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  Martin Kennedy: BIOT: M'satellites, fluor sequencers etc  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: BIOT: M'satellites, fluor sequencers etc
From: Martin Kennedy <MKENNEDY@chmeds.ac.nz>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 10:43:26 +1300

Date sent:  2-OCT-1995 10:42:49

This message contains 5 parts. My apologies for the delayed
posting of the first 2 messages (MK).

1. DNA Stutter bands
2. Argon laser replacement
3. Li-Cor infra-red laser sequencer
4. ABI 373A fluor. primers for microsatellite analysis
5. Wanted: Internships for Biotech graduate

Martin Kenendy/Arthur Bergen
BIOT Topic editors, HUM-MOLGEN

8<  =======================  cut here  ======================= >8
Date:         Thu, 21 Sep 1995 11:14:29 GMT
re: DNA Stutter bands (Martin Perlin)
I am currently developing a method for rapid screening of markers
using DNA pooling.  I have also used computer software to eliminate
stutter bands and differential amplification. I would be interested
in copies of your paper detailing the expressions you used to
subtract stutter.
Thanks, Jo Daniels
email: WMGJKD@cardiff.ac.uk

8<  =======================  cut here  ======================= >8
Date:         Thu, 21 Sep 1995 14:35:19 +0200
From:         Paul Betts <paul_b@BIOTEK.MCB.UCONN.EDU>
Subject:      argon laser replacement


        I run a core nucleic acids facility and the argon laser on my
automated sequencer has just discovered its own mortality.  I have been
told by the manufacturer that in addition to the laser I need to replace
the power source.  I was told, that without the power supply change, a new
laser would probably expire within a month.  The difference is more than
acedemic as to replace the laser is $1,500 - $2,000 whereas including the
source brings the cost to $11,000.00.  This sounds like highway robbery to
me.  Is this for real?  I would like to know if others have had this
experience with their ABI or ALF sequencers.

8<  =======================  cut here  ======================= >8
Date:         Fri, 22 Sep 1995 08:32:14 +0200
From:         "Clemens R. Mueller" <crm@BIOZENTRUM.UNI-WUERZBURG.DE>
Subject:      LI-COR sequencer

does anyone have experience with the LI-COR infra-red laser sequencer? We
are interested in sequencing and fragment detection (e.g. microsatellites,
SSCP etc.).
Thank you!
*  Clemens R. Mueller, Ph.D.                *
*  Institut fuer Humangenetik               *
*  der Universitaet Wuerzburg               *
*  Biozentrum, Am Hubland                   *
*  D-97074 Wuerzburg, Germany               *
*                                           *
*  Tel: (+)49-931-888-4063                  *
*  Fax: (+)49-931-888-4069                  *
*  e-mail: crm@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de  *

                 1895 - 1995

               100 years X-rays
          discovered by W.C. Roentgen
        in 1895 at Wuerzburg University

8<  =======================  cut here  ======================= >8
Date:         Sat, 30 Sep 1995 12:34:06 -0400
From:         "Dr. Paula Strasberg" <pstras@RESUNIX.RI.SICKKIDS.ON.CA>
Subject:      reply to sep 14 query by Agnes

Hi- To Agnes

>This is in response to your query, dated Sept. 14, 1995.
We use the ABI 373A with fluorescent primers for:
1. Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy multiplex quantitative PCR (2
multiplex reactions, 9 and 10 bands each) for carrier detection, and for
deletion and duplication analysis in patients.
2. Fragile X analysis of query affected patients and carrier detection in
females, or normal transmitting males- size of repeat is measured.
3. Microsatellite analysis for identity/zygosity testing, bone marrow
transplant followups/12 markers.
4. SMA quantitative analysis of deletion of the SMN gene (deleted in 98.6%
of affecteds), to detect carriers and affected individuals and use this
information for diagnosis- this test is in the process of being evaluated.

Dr. Paula Strasberg
Associate Director, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
The Hospital for Sick Children
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry
University of Toronto
Phone 813-6751, FAX 813-5086, email pstras@sickkids.on.ca

8<  =======================  cut here  ======================= >8
Date:         Sun, 1 Oct 1995 11:53:15 EST
From:         "Miller, Angela" <F409@MUSIC.FERRIS.EDU>
Subject:      Internships

I am interested in finding an internship.  I am currently in the
Biotechnology Program at Ferris State University in Michigan.  I really
would like to have an intern and would be available to begin one in
mid-May.  The classes I'm taking focus on: recombinant DNA, tissue
culture, and advanced protein isolation techniques.  I would be
interested in an intern in any of those areas especially tissue culture.
If you have any information that you think could help me my e-mail
address is:



Angie Miller

8<  =======================  THE END  ======================= >8



NNNN   NN  Martin A Kennedy (E-mail = mkennedy@chmeds.ac.nz)  ZZZZZZZ
NN NN  NN       Cytogenetic and Molecular Oncology Unit          ZZZ
NN  NN NN           Christchurch School of Medicine            ZZZ
NN   NNNN              Christchurch, New Zealand              ZZZZZZZ
                Phone (64-3)364-0880   Fax (64-3)364-0750

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