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  Frank Zollmann: ALL: HUM-MOLGEN needs your help  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: ALL: HUM-MOLGEN needs your help
From: Frank Zollmann <frank.zollmann@stud.uni-rostock.de>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 00:16:32 +22282143

Dear HUM-MOLGENeticists,

 This week marks the first anniversary of HUM-MOLGEN. The aim of this list
was and is to provide a communication forum in Human Molecular Genetics, which
fills the gaps between bioscientists and clinicians from all over the
world and provides space for your creativity. The remarkable growth in the number of our subscribers ( now over 1.350) and unique www hosts ( over 6.400) and the quality of our messages indicates that we are doing something right, but we are not always sure what.

 So we would like to take this  occasion to ask you, our subscribers, for
feedback about this list and for suggestions for the further development of
this new media.

 Please take just a couple of minutes to complete this survey (most of the
questions can be answered easily by editing the survey). Your response can
then be sent to mkh536@hp1.uni-rostock.de. If you like, the survey can also be printed and mailed to Arthur Bergen, The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute, P.O. BOX 12141, 1100 AC Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Please understand, that we are not able to reply every mail.

Thanks for your help

and Cheers, Nasdarowje, Prost, Proost...

Arthur Bergen, Carlo Gambacorti, Kai Garlipp, Hans Goerl, Martin Kennedy,
Jurg Ott and Frank S. Zollmann

1]  What is your general impression of HUM-MOLGEN


2] Please evaluate TOPICs with numbers 1-10 according to your
   interest and quality (1 highest interest / outstanding - 10 ...)
   Please indicate how we can improve the one TOPIC which
   you evaluated highest and the the one you evaluated lowest

                                       Interest       Quality

- Biotechnology:

- CALL for help and

- Ethical and social issues:

- Journal Preview:

- Molecular Diagnostics
  and Clinical Research:

- New Internet Recources:

- Positions by type and subject:

Improvement: ...

3] What topics/information might be added?
   (simply delete either the [y] or [n])

- Computational Genetics:            [y] [n]

- Editorial comments?                [y] [n]

- Information about new books?       [y] [n]

- Information about Meetings?        [y] [n]

    o Abstracts                      [y] [n]
    o Announcements                  [y] [n]
    o Summaries                      [y] [n]

- Information about specific methods,
  diagnostic resources etc.?         [y] [n]

  Please specify if yes: ...

- More journals for preview?         [y] [n]

  Please specify name of journals you are
  interested in: ...

- Reviews in  our subject?           [y] [n]

4] Do you have WWW access at this time or in the near future ?
                                     [y] [n]

Are you interested in receiving longer information

   o directly by E-mail              [y] [n]
   o by sending a mail "send ..."    [y] [n]
   o by using the WWW                [y] [n]

5] Do you use the SET TOPIC option available to subscribers to create your
specific service?                    [y] [n]

if no, why not ...

a) do you find the SET TOPIC difficult to use
b) are you interested in all HUM-MOLGEN messages

Do you know how to send mails to the entire list?
                                     [y] [n]

6] What should the be frequency of HUM-MOLGEN mails

[a] 1 per week
[b] 1 per day
[c] as much as neccesary
[d] other,...............

Is most of the information useful or interesting for you?
                                     [y] [n]

7] Please describe your expectations of a communication forum such as
HUM-MOLGEN  (optional):              ...

[8] Would you be willing to expand your participation with HUM-MOLGEN,
e.g. by writing summaries about developments in your field, Internet
resources and meetings, by collaborating with our WWW or as
a Topic Editor? Send us your ideas!  ...

(9) Until now HUM-MOLGEN has had a policy of accepting strictly commercial
posts. If we were to create a new ADVErtising TOPIC for selected commercial
posts, would you be likely to subscribe? [y] [n]

What types of products or services would you like to hear about?

 Thanks for your help! We will continue to make every effort to provide  an
outstanding service.


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WWW: Kai Garlipp, Frank S. Zollmann.
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