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  Human Molecular Genetics: December 1995 (Volume 4, No 12)  
  December 01, 1995

virtual library in human genetics and molecular biology

K E Davies, Oxford, UK
Huntington F. Willard, Cleveland, OH, USA

Oxford University Press
  Date of publishing: December, 1995  

ISSN 1964-6906


Identification of centromeric antigens in dicentric Robertsonian
translocations: CENP-C AND CENP-E are necessary components of functional
B A Sullivan and S Schwartz P.2189

Population survey of the human FMR1 CGG repeat
substructure suggests biased polarity for the loss of AGG interruptions
E E Eichler, H A Hammond, J N Macpherson, P A
Ward and D L Nelson P.2199

Highly conserved 3' UTR and expression pattern of FXR1 points to a divergent
gene regulation of FXR1 and FMR1
J F Coy, Z Sedlacek, D Bachner, H Hameister, S Joos,
P Lichter, H Delius and A Poustka P.2209

Oncogenic conversion of a novel orphan nuclear receptor by chromosome
Y Labelle, J Zucman, G Stenman, L-G Kindblom, J
Knight, C Turc-Carel, B Dockhorn-Dworniczak, N
Mandahl, C Desmaze, M Peter, A Aurias, O Delattre
and G Thomas P.2219


Non-disjunction in human sperm: evidence for an effect of increasing paternal age
D K Griffin, M A Abruzzo, E A Millie, L A Sheean, E
Feingold, S L Sherman and T J Hassold P.2227

Germline mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) gene in Japanese VHL
Clinical Research Group for VHL in Japan P.2233

Stability of the Huntington disease (CAG)n repeat in a late- onset form occurring
on the Island of Crete
M Tzagournissakis, C O Fesdjian, P Shashidharan and
A Plaitakis P.2239

Lowe Syndrome, a deficiency of a phosphatidyl-inositol 4,5- bisphophate
5-phosphatase in the Golgi apparatus
S F Suchy, I M Olivos-Glander and R L Nussbaum

Homologous unequal cross-over involving a 2.8 kb direct repeat as a mechanism
for the generation of allelic variants of the human cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 gene
V M Steen, A Molven, N K Aarskog and A-K
Gulbrandsen P.2251

Distinct transcription start sites generate two forms of BRCA1 mRNA
C-F Xu, M A Brown, J A Chambers, B Griffiths,
H Nicolai and E Solomon P.2259

Mouse Brca1: localization, sequence analysis and identification of evolutionarily
conserved domains K J Abel, Junzhe X, G-Y Yin, R
H Lyons, M H
Meisler and B L Weber P.2265

Murine Brca1: sequence and significance for human missense mutations
S K Sharan, M Wims and A Bradley P.2275

Liposome-mediated gene transfer and expression via the skin
M Y Alexander and R J Akhurst P.2279

Allele-specific replication timing in imprinted domains: absence of asynchrony at
several loci
H Kawame, S M Gartler and R S Hansen P.2287

Mutation analysis of the TSC2 gene in an African-American family
A Kumar, R S Kandt, C Wolpert, A D Roses, M A
Pericak-Vance and J R Gilbert P.2295

T->A transversion 11 bp from a splice acceptor site in the human gene for
steroidogenic acute regulatory protein causes congenital lipoid adrenal hyperplasia
M-K Tee, D Lin, T Sugawara, J A Holt, Y
Guiguen, B Buckingham, J F Strauss III and W L Miller

RBM3, a novel human gene in Xp11.23 with a putative RNA- binding domain
J M J Derry, J A Kerns and U Francke P.2307

Breakpoint characterization of the ret/PTC oncogene in human papillary thyroid
P A Smanik, T L Furminger, E L Mazzaferri and S M
Jhiang P.2313

Analysis of the OA1 gene reveals mutations in only one-third of patients with
X-linked ocular albinism
M V Schiaffino, M T Bassi, L Galli, A Renieri, M
Bruttini, F De Nigris, A A B Bergen, S J Charles, J R W
Yates, A Meindl, R A Lewis, R A King and A Ballabio

Analysis of the CMT1A-REP repeat: mapping crossover breakpoints in CMT1A
and HNPP
H Kiyosawa, M W Lensch and P F Chance P.2327

Characterization of the large deletion in the GALC gene found in patients with
Krabbe disease
P Luzi, M A Rafi and D A Wenger P.2335

A gene (SRPX) encoding a sushi-repeat-containing protein is deleted in patients
with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa
A Meindl, M R S Carvalho, K Herrmann, B Lorenz, H
Achatz, B Lorenz, E Apfelstedt-Sylla, B Wittwer, M
Ross and T Meitinger P.2339

