Editorial A Molecular Medicine Database K.S. Warren Obituary In This Issue
Summaries of articles Original Articles
Autoantibodies to Neuronal Glutamate Receptors in Patients with Paraneoplastic Neurodegenerative Syndrome Enhance Receptor Activation L.C. Gahring, R.E. Twyman, J.E. Greenlee, and S.W. Rogers Submitted by M.R. Capecchi* An Inhibitor of Macrophage Arginine Transport and Nitric Oxide Production (CNI-1493) Prevents Acute Inflammation and Endotoxin Lethality M. Bianchi, P. Ulrich, O. Bloom, M. Meistrell III, G.A. Zimmerman, H. Schmidtmayerova, M. Bukrinsky, T. Donnelley, R. Bucala, B. Sherry, K.R. Manogue, A.J. Tortolani, A. Cerami, and K.J. Tracey Nramp Transfection Transfers Ity/Lsh/Bcg-related Pleiotropic Effects on Macrophage Activation: Influence on Oxidative Burst and Nitric Oxide Pathways C.H. Barton, S.H. Whitehead, and J.M. Blackwell Submitted by K.S. Warren Construction of a Novel Bifunctional Biogenic Amine Receptor by Two Point Mutations of the H2-Histamine Receptor J. DelValle, I. Gantz, L. Wang, Y.J. Guo, G. Munzert, T. Tashiro, Y. Konda, and T. Yamada Restricted Usage of T Cell Receptor Va/Ja Gene Segments with Different Nucleotide but Identical Amino Acid Sequences in HLA-DR3+ Sarcoidosis Patients J. Grunewald, T. Hultman, A. Bucht, A. Eklund, and H. Wigzell Hemoglobin Switching in Humans is Accompanied by Changes in the Ratio of the Transcription Factors GATA-1 and SP1 E.R. Bacon, N. Dalyot, D. Filon, L. Schreiber, E.A. Rachmilewitz, and A. Oppenheim. Submitted by S.H. Orkin Cell Type-Dependent Modulation of the Dominant Negative Action of Human Mutant Thyroid Hormone b1 Receptors R. Wong, X. Zhu, M.A. Pineda, S. Cheng, and B. Weintraub Submitted by I. Pastan Failure of Aglucerase Infused into Gaucher Disease Patients to Localize in Marrow Macrophages E. Beutler, W. Kuhl, and L.M. Vaughan Immunogenicity and In Vivo Efficacy of Recombinant Plasmodium Falciparum Merozoite Surface Protein-1 in Aotus Monkeys S. Kumar, A. Yadava, D.B. Keister, J.H. Tian, M. Ohl, K.A. Perdue-Greenfiel L.H. Miller, and D. C. Kaslow Molecular Medicine Database Molecular Medicine Calendar Instructions to Authors _________________________________ * Underlining denotes contributing editor.
MOLECULAR MEDICINE is the official journal of the Molecular Medicine Society (MMS), an exciting new organization devoted to the re-integration of medical research at the molecular level.