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registry of biomedical companies

  October 23, 2024
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Spin-Offs Information Enterprise of Canada

Barberry Community House 1440 Barberry Dr
PoCo (Tri-cities area) BC

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: 16049419022


Senior Integrated Projects (SIPs) of Kalamazoo College, Michigan USA 49006-3268. We were established 1979. 

SFU (Burnaby campus) in British Columbia Canada.  Noted as either the Undergraduate Senior Independent/Individualized/Integrated Projects (SIP) programmes (now 2022/23 as integrated within their fields).

The project was originally titled: "The Synthesis of 13C-26 Lanosterol." It was an earlier attempt to make enough substrate to feed to yeast and recovery material to assess whether end-methylation of the C-26 carbon of Lanosterol was from above or below the plane of the intermediate of the methylating enzyme.

Recently, Spin-offs have in the second decade of 2000 been derived with great value to science and are:

1. NH3-specific electrode membrane (NEM) for an ISE (separate make) from derivitized cellulose using a hypothetical methylcellulose and limit-dextrin central X-linking node that is hydrophobic as evidenced by fact that cellulose is hydrophobic enough to block hydrophilic CH3OH (methanol) to allow passage diffusion of base applied ammonium solution causing evolution of NH3(g) and the movement across the fashioned membrane in such a way using a technique called interpenetrating and semi-interpenetrating to cause nanofibre formation against dysfunctional swelling with H2O uptake. There is also grafting and X-linking (perhaps via X-linking of limit dextrin centres) to specify pore size and rate of selective diffusion of hydrophobic NH3(g) across the hydrophobic membrane.

The interior design with cathode (+ve electrode of Cu-Selenide) in solution that is contained by the hydrophobic nature of the membrane enclosure is reduced by one e- back to ammonium (NH4+) together with a dilute solution in the chamber of the probe's metal barrel of HCl(aq) forming ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) (aq) dilute solution. The anode (-ve electrode) is possibly designed electronically we can guess passively supplies on redox rxn exchange of e-'s. It is also of selenide and completes the current conductance back into the electrode barrel's interior milieu or solution. 

2. Cis-trans isomers for long fatty acid molecules and modifying their relative m.p. qualities as food-grade substances for incorporation into dairy creamed products from fat. The cis,cis omega-3/omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids from oil grains is a desired product upon purification (e. g. from food-grade distillation, prep liquid-liquid chromatography). To our knowledge cos. in Canada have now taken advantage to start exploiting these new discoveries including corroborative individuals who have on our understanding developed commercially from our copyright for the sale of CDN$1 of each invention idea. It appears that initial commercial activity could be viable in markets in Canada for: salami, bologna (mortadella), extra-moist cake mixes (devil food and white vanilla cakes), with options to try it on a Daisy(R)-like MFP, yogurt ice cream, both delicious as desserts (e. g. take a Baked Alaska) and yet supportive for certain individuals such as class body builders, health and exercise enthusiasts, professional athletes and those issued with occupational-related risks in life. Important factors are with handling (packaging), distribution and further marketing at various outlets. A big assumption is that people perceive their diets to be already balanced in PUFA (but what about fish like tuna with touted PUFA and cardiopeptides as the Japanese practice or understand?) so why turn to dietetics except as per required especially by nutritional or medical advice amidst the boom in over consumption currently true in our modern, affluent lifestyles in Canada. 

3. There is news "down the wire" that our common microbial gel or nacre from Coco water of the Philippines can grow by batch fermentation incubated in jar holders be analyzed for structure-functional features as it contains limit dextrins for dextrans or variant as designated here as a dextrine or Dextrinose(R) unit with elongated 6 strands each of 20-30 glucose units and bridged by 6 strands × 6 methylene diether units/5 glucose units. This biomaterial has the right pore size and hydrophobicity to be selective for permeable biomembranes in ammonia selective electrodes and fuel cells for car batteries and the general electrical grid.

4. Hydride as a chemical reactive for piloting the synthesis of biokerosene (C-8) from raw fibre or methane using acetate as an intermediate. (See: Hum-molgen.org List of Biomedical Cos. for Bio-kerosene for Auto Home and Avionics.)

5. Hydride as a chemical reactive for piloting the chemsafe in a designed plant in the Arctic regions in case of flame-up from toxic gases to make heavy-duty, hi-density vamp material for various covering applications including airport taxi-ways and aprons. (See: Hum-molgen.org Listing of Biomedical Cos. for IBPN for Apron, Roads and Bridges.)

6. Pro-vitamin D drug candidate from Lanosteral as a precursor to making cholesterol-like intermediate and synthesis to vitamin D analogue to "gently" up the titre of active vitamin D in vivo for supportive health therapeutics.

7. The original problem to use 13C-26-Lanosterol (not made originally but stopped at 13C-26-Lanosteral in 1980 with a projected one-pot rxn for reducing the alpha-beta unsaturated aldehyde group discovered several decades later in NSW Australia) that had been 2H exchanged for 3H (tritiated) with energetic deshielding making for an upfield shift in the 13C-26 NMR peak of the quaternary 13C-26 center resulting from bottom side attack by the incoming methyl group. 

