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registry of biomedical companies

  September 08, 2024
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
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Nutrageneic Feeding Info Enterprises of Canada.

Barberry House - 1440 Barberry Drive
Port Coquitlam

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: 16049419022
E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


The Significance of Functional Feeding of Livestock for their Nutritive, Metabolomic, Immunological and Endocrinological Significance and Value.
Functional feed ingredients are appearing and used in livestock feeding regimens with our particular reference to lower and rumen gut performance, and improving output from productive and reproductive performance, improvements in health, animal behaviour and management and welfare and their quality of life on the farm and the attendant: 1) nutritive, 2) metabolomic, 3) immunological, and 4) endocrinological processes. 
Meta tags: nutritive value      rumen digestion     lower gut      livestock production       immunomodulation      energies      maintenance      lean body mass       lactation       reproduction       animal welfare      behavioural management 

Areas for Possible Investigation: 1.  Amongst topics with these new forage feeding systems, the author presents recent developments in the protein and energy theory of rumen digestion which could involve prebiotic agents to microbial digestion with proteins/peptides/amino acids and polysaccharides/oligosaccharides/sugars elaborated on since Flores' theory (1991), which appeared in the Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology journal published by Springer Verlag (FRG). Practical ramifications to this theory are the manufacture commercially of "designer" and "bioactive" peptides/oligosaccharides and enriching feed regimens with them, for e. g., from extracted or enriched seed-sourced germ proteins of high nutritional quality and increasing nutritive value (N.V.) (cf. the latter to nitrogen status in regards to protein accretion or lactation, intake and nutritional balance regulation and the overall productive output of the animals) especially made here in Canada for further investment and investigation. It should be added that there are non-fibrous carbohydrate fractions (NFC fractions) in grasses in addition to WSCs or sugars from grass forage as dietary roughage for high-energy nutrition. These nutritional features are subsumed as part of the overall "proteinergic mechanism" to be employed for functional feeding of farmed animals including the ruminant class (large, small).  2. Continuing recent developments for the so-called protein energy theory in rumen digestion for prebiotic agents, to go beyond article commentary published recently, are the ff. points: 1) proteins & peptides for immunity & disease resistance, supporting immune balance (the chronic inflammatory condition and stress), production for lean body mass (LBM) accretion and lactation, reproductive performance, rumen digestion (energy/MCP) and intake/nutritional balance regulation; and 2) polysaccharides both fibrous and non-fibrous carbohydrates/water-soluble carbohydrates(WSC) or their sugars for energy (volatile fatty acids or VFAs, rumen digestion and energy/MCP output), and with energies to support maintenance and various productive/reproductive functions.
Convert Agro-Industrial ByProducts (AIBPs) to HQ Feeds:  BioEnergy Feedstocks and High Energy Feeds.
1) Pre-treatment with enzymes (e. g. lignocellulases- including lacasses, proteases)/chemicals (e. g. H2SO4, HCl, NaOH, NH3/physical treatment (e. g. milling, steam explosion) of fibrous substrates.

2) Separation of Carbohydrates and Sugars: washing, filtration, drying and separative precipitation with enantiomeric crystallization.
3) Mixing of Intake.  Calculated "stochiometric" premixing prep.
4) Enzyme "shuffling" to copolymeric synthesis and oligomers.  Enzymes' intake basis for "shuffling" for proportional control to endpoint and to avoiding premature truncation.
   Nutraceutical nutritive valuation (N. V.) of complex sugar mixtures are to be determined.
5) Complex mixtures of simple water-soluble carbohydrates (WSCHO) can be bonded via polymerization using specific enzyme activities. We are thinking specifically of fishmeal applications to investigate their role in immune balance and health for better growth and development in the gut of fish like salmon fishery aquaculture (Open Net off the Westcoast of B. C. for Atlantic salmon).
6) Complex enzyme copolymerization to long-chain polymeric carbohydrates such as: pectins, xylans and galactans. See above 5) use of these polymerics for fishmeal feeding in addition to use of SCP from yeast and functional amino acids (FAA) feeding.

Slowed Feed Enzymes (SFE) in the Rumen:  Rumen Stomach for Conventional Feeding with AIBPs.

D. A. Flores' theory is emerging stating "that both controlling accessibility of protein through the rumen and providing adequate support to microbial cell protein (MCP) biomass synthesis is key to optimizing the output from rumen stomachs for its protein nutrition with metabolic digestion & physiology." Ion-exchange resin technology has been proposed to study affinity or the availability for pre-formed AAs from the rumen milieu dosing with 15N with cannulated sheep. This is likely to be sourced from Switzerland, at this time. Proposed are use of proteases attenuated to tailor-fit feed protein solubility and with respect to the uptake of microbial cells measured by the ENU parameter (plse cf. DJ Thompson and DE Beever, 1980) measuring ratio of microbial amino acid-N to the total N digested for uptake within the rumen milieu including preformed amino acid-N or peptide-N + free amino acid-N, amine-N, amide-N, and NH3-N. As with extrafibrolytic enzymes (EFE) and including cellulases, hemicellulases and lignases like ferulic acid esterases (Fae) and etherases, slowed feed enzymes (SFE) as they will be called will eventually be employed at enzymatic rates and at rates of addition at optimum effect, along with proteolytic enzyme competitive inhibitors and non-competitive inhibitors (i.e. allosteric) to both feed plant cropped proteases and to rumen microbial proteases. Re-adjusting effectively the proteolytic capacity pegged to protein solubility in the rumen is the objective here. Note that although wilting or addition of formic acid-formaldehyde can slow down protein solubilization and digestion alternatively in the rumen, other feeds would require biological or chemical means. It appears that two routes of app. are available at this time. Coded proteins as either competitive or non-competitive inhibitors for proteases for microbes builtin in to plant or crop feed substrate, and also in microbial innoculants as another approach, for that matter, to modulating ruminogastric protein digestion for MCP and escape protein flows to the duodenum.It is assumed that such SFE have a inhibitor that is relatively resistant to feed proteases and microbial proteases in the rumen stomachs and feed in synchrony with twice daily feeding regimens.  
(c) D. A. Flores. 2024-2059. Skye Blue Publications.  Port Coquitlam, BC  Canada  V3B 1G3.

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Last update of this entry: July 03, 2024

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