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  Human Molecular Genetics: August 1996 (Volume 5, No 8)  
  July 20, 1996

virtual library in human genetics and molecular biology

Executive Editors:-
K E Davies, Oxford, UK
Huntington F Willard, Cleveland, OH, USA

Oxford University Press
  Date of publishing: July, 1996  
  ISSN 1964-6906


The fragile X mental retardation protein is a ribonucleoprotein containing both nuclear localization and nuclear export signals

D E Eberhart, H E Malter, Y Feng and S T Warren

P. 1083

Subcellular localization of the Huntington's disease gene product in cell lines by immunofluorescence and biochemical subcellular fractionation

K E De Rooij, J C Dorsman, M A Smoor, J T Den Dunnen and G-J B Van Ommen

P. 1093

Chromosome 11p15.5 regional imprinting: comparative analysis of KIP2 and H19 in human tissues and Wilms' tumors

W-Y Chung, L Yuan, L Feng, T Hensle and B Tycko

P. 1101


The Kallmann syndrome gene product expressed in COS cells is cleaved on the cell surface to yield a diffusible component

E I Rugarli, C Ghezzi, V Valsecchi and A Ballabio

P. 1109

Further evidence for an imprinted gene for neonatal diabetes localised to chromosome 6q22-q23

I K Temple, R J Gardner, D O Robinson, M S Kibirige, A W Ferguson, J D Baum, J C K Barber, R S James and J P H Shield

P. 1117

Biallelic expression of the IGF2 gene in human breast disease

A H McCann, N Miller, A O'Meara, I Pedersen, K Keogh, T Gorey and P A Dervan

P. 1123

Association between atopic asthma and a coding variant of Fc[EPSILON]RI[BETA] in a Japanese population

T Shirakawa, X-Q Mao, S Sasaki, T Enomoto, M Kawai, K Morimoto and J Hopkin

P. 1129

A fine-scale comparison of the human and chimpanzee genomes: linkage, linkage disequilibrium, and sequence analysis

B Crouau-Roy, S Service, M Slatkin and N. Freimer

P. 1131

Ott, a mouse X-linked multigene family expressed specifically during meiosis

S M Kerr, M H Taggart, M Lee and H J Cooke

P. 1139

Differential expression of dystrophin isoforms in strains of mdx mice with different mutations

W B Im, S F Phelps, E H Copen, E G Adams, J L Slightom and J S Chamberlain

P. 1149

Mouse/human sequence divergence in a region with a paternal-specific methylation imprint at the human H19 locus

Y Jinno, K Sengoku, M Nakao, K Tamate, T Miyamoto, T Matsuzuka, J S Sutcliffe, T Anan, N Takuma, K Nisiwaki, Y Ikeda, T Ishimaru, M Ishikawa and N Niikawa

P. 1155

Chromosomal stabilisation by a subtelomeric rearrangement involving two closely related Alu elements

J Flint, J Rochette, C F Craddock, C Dode, B Vignes, S W Horsley, L Kearney, V J Buckle, H Ayyub and D R Higgs

P. 1163

Human Usher 1B/mouse shaker-1: the retinal phenotype discrepancy explained by the presence/absence of myosin VIIA in the photoreceptor cells

A El-Amraoui, I Sahly, S Picaud, J Sahel, M Abitbol and C Petit

P. 1171

Identification of a novel sarcoglycan gene at 5q33 encoding a sarcolemmal 35 kDa glycoprotein

V Nigro, G Piluso, A Belsito, L Politano, A A Puca, S Papparella, E Rossi, G Viglietto, M G Esposito, C Abbondanza, N Medici, A M Molinari, G Nigro and G A Puca

P. 1179


Identification of a new locus for autosomal dominant non-syndromic hearing impairment (DFNA7) in a large Norwegian family

T Fagerheim, O Nilssen, P Raeymaekers, V Brox, T Moum, H H Elverland, E Teig, H H Omland, G K Fostad and L Tranebjaerg

P. 1187

A ninth locus (RP18) for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa maps in the pericentromeric region of chromosome 1

S Y Xu, M Schwartz, T Rosenberg and A Gal

P. 1193

A second locus (GLC3B) for primary congenital glaucoma (Buphthalmus) maps to the 1p36 region

A N Akarsu, M E Turacli, S G Aktan, M Barsoum-Homsy, L Chevrette, B S Sayli and M Sarfarazi

P. 1199

Human Molecular Genetics is a monthly journal of original peer-reviewed research, published by Oxford University Press.
In addition to the regular monthly issues, a special review issue, reviewing important developments in the field, is published each year.

The papers listed above will appear in the August 1996 issue, which is shortly to be printed. Copies are scheduled for despatch to subscribers on 20 July 1996.

Copyright in the table of contents listed above is held by Oxford University Press, but you are welcome to circulate it further, provided that Oxford University Press is credited as publisher and copyright holder.

For further information please contact: Richard Gedye
Oxford University Press
Walton Street
Oxford OX2 6DP
United Kingdom
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