Identification of a novel gene, ETX1, from Xp21.1, a candidate gene for X-linked
retinitis pigmentosa (RP3)
K L Dry, M A Aldred, A J Edgar, J Brown, F D C
Manson, M-F Ho, J Prosser, L J Hardwick, A A
Lennon, K Thomson, M Van Keuren, D M Kurnit, A C
Bird, M Jay, A P Monaco and A F Wright P.2347

Structural characterization of the FKHR gene and its rearrangement in alveolar
R J Davis, J L Bennicelli, R A Macina, L M Nycum, J A
Biegel and F G Barr P.2355

Molecular genetic analysis of familial early-onset Alzheimer's disease linked to
chromosome 14q24.3
M Cruts, H Backhovens, S-Y Wang, G Van Gassen,
J Theuns, C De Jonghe, A Wehnert, J De Voecht, G De
Winter, P Cras, M Bruyland, N Datson, J Weissenbach,
J T den Dunnen, J-J Martin, L Hendriks and C Van
Broeckhoven P.2363

Mutations of the presenilin I gene in families with early-onset
Alzheimer's disease
D Campion, J-M Flaman, A Brice, D Hannequin, B
Dubois, C Martin, V Moreau, F Charbonnier, O
Didierjean, S Tardieu, C Penet, M Puel, F Pasquier, F
Le Doze, G Bellis, A Calenda, R Heilig, M Martinez, J
Mallet, M Bellis, F Clerget-Darpoux, Y Agid and T
Frebourg P.2373

Imprinting mutations in the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome suggested by an
altered imprinting pattern in the IGF2-H19 domain
W Reik, K W Brown, H Schneid, Y Le Bouc, W
Bickmore and E R Maher P.2379


Partial characterization and assignment of the gene for protoporphyrinogen oxidase
and variegate porphyra to human chromosome 1q23
A G Roberts, S D Whatley, J Daniels, P Holmans, I
Fenton, M J Owen, P Thompson, C Long and G H Elder

A human recessive neurosensory nonsyndromic hearing impairment locus is a
potential homologue of the murine deafness (dn) locus
P K Jain, K Fukushima, D Deshmukh, A Ramesh, E
Thomas, A K Lalwani, S Kumar, B Ploplis, H Skarka,
C R Srikumari Srisailapathy, S Wayne, R I S Zbar, I C
Verma, R J H Smith and E R Wilcox P.2391

Linkage of congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy to chromosome 20
N M G Toma, N D Ebenezer, C F Inglehearn, C Plant, L
A Ficker and S S Bhattacharya P.2395

A gene for monilethrix is closely linked to the type II keratin gene cluster at 12q13
E Healy, S C Holmes, C E Belgaid, A M Stephenson, W
H I McLean, J L Rees and C S Munro P.2399


Improved oligonucleotide primer set for molecular diagnosis of
X-linked agammaglobulinaemia: predominance of amino acid substitutions in the
catalytic domain of Bruton's tyrosine kinase
I Vorechovsky, Liping Luo, G de Saint Basile, L
Hammarstrom, A D B Webster and C I E Smith

Mutation of the endothelin-receptor B gene in Waardenburg-
Hirschsprung disease
T Attie, M Till, A Pelet, J Amiel, P Edery, L Boutrand,
A Munnich and S Lyonnet P.2407

A novel CAG repeat configuration in the SCA1 gene: implications for the
molecular diagnostics of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1
F Quan, J Janas and B W Popovich P.2411

A novel Ser156Cys mutation in the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP3
in Sorsby's fundus dystrophy with unusual clinical features
U Felbor, H Stohr, T Amann, U Schonherr and B H F Weber

Interstitial 22q11 microdeletion excluding the ADU breakpoint in a patient with
DiGeorge syndrome
A Levy, S Demczuk, A Aurias, D Depetris, M-G Mattei
and N Philip P.2417

The papers listed above will appear in the December 1995 issue, which is shortly
to be printed. Copies are scheduled for despatch to subscribers on 1 December
1995. If you would like further details about Human Molecular Genetics, including
details of subscription rates, please contact:-

Richard Gedye
Oxford University Press
Walton Street
Oxford OX2 6DP
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 1865 267785
Fax: +44 1865 267782
E-Mail: gedyer@oup.co.uk

Copyright in the table of contents listed above is held by Oxford University Press, but you are welcome to circulate them further, provided that Oxford University Press is credited as publisher and copyright holder.

For further information please contact: Richard Gedye
Oxford University Press

Walton Street
Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom
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