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  Journal of Molecular Medicine: January 1997 (Volume 75 No 1)  
  January 01, 1997

virtual library in human genetics and molecular biology

Editor in Chief: D. Ganten, Berlin, Germany
Editorial Assistant: C.E. Talsness, Berlin, Germany

  Date of publishing: January, 1997  
  ISSN 0946-2716

AU Rolfe-M. Chiu-M-I. Pagano-M.
TI The ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic pathway as a therapeutic area.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 5.

AU Frueh-K. Ahn-K. Peterson-P-A.
TI Inhibition of MHC class I antigen presentation by viral proteins.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 18.

AU Schatz-O. Bogner-J-R. Goebel-F-D.
TI Kaposi's sarcoma: is the hunt for the culprit over now?.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 28.

AU Hannigan-G-E. Dedhar-S.
TI Protein kinase mediators of integrin signal transduction.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 35.

AU Klingelhutz-A-J.
TI Telomerase activation and cancer.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 45.

AU Saeki-Y. Tamura-K. Yamamoto-Y. Hatada-T. Furuyama-J. Utsunomiya-J.
TI Germline p53 mutation at codon 133 in a cancer-prone family.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 50.

AU Wenzel-K. Blackburn-A. Ernst-M. Affeldt-M. Hanke-R. Baumann-G. Felix-S-B. Kleber-F-X. Rohde-K. Glaeser-C. Speer-A.
TI Relationship of polymorphisms in the renin-angiotensin system and in E-selectin of patients with early severe coronary heart disease.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 57.

AU Benkwitz-C. Kubisch-C. Kraft-K. Neyses-L.
TI Investigation of the Met-267 Arg exchange in isoform 1 of the human plasma membrane calcium pump in patients with essential hypertension by the amplification-created restriction site technique.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 62.

AU Loft-S. Poulsen-H-E.
TI Cancer risk and oxidative DNA damage in man.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 67.

AU van-der-Put-N-M-J. Steegers-Theunissen-R-P-M. Trijbels-F-J-M. Eskes-T-K-A-B. van-den-Heuvel-L-P. Mariman-E-C-M. den-Heyer-M. Blom-H-J.
TI Decreased methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase activity due to the 677C→T mutation in families with spina bifida offspring.
SO J-Mol-Med. 1997 75(1) P 69.

Aims and Scope:
The employment of molecular biology and gene technology has enhanced the understanding of human diseases creating a new branch of research-that of "molecular medicine". The Journal of Molecular Medicine (JMM) publishes original papers, rapid communications, review articles and correspondence of the highest quality pertinent to all aspects of human biology and pathophysiology. The application of research involving gene technology, gene therapy, molecular structural analysis, genetic epidemiology and molecular and clinical pharmacology has made unprecedented progress and precision possible in the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. These areas of molecular medicine, therefore, will be given particular attention by the editorial board. Papers describing in vitro or animal studies will be accepted, if they are relevant to normal or pathological human biology.

Subscription information: Volume 75 (12 issues) will appear in 1997.

Copyright: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1997

For further information please contact: Dr. Christa Esser

  Posted by:   Dr. Christa Esser (Zollmann)  
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