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a subsidiary of Aqua Marine Pharm of Canada
Port Coquitlam
Canada Toll free: +011-604-941-9022
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Pepper Jack Animal Foods Info Enterprises - Yeast-Based Bioreactor Feed - with Enzyme Tech and "Clean" Tech for making protease-treated and saccharidase-treated and protected feed as supplements from animal cell and plant cell culture for protein and polysaccharide yeast-based fermentation bioreactors.
- Endogestobiotics (R) = functional oligmeric protected additives to the lower gut derived by Enzyme Tech. To effectively "pepper" with oligomeric additives in vivo from feed supplements taken from citrus peel and pulp and fishmeals as non-conventional feed byproducts [wild tuna (only) and salmon grade fish meal from meat processing abbatoires]. They have been processed to efficacy (viz. composition and strength) as immuno-endocrine bioactive agents to the gut organ (now beginning to be recognized as such a complex functional organ) including the lower gut.
- Pet Meat Extenders from Enzyme Tech and "Clean" Tech with collagenous ingredients and reconstitutable meat juices (vs. gravies in wet pet foods) for companion pets or animals used already by cosmetics care product companies and to be incorporated to the same steep as in meat substitutes providing with flavoured protein chewy bits, like the real meat mix in its juices.
- Leaf Protein Meals (Leucaena and Callandria) and Duckweed the former grown from harvested trees or bushes for leaf meals, reduced, precipitated, detanninized (tannin is an anti-digestive factor) for ruminant livestock and the latter grown aquatically for "bulk" plant protein (feed-food grade) that is fed from estuarine ponds or other estuaries commercially and flocculated/harvested in continuous cycle as a concentrate feedstock, both by tonnage, together with meat processing abbatoires for fishmeal (bioactively processed), meat meal, blood meal, feather meal and bone meal and even chicken litter (processed and sterilized). The market for "tofu"-like protein products will develop but to a more limited extent and will be overtaken by the feed industrial demand for supplies for dairy and meats.
(c) 2024-2059. D. A. Flores. Skye Blue (SB) Internet and Publications. Port Coquitlam, B. C. Canada V3B 1G3.
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Last update of this entry: February 19, 2024