein Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, University of
       Copenhagen, The Panum Institute

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _10/04/96_
       _Molecular Diagnostics: Update to first announcement_
       First European Workshop on Quality Assessment and Quality
       Assurance in Molecular Genetics
       Satellite Meeting to the European Society of Human Genetics ,
       Institute of Education , 20 Bedford Way, London UK, Nunn Hall

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _14 July - 19 July, 1996_
       _Cell and Molecular Biology / Anatomy: Reminder_
       Gordon Research Conference on Intermediate Filaments
       Gordon Reseach Conference, Holderness, N.H. USA

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _04/09/1996_
       _Biochemistry / Immunology: First Announcement_
       Antibody Technology and Applications in Health and Environment
       GBF-Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _September 19-20, 1996_
       _Computational Genetics / Bioinformatics: IBC's First Announcement_
       Bioinformatics and the Effective Use of the Internet for Rapid
       Drug Discovery
       IBC USA Conferences, Seattle,Washington-The Madison, a Renaissance

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _October 10 & 11, 1996_
       _Cancer Research: 1996 Signal Transduction Symposium:_
       Lipids as Mediators of Cellular Regulation and Organization
       University of Virginia, Jordan Hall, University of Virginia Health
       Sciences Center

     * _Meetings and Conferences:_ _April 7-11, 1997_
       _Genetics: First Announcement_
       First International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex
       Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species & Mid-Pacific
       Genetics, Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii USA

Courses and workshops:

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _May 21-24, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: First Announcement: Training Course_
       DNA Sequencing
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Catholic University, Washington,

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _May 20-24, 1996 _
       _Biotechnology: First Announcement: Training Course -
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Washington, D.C., Catholic
       University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _May 18-20, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: First Announcement: PCR Techniques Training Course_
       PCR in Molecular Biology
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Catholic University, Washington,

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _May 13-17, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: First Announcement Training Course_
       Recombinant DNA Methodology
       Ctr. for Advanced Training in Cell and Mol. Biol. (CATCMB),
       Catholic University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _May 6-10, 1996_
       _Biochemistry / Immunology: First Announcement Training Course_
       Basic Cell and Tissue Culture
       Ctr. for Advanced Training in Cell and Mol. Biol. (CATCMB),
       Catholic University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _May 29-June 1, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: First Announcement: Training Course -
       Site-directed Mutagenesis_
       Site-Directed Mutagenesis
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Washington, D.C., Catholic
       University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _June 3-7, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Plant Biotechnology, Plant Gene Transfer, and Plant Gene
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Washington, D.C., Catholic
       University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _June 24-28, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       In situ Hybridization
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Washington, D.C., Catholic
       University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _June 19-21, 1996_
       _Others: ATCC Workshop Program_
       Communication Skills and Technical Writing Workshop for Scientists
       American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _June 17-21,1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       DNA Binding Proteins and Transcriptional Regulators
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Washington, D.C., Catholic
       University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _June 10-14, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Expression of Recombinant DNA in Mammalian Cells
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Washington, D.C., Catholic
       University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _22nd July 1996_
       _Genetics: Final Announcement_
       1996 ISAG Workshop on Poultry Genome Mapping (part of ISAG XXVth
       International Conference on Animal Genetics)
       Centre International de Congrhs Vinci, Tours, France

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _July 22-26, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Mitochondrial Molecular Biology and Pathology
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Washington, D.C. , Catholic University, Washington, D.C.

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _July 22-26, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Molecular Immunology and Immunochemistry
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Catholic University, Washington,

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _July 19-20, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Capillary Electrophoresis: Methods and Applications for Molecular
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Catholic University, Washington,

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _July 15-July 26, 1996_
       _Genetics: Announcement of 37th annual course, 1996._
       37th Annual Course in Medical and Experimental Mammalian Genetics
       The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine (in collaboration with
       Johns Hopkins University), The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor,
       Maine 04609-0800

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _July 15-17, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Nonradioactive Labeling Technology and Applications
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Catholic University, Washington,

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _July 8-12, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Recombinant DNA Methodology
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Catholic University, Washington,

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _Aug 1996
       _Genetics: First announcement ERASMUS SUMMER PROGRAMME_
       Molecular Genetics for Clinicians and Epidemiologists
       Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _Aug, 26 - 30_
       _Genetics: First announcement ERASMUS SUMMER PROGRAMME_
       Advances in Genetic Association Studies
       Erasmus University Rotterdam, Medical School, Rotterdam, The

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _21st -23rd August 1996_
       _Cardiovascular Research: XIV th International workshop_
       Woden Valley Hospital, canberra Australia

