Knäblein, Jörg (ed.) Modern Biopharmaceuticals Design, Development and Optimization
1. Edition - August 2005 599.- Euro / 946.- SFR2005. 1886 Pages, 4 Volumes, Hardcover - Handbook/Reference Book - ISBN 3-527-31184-X - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim => Wiley Detailed description
The biopharmaceutical market has come along way since 1982 when the first biopharmaceutical product, recombinant human insulin, was launched. Over 120 such products are currently being marketed around the world including nine blockbuster drugs. The global market for biopharmaceuticals, which is currently valued at US$41 billion, has been growing at an impressive compound annual growth rate of 21% over the previous five years. With over one third of all pipe-line products in active development are biopharmaceuticals, this segment is set to continue outperforming the total pharmaceutical market and could easily reach US$100 billion by the end of this decade. => sample chapter
From the contents
Volume 1 INTRODUCTION PART I: BIOPHARMACEUTICALS USED IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE Genes & genomes - correlation between genes, diseases & biopharmaceuticals siRNA - the magic bullet & other gene therapeutical approaches Mobilis in mobile - human embryonic stem cells & other sources for cell therapy Volume 2 PART II: BIOPHARMACEUTICALS AND THEIR MODE OF ACTION The clotting cascade - lysis, coagulation & a fine-tuned balance Errare humanum est - what causes cancer & how to selectively fight tumors Mundus vult decipi - high mutation rates of HIV & new paradigms for treatment PART III: IMPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOPHARMACEUTICALS Citius, altius, fortius - acceleration by high throughput & ultra-HT Early target validation - knock-out mice & more Revolution by evolution - rational design for desire & the scientific art of optimization Volume 3 PART IV: PRODUCTION OF BIOPHARMACEUTICALS The industry's workhorses - mammalian expression systems A ripe and blooming market - biopharmaceuticals from transgenic animals & plants Alea non iacta est - improving established expression systems When success raises its ugly head - outsourcing to uncork the capacity bottleneck PART V: BIOPHARMACEUTICALS USED FOR DIAGNOSTICS AND IMAGING From hunter to craftsman - engineering antibodies with nature's universal toolbox Find, fight & follow - target-specific troica from Mother Nature's Pharmacopoiea Getting insight - sense the urgency for early diagnostics Volume 4 PART VI: ADVANCED APPLICATION ROUTES FOR BIOPHARMACEUTICALS Getting inside - quest for the best & how to improve delivery Pathfinder - new ways for peptides, proteins & Co Via mala - the stony road of DNA delivery: back-pack, feed-back & pay-back Getting beyond - rocket science & science fiction PART VII: FROM TRANSCRIPTION TO PRESCRIPTION Opening the therapeutic window - between systemic toxicity & lack of efficacy Happy end - claim to fame & approval PART VIII: FROM BENCH TO BEDSIDE - THE AFTERMATHS Think big & dealmaking for growth - global changes in the health-care sector News & views - quo vadis, biopharmaceuticals? Small molecules - light at the end of the tunnel or back to the roots?