Original Papers
181 The Development of ABO Isohemagglutinins in Taiwanese Liu, Y.J.; Chen, W.; Wu, K.W.; Broadberry, R.E.; Lin, M. (Taipei)
185 Phenylketonuria in The Netherlands: 93% of the Mutations Are Detected by Single-Strand Conformation Analysis van der Sijs-Bos, C.J.M.; Diepstraten, C.M.; Juyn, J.A.; Plaisier, M.; Giltay, J.C.; van Spronsen, F.J.; Smit, G.P.A.; Berger, R.; Smeitink, J.A.M.; Poll-The, B.T.; Ploos van Amstel, J.K. (Utrecht/Groningen)
191 No Evidence for Linkage between Schizophrenia and Eight Microsatellite Markers on Chromosome 19 Parfitt, E.; Asherson, P.; Roberts, E.; Mant, R.; Nanko, S.; Gill, M.; McGuffin, P.; Owen, M. (Cardiff/London/Tokyo/Dublin)
197 Human Enzyme Polymorphism in the Canary Islands. VII. G6PD Seattle in Canarians and North African Berbers Cabrera, V.M.; González, P.; Salo, W.L. (Tenerife/Duluth, Minn.)
201 G6PD NanKang (517T->C; 173 Phe>Leu): A New Chinese G6PD Variant Associated with Neonatal Jaundice Chen, H.-L.; Huang, M.-J.; Huang, C.-S.; Tang, T.K. (Taipei)
205 ABO, Rh and Kell Frequency Distribution in a Sample Population of Terni Province, Italy Cassetti, M.; Palazzesi, G.; Minestrini, D.; Cammerieri, A.; Carlini, L. (Terni)
211 Linkage Study of Best’s Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy (VMD2) in a Large North American Family Hou, Y.-C.; Richards, J.E.; Bingham, E.L.; Pawar, H.; Scott, K.; Segal, M.; Lunetta, K.L.; Boehnke, M.; Sieving, P.A. (Ann Arbor, Mich.)
221 Association between the p21 Codon 31 A1 (arg) Allele and Lung Cancer Själander, A.; Birgander, R.; Rannug, A.; Alexandrie, A.-K.; Tornling, G.; Beckman, G. (Umeå/Solna/Stockholm)
Methodological Issues
226 Faster Linkage Analysis Computations for Pedigrees with Loops or Unused Alleles Schäffer, A.A. (Bethesda, Md./Houston, Tex.)
Short Communications
236 T Cell Receptor ß Chain RFLP in Chinese, Indians and Malays from Singapore Tan, J.A.M.A.; Tay, J.S.H.; Aziz, N.B.A.; Saha, N. (Singapore)
239 Identification of a Polymorphic CA Repeat in the COL6A2 Gene on Human Chromosome 21q22.3 Comeglio, P.; Saitta, B.; Pepe, G.; Chu, M.-L. (Philadelphia, Pa./Florence)