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _Aug, 19 - 23_
       _Genetics: First announcement ERASMUS SUMMER PROGRAMME_
       Genetic Epidemiology
       Erasmus University Rotterdam, Medical School, Rotterdam, The

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _Aug, 12 - 16_
       _Genetics: First announcement ERASMUS SUMMER PROGRAMME_
       Clinical Genetics
       Erasmus University Rotterdam, Medical School, Rotterdam, The

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _Oct. 7-10, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Cell Culture Technology: Research and Industrial Perspectives
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Lake Tahoe, NV (Northshore)

     * _Courses and Workshops:_ _Oct. 7-10, 1996_
       _Biotechnology: Training Course_
       Recombinant DNA/PCR/DNA Sequencing Technologies
       Center for Advanced Training in Cell and Molecular Biology
       (CATCMB), Catholic University, Lake Tahoe, NV (Northshore)

   During the last 21 days we've had these new announcements of available

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Pharmacology and Toxicology: Postdoctoral Research Associate
       University of Illinois at Chicago, North America, Chicago, IL
       60612 USA

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Neurology / Neuroscience: Post-Doc
       Department of Neurology / Alzheimer Lab / D|sseldorf, Europe,
       Duesseldorf, 40225, Germany

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Genetics: Post-doctoral fellow
       University of Michigan Medical School, North America, Ann Arbor,
       Michigan 48109-0618

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Gene Therapy: post-doctoral fellow
       University of Michigan Medical School, North America, Ann Arbor,
       Michigan 48109-0618

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Computational Genetics / Bioinformatics: Post-Doctoral
       Fellow/Research Associate
       University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, North America,
       Denver, CO 80262

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Cell and Molecular Biology / Anatomy: POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW
       31062 TOULOUSE Cedex - FRANCE

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Cell and Molecular Biology / Anatomy: Post-doctoral fellow
       University of Michigan Medical School, North America, Ann Arbor,
       Michigan 48109-0618

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Cell and Molecular Biology / Anatomy: Post-doctoral Fellow
       University of Colorado, Boulder, North America, Boulder, CO.
       80309-0347 U.S.A.

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Biochemistry / Immunology: POST-DOCTORAL POSITION -- The
       University of Oslo -- MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY
       The University of Oslo, Europe, N-0027 Oslo, Norway

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Cancer Research: POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW
       Thomas Jefferson University, North America, Philadelphia PA 19107,

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Biochemistry / Immunology: POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW
       Thomas Jefferson University, North America, Philadelphia PA 19107,

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Biochemistry / Immunology: Post-doc
       Thomas Jefferson University, North America, Philadelphia, PA 19107

     * _Postdocs or Research Associates:_
       Biochemistry / Immunology: Post-doctoral fellow
       University of Michigan Medical School, North America, Ann Arbor,
       Michigan 48109-0618

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Pharmacology and Toxicology: Study Director
       HTI Bio-Services, North America, Ramona, CA 92065 (San Diego Area)

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Ecology, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology: Senior Research
       Scientist, Genomics
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Computational Genetics / Bioinformatics: Research Scientist,
       Computer Science
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Computational Genetics / Bioinformatics: Programmer, Computational
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Computational Genetics / Bioinformatics: Software Engineer,
       workflow management
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Computational Genetics / Bioinformatics: Scientific Database and
       Unix Administrator
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Biotechnology: Research Scientist, Molecular Genetics
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Biotechnology: Software Engineer, Instrument Development
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Biotechnology: Programmer, Data and Image Analysi
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Biotechnology: Production Engineer
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Non-Academic Positions:_
       Biotechnology: Research Scientist, Fluorescent DNA analysis
       CuraGen Corporation, North America, Branford, CT 06405 USA

     * _Wanted:_
       Others: Sleep Disorders Center Coordinator
       Deaconess - Billings Clinic Health System, North America,
       Billings, MT 59107

     * _Wanted:_
       Neurology / Neuroscience: Research (either in Academia or
       Tulane University, North America, Belle Chasse, LA 70037

     * _Wanted:_
       Genetics: Wanted Position for Post Doc in Molecular Genetics in
       Peter Williamson, Europe, Manchester, UK

     * _Wanted:_
       Genetics: Undergraduate Summer '96 Research Position Sought in
       Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 19081, U.S.A,
       Europe, Swarthmore, Pennsylvaia 19081-1397

     * _Wanted:_
       Biotechnology: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Biotechnologie will durchstarten!
       , Europe, 13347 Berlin, Germany

     * _Wanted:_
       Biotechnology: Research Assistant/Research Technichian
       University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North America,
       Greensboro, NC 27402

     * _Wanted:_
       Biochemistry / Immunology: Assistant Professor
       Princeton University, North America, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

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