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  Human Molecular Genetics: October 1996 (Volume 5, No 10)  
  September 20, 1996

virtual library in human genetics and molecular biology

Executive Editors:-
K E Davies, Oxford, UK
Huntington F Willard, Cleveland, OH, USA

Oxford University Press
  Date of publishing: September, 1996  
  ISSN 1964-6906


A A J Migchielsen, M L Breuer, M S Hershfield and D Valerio
Full genetic rescue of adenosine-deaminase-deficient mice through introduction of the human gene P. 1523

A J Gladwin, J Dixon, S K Loftus, S Edwards, J J Wasmuth, R C M Hennekam and M J Dixon
Treacher Collins syndrome may result from insertions, deletions or splicing mutations which introduce a termination codon into the gene P. 1533

L Pulkkinen, F J D Smith, H Shimizu, S Murata, H Yaoita, H Hachisuka, T Nishikawa, W H I McLean and J Uitto
Homozygous deletion mutations in the plectin gene (PLEC1) in patients with epidermolysis bullosa simplex associated with late-onset muscular dystrophy P. 1539

W Wuyts, W Van Hul, J Wauters, M Nemtsova, E Reyniers, E Van Hul, K De Boulle, B B A de Vries, J Hendrickx, I Herrygers, P Bossuyt, W Balemans, E Fransen, L Vits, P Coucke, N J Nowack, T B Shows, L Mallet, A M W van den Ouweland, J McGaughran, D J J Halley and P J Willems
Positional cloning of a gene involved in hereditary multiple exostoses P. 1547


C N Tennyson, G Y Dally, P N Ray and R G Worton
Expression of the dystrophin isoform Dp71 in differentiating human fetal myogenic cultures P. 1559

S T Winokur, U Bengtsson, J C Vargas, J J Wasmuth and M R Altherr
The evolutionary distribution and structural organization of the homeobox-containing repeat D4Z4 indicates a functional role for the ancestral copy in the FSHD region P.1567

T Iwashita, H Murakami, N Asai and M Takahashi
Mechanism of Ret dysfunction by Hirschsprung mutations affecting its extracellular domain P.1577

W Liu, C Qian, K Comeau, T Brenn, H Furthmayr and U Francke
Mutant fibrillin-1 monomers lacking EGF-like domains disrupt microfibril assembly and cause severe Marfan syndrome P.1581

S L Bressler, M D Gray, B L Sopher, Q Hu, M G Hearn, D G Pham, M B Dinulos, K-I Fukuchi, S S Sisodia, M A Miller, C M Disteche and G M Martin
cDNA cloning and chromosome mapping of the human Fe65 gene: interaction of the conserved cytoplasmic domains of the human beta-amyloid precursor protein and its homologues with the mouse Fe65 protein P.1589

H J Klamut, L O Bosnoyan-Collins, R G Worton, P N Ray and H L Davis
Identification of a transcriptional enhancer within muscle intron 1 of the human dystrophin gene P.1599

S J Engle, D E Womer, P M Davies, G Boivin, A Sahota, H A Simmonds, P J Stambrook and J A Tischfield
HPRT-APRT deficient mice are not a model for Lesch-Nyhan syndrome P. 1607

F Pagani, R Garcia, R Pariyarath, C Stuani, B Gridelli, G Paone and F E Baralle
Expression of lysosomal acid lipase mutants detected in three patients with cholesteryl ester storage disease P.1611

M B Theophilos, D W Cox and J F B Mercer
The toxic milk mouse is a murine model of Wilson disease P. 1619

F J Cameron, R M Hageman, C Cooke-Yarborough, C Kwok, L L Goodwin, D O Sillence and A H Sinclair
A novel germ line mutation in SOX9 causes familial campomelic dysplasia and sex reversal P. 1625

P R Fain, E N Kort, C Yousry, M R James and M Litt
A high resolution CEPH crossover mapping panel and integrated map of chromosome 11 P. 1631

J-L Berge-Lefranc, P Jay, A Massacrier, P Cau, M G Mattei, S Bauer, C Marsollier, P Berta and M Fontes
Characterization of the human jumonji gene P. 1637

M M Lanterman, J R Dickinson and D J Danner
Functional analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae of naturally occurring amino acid substitutions in human dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase P. 1643

R Allikmets, B Gerrard, A Hutchinson and M Dean
Characterization of the human ABC superfamily: isolation and mapping of 21 new genes using the Expressed Sequence Tags database P. 1649

R J Pomponio, V Narasimhan, T R Reynolds, G A Buck, L F Povirk and B Wolf
Deletion/insertion mutation that causes biotinidase deficiency may result from the formation of a quasipalindromic structure P. 1657

P Valverde, E Healy, S Sikkink, F Haldane, A J Thody, A Carothers, I J Jackson and J L Rees
The Asp84Glu variant of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) is associated with melanoma P. 1663


A M Shearman, T J Hudson, J M Andresen, X Wu, R L Sohn, F Haluska, D E Housman and J S Weiss
The gene for Schnyder's crystalline corneal dystrophy maps to chromosome 1p34.1-p36 P. 1667

B Leube, D Rudnicki, T Ratzlaff, K R Kessler, R Benecke and G Auburger
Idiopathic torsion dystonia: assignment of a gene to chromosome 18p in a German family with adult onset, autosomal dominant inheritance and purely focal distribution P. 1673

J D Ohmen, H-Y Yang, K K Yamamoto, H-Y Zhao, Y Ma, L G Bentley, Z Huang, S Gerwehr, S Pressman, C McElree, S Targan, J I Rotter and N Fischel-Ghodsian
Susceptibility locus for inflammatory bowel disease on chromosome 16 has a role in Crohn's disease, but not in ulcerative colitis P. 1679

E LeGuern, A Guilbot, M Kessali, N Ravise, J Tassin, T Maisonobe, D Grid and A Brice
Homozygosity mapping of an autosomal recessive form of demyelinating Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease to chromosome 5q23-q33 P. 1685

S Wayne, V M Der Kaloustian, M Schloss, R Polomeno, D A Scott, J F Hejtmancik, V C Sheffield and R J H Smith
Localization of the Usher Syndrome type ID gene (Ush1D) to chromosome 10 P. 1689

Human Molecular Genetics is a monthly journal of original peer-reviewed research, published by Oxford University Press. In addition to the regular monthly issues, a special review issue, reviewing important developments in the field, is published each year.

The papers listed above will appear in the October 1996 issue, which is shortly to be printed. Copies are scheduled for despatch to subscribers on 20 September 1996.

Copyright in the table of contents listed above is held by Oxford University Press, but you are welcome to circulate them further, provided that Oxford University Press is credited as publisher and copyright holder.

For further information please contact: Richard Gedye
Oxford University Press
Walton Street
Oxford OX2 6DP
United Kingdom
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