Registry of biomedical companies:
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PO Box 1710
Marysville 98270
United States of America, Washington
Phone: 360 657 5681 Fax: None Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
MEDZILLA "The best place to advertise jobs and find outstanding candidates in biotechnology, medicine and science." Est. mid 1994, MedZilla is the original, best established and most respected web site on the internet to provide e-recruitment services for professionals in biotechnology, science and medicine. MedZilla's specialized databases of thousands of jobs and hundreds of thousands of candidates provide employers with the professionals they need, and candidates with the confidential services they require, in a format that is user friendly and easy to navigate. MedZilla™ is a Trademark owned by MedZilla Inc.
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Last update of this entry: September 02, 2014