Reviews Legal and Policy Issues in Genetics and Insurance McGleenan, T. (Belfast) Prenatal Screening for Aneuploidies by Quantitative Fluorescent Polymerase Chain Reaction Adinolfi, M.; Sherlock, J.; Cirigliano, V. (London); Pertl, B. (Graz)
Original Papers Factors Affecting the Use of Prenatal Testing for Fetal Anomalities in a Traditional Society Weitzman, D.; Shoham-Vardi, I.; Elbedour, K.; Belmaker, I.; Siton, Y.; Carmi, R.(Beer-Sheva)
Awareness of the Benefit of Periconceptional Folic Acid Supplementation in South America Castilla, E.E. (Rio de Janeiro/Buenos Aires); Dutra, M. de G. (Rio de Janeiro); Lopez-Camelo, J.S. (La Plata); Rittler, M. (Buenos Aires); Orioli, I.M. (Rio de Janeiro) and the FOLAWARE-ECLAMC Group
Development of a Primary Health Care Clinical Genetic Service in Rural South Africa – The Northern Province Experience, 1990–1996 Christianson, A.L. (Pretoria); Venter, P.A. (Sovenga); Modiba, J.H. (Zebedila); Nelson, M.M. (Pretoria)
Achondroplasia in the Northern Province, South Africa: Case Finding through the Genetic Services System de Koomen, E.; van Dinther, S.P.M. (Amsterdam); Venter, P.A.; Modiba, J.; Hutamo, C.; Shimange, R.; Ramatumbu, N.; Sithole, M.; Tshivase, O. (Sovenga); Gille, J.J.P.; Dijkstra, P.F.; ten Kate, L.P. (Amsterdam)
Report HUGO Urges Genetic Benefit-Sharing Knoppers, B.M.; Chadwick, R.; Takebe, H.; Berg, K.; Cantu, J.M.; Daar, A.S.; Engels, E.M.; Kirby, M.; Macer, D.; Murray, T.H.; Qiu, R.-Z.; Verma, I.C.; Wertz, D.C. (Waltham, Mass.)