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  HUM-MOLGEN -> Journals -> BBA - Gene Structure & Expression

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  BBA - Gene Structure & Expression: February 1997 (Volume1350, No 3)  
  February 28, 1997

virtual library in human genetics and molecular biology

Peter C. van der Vliet (Utrecht, NL)

Elsevier Science BV.
  Date of publishing: February, 1997  

BBA - Gene Structure and Expression

Vol. 1350, No. 3 28 February 1997


Requirement of cofactors for RXR/RAR-mediated transcriptional
activation in vitro R. Valc rcel, M. Meyer (Heidelberg,
Germany), M. Meisterernst (Mnchen, Germany) and H.G.
Stunnenberg (Heidelberg, Germany) 229
Cloning of dnaK and dnaJ homologous genes from a purple
non-sulfur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas species K. Momma, M.
Inui, H. Yamagata and H. Yukawa (Kyoto, 619-02, Japan) 235
Cloning of a cDNA that encodes farnesyl diphosphate synthase
and the blue-light-induced expression of the corresponding
gene in the leaves of rice plants K. Sanmiya (Nagoya, Japan),
T. Iwasaki (Tsukuba, Japan), M. Matsuoka (Nagoya, Japan), M.
Miyao and N. Yamamoto (Tsukuba, Japan) 240
Molecular cloning of ozone-inducible protein from Pinus
sylvestris L. with high sequence similarity to vertebrate
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA-synthase A. Wegener, W. Gimbel,
T. Werner (D-85764 Neuherberg, Germany), J. Hani (D-81375
Mnchen, Germany), D. Ernst and H. Sandermann, Jr. (D-85764
Neuherberg, Germany) 247
Preferential expression of alternatively spliced transcript of
type II procollagen in the rabbit notochordal remnant and
developing fibrocartilages H. Takaishi, H. Yamada (Saitama
359, Japan) and Y. Yabe (Tokyo 160, Japan) 253
Histone H4 mRNA from the nematode Ascaris lumbricoides is
cis-spliced and polyadenylated P. Wyler-Duda (3012 Bern,
Switzerland), V. Bernard (1700 Fribourg, Switzerland), M.
Stadler, D. Suter and D. Schmperli (3012 Bern, Switzerland)
Accumulation of nuclear-encoded tRNAThr (AGU) in mitochondria of
the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha K. Akashi, J.
Hirayama, M. Takenaka, S. Yamaoka, Y. Suyama, H. Fukuzawa and
K. Ohyama (Kyoto, Japan) 262
Pulmonary flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) in rhesus
macaque: expression of FMO2 protein, mRNA and analysis of the
cDNA M.-F. Yueh, S.K. Krueger and D.E. Williams (Corvallis,
USA) 267
Purification of the dissimilative nitrate reductase of
pseudomonas fluorescens and the cloning and sequencing of its
corresponding genes L. Philippot, A. Clays-Josserand, R.
Lensi, I. Trinsoutreau, P. Normand and P. Potier (Villeurbanne
cedex, France) 272
The sequence of a symbiotically essential Bradyrhizobium
japonicum operon consisting of trpD, trpC and a moaC-like gene
L.D. Kuykendall (Beltsville, USA) and W.J. Hunter (Fort
Collins, USA) 277
Transcription of DmRP140, the gene coding for the
second-largest subunit of RNA polymerase II M. Wiedemann, I.
Oldenburg, S. Sitzler and G. Petersen (D-69120 Heidelberg,
Germany) 282
Characterization of human cyclooxygenase 2 gene promoter
localization of a TGF-þ response element X. Yang, F. Hou,
L. Taylor and P. Polgar (Boston MA 02118, USA) 287
Purification and characterization of full-length mammalian
poly(A) polymerase T. Wittmann and E. Wahle (Basel,
Switzerland) 293
The expression of MDM2 and other p53-regulated proteins in the
tissues of the developing rat A.P. Ibrahim, P.H. Gallimore and
R.J.A. Grand (Birmingham B15 2TT, UK) 306
Cloning and expression of cDNA for a newly identified isozyme
of bovine liver 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and its import
into mitochondria S. Furuta, A. Kobayashi, S. Miyazawa and
T. Hashimoto (Nagano 390, Japan) 317
Functional comparison of the metal-regulated transcriptional
control regions of metallothionein genes from
cadmium-sensitive and tolerant fish species P.-E. Olsson
(Ume†, Sweden) and P. Kille (Cardiff CF1 3US, UK) 325
Studying functional significance of the sequence 980-1061 in
the central domain of human 18s rRNA using complementary DNA
probes D.M. Graifer, A.A. Malygin, N.B. Matasova, D.A.
Mundus, M.A. Zenkova and G.G. Karpova (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Site-directed mutants of post-translationally modified sites
of yeast eEF1A using a shuttle vector containing a chromogenic
switch J. Cavallius, A.P. Popkie and W.C. Merrick
(Cleveland, USA) 345
Regulation of Clara cell secretory protein gene transcription
by thyroid transcription factor-1 L. Zhang, J.A. Whitsett and
B. R. Stripp (Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039, USA) 359

For further information please contact: Ann O' Brien
Elsevier Science

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