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registry of biomedical companies

  October 22, 2024
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We are looking into moving forward use of RNA-based biologics for gene silencing with wide use in applied metabolomics research especially a growth area for agri-food/energy outside of pharma/therapeutics in medicine/health. 
We believe that new building of "Life Sciences Hubs" around the world may further be guided and strengthened through the stimulated growth of agri-food/energy in addition to pharma/therapeutics in medicine/health. 
Our own "SkyeBlue" candidate as a Peptide-Nucleic Acid (PNA)-linker*-VitK1,2 [PNA-Vit K1,2(penta-quinones)]. Proposed are applications for: Orthopharm for Agronomic & Agri-Food in Feeds, Foods, Green Recyclables, including Biochar, Vermiculture for C-sinking for Soil Fertility Support, and for Human Health with Preventative Therapeutics. Defining Quinolines = Phenyl Quinone Methyl with R Groups as Derivatives. We are proposing a linker from the phosphate-sugar backbone to a sugar with 5 functional connectors to quinolines as our candidate.                  
*-(PO4-R12-hexose)(-quinoline5[=phenyl quinone methyl with additional R groups (long-chains)]); providing for a relatively sterically unhindered biomolecular assembly of relatively homogeneous hydrophobicity as a carrier to the covalently bound PNA or peptide-nucleic acid. 
This includes targetting RNA-based biologics with highly engineered active TF elements through TFE that are epigenetic interacting with commensal endogastric, in-residence probiotic n-plasmids (native plasmids) of specialized production animals, to accelerate digestive related processes amongst the strategically significant subpopulations of fibrolytic fungi, ligninophiles and those needing energy boosting from available soluble sugar digests for boosted protein synthesis ("storage", note: vs. "surrogate" or GMO coded proteins) via i) boosting synthesis and ii) boosting limiting "essential" amino acids in bacterial protein metabolism (bacterial spp. needing further investigation- viz. robustness, precision, accuracy- all factors to determine for the regulation (non-coding sequences of DNA) impacting the specific coding sequences of DNA and their "structural gene cassettes" of great interest here. 

There is now information coming out of our webinar generating organization Xtalks (Karen at the front desk) that new proteosomal level regulatory manipulation to treat disease and address more production oriented examples in higher animals (e. g. humans and livestock) using mechanisms in the cell to degrade proteins such as in the well-known ubiquito proteosomal - generated regulatory organisms (UP-GROs); previous there has been mention of our own variant to the U. of Warzawa's PNA-B12 is the PNA-Vit K1,2 penta-quinones, PNA-K2-Auxin/ARFs, and PNA-K2-Pheremones for microbiome organisms, higher animals for human therapeutics and domesticated farm production livestock or animals, crop plants and weeds, and insects or pests. (Note: For Terms & Communication using scientific terminologies the ff. are adhered to: accuracy, in a systemized fashion to label, completeness in coverage of, and using clarity in formulating the terms for naming of compounds and molecules.)  

Apart from probiotic rumen digestive applications in livestock there is also the matter of cropping, in particular corn kernels for corn-based whole flour made to corn snacks as dietetic foods or functional foods, e. g. for diabetic applications, being slower release starch with fibre (which could be like lignocellulose-hemicellulose) and higher in protein which also alleviates the high sugar influx from its flour via insulin secretion from amino acids influx (unless there is considerable insulin resistance as a given in their condition).  Apparently the pericarp of the kernel or outer shell can be possibly manipulated for fibre which should be nearer the composition of the inner membrane apposed next to the pericarp.  Hopefully, this is more soluble fibre and effective for digesting slower-releasing starch for glucose. It has to be studied whether there are gas-exchange related processes and photosynthetic-related processes at the pericarp's level to service grain's growth and development and also to answer the question as to the stage of growth and development for the desposition of fibre based on the cell wall on top of the endosperm and germ with the germplasm.
There is also the need to expand this application towards functional feeding with large ruminants for beef and also dairy to avoid rumen and metabolic acidosis and stress and optimally deliver protein flows to the intestines for digestion for livestock meat and milk.

