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  Frank S. Zollmann: Introduction of WWW for HUM-MOLGENeticists  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: Introduction of WWW for HUM-MOLGENeticists
From: "Frank S. Zollmann" <zollmann.1@osu.edu>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 1995 12:47:09 -0400



To improve the quality of HUM-MOLGEN communication, we are
very happy to introduce to you: the HUM-MOLGEN WWW site!
HUM-MOLGEN now combines list-communication with a brand-new,
exclusive WWW-site at the address


(via NETSCAPE; capitals in the adress are important)

The conventional E-mail service and the WWW-site are set up as
one interactive unit: The E-mail service will further focus on
condensed, summarized active information and communication of
your key-interest. The WWW-site will focus on much more extensive
passive information and communication, which can also be selected by
choice. In general, subscribers to HUM-MOLGEN will have the
advantage when it comes to pre-information, new features, etc.

Both list- and WWW communication on HUM-MOLGEN are equally
divided in TOPICS, such as you are used to (NEWS, CALLs,
ANNOuncements, COMPuters science in genetics and Internet
highlights, molecular DIAGnostics/clinical research,
LITErature,BIOTechnology/molecular biology,ETHIcal/social)

Communication on HUM-MOLGEN remains entirely FREE and very FAST.
Subscribers can easily ANNOunce meetings, events or positions,
CALL for collaboration, and look for, send or receive all sorts
of summarized information of HUM-MOLGEN interest. From the LITE-
rature, previews of journals, articles of hard-copies can be
sent or received on HUM-MOLGEN. COMP specializes in communica-
tion in Internet highlights and computational genetics. The
DIAG section is especially suited for communication between
clinicians and biologists. BIOT will a.o. provide communicati-
on about new products and information about new techniques as
well as commercialisation of Human Genome research.


-A Medical, Clinical Genetics and DNA diagnostic Service on-line.
-a one point entry, and easy acces for clinicians and molecular
biologists to Internet highlights in the field of Genetics
-An Interactive forum for collaboration and digital meeting place
for clinicians, molecular biologists and geneticist, as well as
other individuals interested in the field.
-a host for Literature and preview information
-a host for Biotechnology and molecular biology compagnies, publishers,
DNA diagnostic laboratories, hospitals and clinical genetic centres
-a host for new products, techniques and developments;
-provide technical information, protocols and methods-on-line
-provide grant information.

The WWW-site is still under construction; new features and new
information will be added in the next few weeks. We are looking for
your critical comments and support!

Frank S. Zollmann                               Arthur Bergen
Zollmann.1@osu.edu                              Bergen@amc.uva.nl

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WWW: Kai Garlipp, Frank S. Zollmann.
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