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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: NEWS: in Bioscience and Medicine
From: "Frank S. Zollmann" <Frank.Zollmann@rz.uni-rostock.de>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 10:11:18 +0200

         HUM-MOLGEN News in Bioscience and Medicine

News in Bioscience and Medicine:



Summary (postings by chronological order):

 1 | Human chromosome 1 World Wide Web site
 2 | Genline -- Demonstration Page
 3 | The New England Journal of Medicine On-line
 4 | Search in the biology Web servers
 5 | Homepage of FEBS
 6 | Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics(Archives)
 8 | European Society of Human Genetics online
 9 | Cytokine Family cDNA Database at Kumamoto University, Japan.
11 | How to announce new Internet resources, press releases etc.


1 | Human chromosome 1 World Wide Web site

| WWW: http://linkage.cpmc.columbia.edu/chr1/
| E-mail: white@kermit.oncol.chop.edu

Announcing the opening of a human chromosome 1 World Wide Web site.
This resource is available on-line at:


The WWW site contains pertinent information regarding cytogenetic,
genetic, physical, and transcript mapping exclusively of or including
the largest human chromosome. Current resources include:

-Repository of meeting information and report of the September 1995
 chromosome 1 workshop
-Directory of links to available chromosome 1-specific mapping information
-On-line forum for discussion of chromosome 1 mapping and sequencing issues

This resource is sponsored by a collaboration between the
Statistical Genetics Group at Columbia University and the
Division of Oncology at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,
with guidance from much of thechromosome 1 mapping community.
For further information, please contact Pete White at
white@kermit.oncol.chop.edu or Tara Matise at tara.matise@columbia.edu.


2 | Genline -- Demonstration Page

| WWW: http://www.hslib.washington.edu/genline/
| E-mail: bpagon@u.washington.edu (Roberta Pagon, M.D., Editor-in-Chief)

Genline is proposed as an authoritative, expert-authored electronic
publication with clinically relevant, concise, integrated and up-to-date
information to assist clinicians in applying new developments in genetic
testing to the diagnosis, management and counseling of individuals and
families with inherited disorders. Entries are expert-authored and
peer-reviewed. They will be updated regularly or as new developments
occur. This prototype includes sample disease profiles. Further development
of Genline is pending funding.


3 | The New England Journal of Medicine On-line

| WWW: http://www.nejm.org/

published by the Massachusetts Medical Society includes the
complete text of many features of the print Journal and
partial text of others.


4 | Search in the biology Web servers

| WWW: http://www.pasteur.fr/search/Biology-en.html

This server searches in all the pages referenced by the
Pasteur Institute Web server in its biology "pointers" pages,
"Molecular Biology on the Web". (Actually, we index the pages
we reference and the pages below - two levels. This means we
index pages that you can reach with at most two hyperlinks
activation. This can bring back pages without any connection
to the biology.) You may access help for formulating queries.


5 | Homepage of FEBS

| WWW: http://ubeclu.unibe.ch/mci/febs/
| E-mail: ott@mci.unibe.ch (Dr. Peter Ott)

Since early 1996 it is possible to obtain information on the
activities of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies
via the World Wide Web.
The FEBS homepage has the following URL:


Updated information is available on Febs Meetings, on Febs
Advanced Courses, on Febs Fellowships and on the European Journal
of Biochemistry and Febs Letters.


6 | Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics(Archives)

| WWW: http://www.swmed.edu/home_pages/ASHI/about.htm
| E-mail: ps@sta08.swmed.edu (Peter Stastny, M.D., Editor)

This is an on-line journal that will receive, store and disseminate,
formal short communications in the fields of Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics. Papers will be sent by e-mail and reviewed online for
publication within 10 days of receipt. Published papers will be stored
permanently and will be available for downloading via FTP and through
the ASHI Gopher. In the future, subscribers to the Archives will be
able to make comments and these will be attached to the paper. The number
of comments will be an indicator of the interest suscitated by the report.

The Archives are presently in the development stage. In order to
evaluate this proposal we may post some papers as a test of the
procedures involved. Your comments are solicited.



| WWW: http://ncgr.org./gpi/Sci-Amer.art.html

Vital Data by Tim Beardsley, staff writer / Scientific American.


8 | European Society of Human Genetics online

| WWW: http://www.infobiogen.fr/agora/eshg/
| E-mail: Jean-Jacques.Cassiman@med.kuleuven.ac.be

The European Society of Human Genetics is pleased to announce the opening
of its website (http://www.infobiogen.fr/agora/eshg/).


9 | Cytokine Family cDNA Database at Kumamoto University, Japan.

| WWW: http://cytokine.medic.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/
| E-mail: nomiyama@gpo.kumamoto-u.ac.jp

The Cytokine Family cDNA Database (dbCFC) is a collection of EST
(Expressed Sequence Tag) records of cytokines deposited in the
NCBI GenBank. It provides information about the identification of
EST records to cytokine members and related data contained in
other databases including GenBank, dbEST, GDB and OMIM.



| WWW: http://www.psc.edu/biomed/workshops.html
| E-mail: blankens@psc.edu

Biomedical workshops offered by the Pittsburgh Supercomputer
Center typically consist of theoretical lectures taught by
leaders in the respective scientific discipline, and extensive
hands-on computer sessions. During the computer sessions, participants
are able to work on the examples provided or on their own experimental
data. Attendance is limited to 20 participants to allow one-on-one
instruction and encourage scientific interactions and discussions.
Application deadlines are six weeks prior to the workshop.
Researchers nationwide are invited to apply.


11 | How to announce new Internet resources, press releases etc.

 You can announce (free) new Internet resources, press releases etc.
 at http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/HMB-NewsGen/vw3news?postF

 For other announcements please take a look at


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