Drug-related counter-conditioning in livestock rearing or farming with biologics as part of behavioural conditioning with vet care amongst animal herds either in less intensive or very intensive farming conditions from: 1) feeding and use of additives, 2) increased density with animal housing in barns and enclosures to administer and attain better endocrine balance and 3) the minimizing of administered drugs that can contaminate milk (& meat) for a purer and healthier food product. As an antimicrobial-active biologic administered rather than antibiotics, the risk related to antibiotic resistance developing will now be used to guard or treat disease.
SKYEVIEW: Recent findings by silage research and RE Muck et al. (2018) leads us to the ff. conclusive statements with silage care or making. It is widely recognized that Clostridia, the so-called other side of silage-making, is affected by two factors of Aw (water activity) and lowered pH (=3.8, low end). Their recent review uncovered possible use of direct biologicals as a feasible route against Clostridia to inhibit in silage with alternative biologicals such as enzymes that indirectly work to improve sugars availability for fermentation by favourable LAB bacteria (see: DA Flores, 1991), apart from various homo- and heterofermentative LAB applied to the ensilage-making during silo filling. Remember there are two stages testing utilization after pretreatment of ensilage use: 1) profiling via ensiling parameters in silage material and 2) animal productivity from feeding trials (e. g. Nutritive Value, N.V.). 
SKYEVIEW: The funding story regarding running a GRO-led horticultural facility of a pilot plant for starting up industry is that Ottawa and Victoria can provide Canadian start-up funds for innovation and funding support regards the aspects of business support facility building or construction, technology support regards processing feedstocks and endproducts with the attendant appliances for vertical aquaponics, also hindging on their commercial availability with sourcing from Canada, United States and Europe (including the U.K.), techniques arrived at by research for aquatic botanicals (e. g. marine seagrasses) and DNA genomics and molecular biology and biochemistry of plants informational databasing using this information for techniques and their technology commercially, and finally research and development for establishing components of the pilot plant: admin./living quarters (e. g. eating, lockers, washrooms), prac room for instructional training and presentations/meetings, machine room utilities, control room for analyticals and finally the critical production area of the pilot plant and with requisite storage for processing inputs and packaging production outputs. The larger picture of Canadian government funding is to manage the ff.: continued innovation, science and economic development in Canada, continued fueling of movement in western economic diversification for not only production but also job creation and economic development and finally answering to the core issues of agriculture and agri-food in Canada, i. e. Land Food System (LFS) landscape strategic development and its continuing sustainability. 
SKYEVIEW: A GRO-led study for research is being proposed for the DOE-JGI in the U.S. Government regarding "green" chemistry for processing biomass from lignocellulosic feedstock with fungal action including yeasts for both feed and SCP + FAA feeding with livestock classes as in swine, poultry and fish, not to mention a "SkyeBlue" priority goal for making so-called "yeast" bagasse. Also for the IAFBC of Western Canada regards fisheries and ecosystems genomic technologies including current salmon infestation in open net fisheries in the Pacific in regards to Piscine rheovirus and sea lice. SkyeBlue might involved itself in anti-viral/host immunity mechanisms using GRO biologics (see: UBC Point Grey campus, Vancouver Canada) and other biologic or chemical anti-viral strategies. And as for agronomic cropping with genomic innovations reducing environmental impact from crops are regulating: photosynthetic mechanisms, auxins (question: but regards what issues developmentally for both plant health and productivity and C-sinking with CO2 in the atmosphere and how regulatory modifications with the former (2) lead to alteration of the nutrient/energy inputs vs the productive biomass outputs of the plant system, an equation that is tantalizing.  
SKYEVIEW: Use of our own candidate PNA-carriered gene cassette construct for making our theoretical (at this time) VitD2,3 active-forme agoniste in 32 steps or so enzymatically is to carry the ff. goals in our projected protocols: 1) produced biosynthetically enzymatic "machinery", 2) study further their structure and functional properties or mechanisms, 3) mutate randomly by design E. coli cells with X-ray irradiation and plate on several thousand replicates per step of the rxn mech. to clear the previous or precursor substrate made in Kg quantities [first our proprietary Lanosteral will pack up to 50 Kg (perhaps)]- and then one on down next in the series of rxn mechanisms, 4) screen cellular clones with ChemPartners.com Beacon platform or something similar as to their protein (P) titre for final choice in use in individual pilot bioreactors, 5) and construct each scaled-up bioreactor and their chem-engineering conditions or properties to run them on maximum. Note, the immobilized (IM) column (a continuous flow bioreactor for one product at a time) for Ab like IgG will produce product and purify them to completion with recovery of each enzyme, while an immobilized (IM) column bioreactor for each enzyme (E) is used to convert step-wise the intermediates sequentially 32 steps down to arrive at the final product. 
SKYEVIEW: SkyeBlue hopes to approach the Chem.-Biochem. programme at K College of Kalamazoo MI USA 49006-3295 and a sister institution for advanced post-doc researchers with combined M.D./PH.D. degree standings such as Ohio's Cleveland's health-related institutes and eventually MSU's horticultural agronomic expertise for research in Michigan of our new phytopharmed drug program in the long term to commercialization and scale-up.  SkyeBlue expects the process to include: 1) plantlets (e. g. seagrass submariner production) grown and 2) on "Day 1" injected osmotic counter-pressure applied for "equimolar" osmotic diffusion across the micro-barrier by splanchnic injection up the plantlet's base, 3) gene activation by spraying PNA-Auxin/ARF of enzyme complement as cloned, 4) instant processing over a few days and the cummulation of final product as toxicity sets in the plantlets wilt, 5) finally, there is downstream extraction with: a) masceration and breakage of the cellular entities using lignases, cellulases and hemicellulases, b) supercritical filtration, c) supernatant of the extracted filtrate recovered, d) batch purification by HPLC prep or other LC methodology and recrystallization for m.p. (for purity determination).
Ever considered using fine biochemical biogenic regulatory non-GMO RNA-based biologic for biotech remediation work in our environmental work whether it be microplastic remediation in soil, bodies of water and even the air or eco-remediation with habitats for environmentally sensitive species with beneficial effects on the natural envrironment or to man-made activities (e. g. crop farming) including saving the world's Oceans by spawning microbial sealife for the food chain ensuring generations to come with bounty from the seafood harvested there. 
AUTHOR BIO.  The author in 1988 proposed in his exclusive Literature Survey and accompanying peer-reviewed mini-survey or review with the leading J. Biotechnol. at the Uni. in NSW, Australia (Sydney) during graduate studies surveying possible strategies by using byproduct class of feeds used by the livestock husbandry industry, their endogastric manipulation, mainly plasmid-based, together with byproducts of good quality (conventional feeds are considered of v. good to excellent depending on further modification and processing) what are referred to in the feed industry as: i) energy concentrates [supplements to basal ration to boost nutritive value (N. V.)] and ii) protein concentrates [supplements to basal ration to boost protein supply and ration nutritive value (N.V.)]. The author would like to comment to the reader that technology has advanced recently, remarkably, using the previously described non-GMO technology using RNA-based gene silencing also predicted to make headway in Cancer research and other areas in Medicine not just Agri-Food, Energy and Biorecyclables or materials.
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