The reader should be led to further speculate on the spin-off or use of this basic approach to using scanning imaging in the organism's body (human clinical study and animal studies) using drugs or pharma as tracers such as 18F (18F-FDG) and 13C with MRI scanning using the analogy described previously with 3H and 13C. 

Clinical use is for e. g.: 1) Genetic screening during pregnancy, 2) Cardiology screening, 3) Oncology screening for tumours and metastasis, 4) Drug development and 5) Pre-clinical trials in Animal Experiments (the advantage being animals used along a timeline being both control (C) and experimental treatment observations (E) reducing the no. of animal nos. used for experimentation, viz. costs, precision.

The Principles Behind Technology (just theoretical, at this time): the radioactive nuclei or isotopes in the chemical agent undergoes beta+ decay emitting positrons simultaneously colliding with e- (electrons) annhilating each other to emit gamma rays and can be imaged in 3D by cameras just like X-rays on film. The cpds. attached to pharmaceuticals are as ff.: 18F-FDG for cancer, NaF18F for bone formation and 15O for blood flow as in the case of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanning. MRI on the otherhand is another technique that images via measuring magnetic resonance signal field shifting (upfield, downfield positions) depending on electron "deshielding" of the heavy, stable nuclei phenomenon. 

8. Lanosteral(R) the endproduct of this experimental synthesis from SIP 1980 is useful only if the ff. Exp. #1 & #2 are proven positive: 1) X-ray mutation of cultures of E. coli with Lanosteral to confirm its conversion by secretory enzyes on the way to the next product down. The mutants start out as perfluent mutants that produce only one enzyme amongst its complement that attacks Lanosteral(R) and clears the plate with clearing "haloed" colonies. 2) Enzymes from Liver which can activate Vit D2 (better than D3) to its active form is used after isolation with in vitro testing using a chemically derivitized Vit D2 agonist with terminal -CHO grps. to measure the inhibition to FBI to Vit D2 endproduct (an article will be supplied soon on the study demonstrating the mechanism (perhaps several enzymes) of inhibition of Vit D3 activation. NB: There is not competition between our methods of bioreactor synthesis in ~32 steps and the other approach of using Vit D2 to activate and then the questionable part of derivitization in 7-step synthesis like Lanosterol to Lanosteral(R) being that Issue #1: active form Vit D2 is too "delicate" or chemically labile to handle in vitro; Issue #2: the attendant problem of decreasing yields due to lability and Issue #3: If there are such conversion rxns in the first place.

9. The design through crop spraying of environmentally safe PNA-B12 TFE (i. e. engineered) related factors for auxin or ARFs to boost dramatically wax production in cuticular or root areas in Australian duckweed for bio-kerosene AtJ(r4) processing and production downstream by reduction and cracking. The fine biologic biochemical is still remains with many issues regarding evironmental, human and food safety in its use.  


Ph.D. Projected Studies (see: Check Your School's Grad Studies Offices for Developments):

1. Meat Science: microbiology and biochemistry and nutritional physiology. Feeding over-producing DYC with HIS, ARG and LEU together and/or grown seagrasses botanically derived and horticulturally raised with HIS, ARG and LEU and LYC as EAA/NEAA=TAA background supplements. Rates of amino acid synthesis including study of the mTOR receptor of skeletal muscle will be studied physiologically including productive output parameters.

2. Agri-plastics and Solid Substrate Fermentation. PNA-B12 and PNA-Auxin biologics for continuous fermentation culture of lactic acid that is collected by wet state dowstreaming filtration for polylactic acid, PLA, synthesis, a leading bioplastic polymer in industrial plastics manufacturing. Also, bunker siloes will be experimental with for sealment and use of clipping, an improved process to revolutionize silage-making further in this country. (Cf. Agassiz, one of BC's agri-food research stations for dairy livestock).

3. Modeling Rumen Mixing with PCS PNA-B12 Technology: Mixing Rumen Contents Across Compartments or "Pools". Defined here are physiological compartments between the PCS made basically of globulin entities in its ampiphilic paste of media, the fine-chemical biologic such as those based on PNA-B12 as a non-GMO probiotic, with biofilms at their surface with characteristic diffusion constants for biologicals and microbes within digest, the microbes being either casual or particle-bound to the communiting feed substrate. The aim is to define quantitatively, by mathematical modeling, the mixing process and diffusion process of solid media, through the surrounding digesta and the various biofilms in order to measure the velocities of the biologics. The PCS's communition rate, diffusion through the PCS-held biofilm, through to the mixing liquid phase of digesta, then onto the casual microbial population equilibrating between liquid phase and the solid or feed substrate phase and through its particulate's biofilm and measuring also solid substrate's communition rate.  This will be an early attempt to use proposed probes such as dyes with micro needle applicators with optical detectors opposite, in place, taking shot-by-shot microsecond photographs to visualize the mixing process through the phase (this may be easier said than done here and may take "orchestration" by AI to take successive, comprehensively meaningful measurements, in a rumen simulator Rusitec(R) (see: JW Czerkawski) with use of diffraction optics to measure rates through phases in rumen contents (viz. solid feed substrate, biofilm gelled phases and liquid phases, and microbial cell populations), for velocities and derived timed-lapse diffusion constants.  It may be that timed rates or velocities and diffusion constants in the order be over several seconds, or even in milliseconds or less helping to describe the mixing process in digesta of rumen contents. To our knowledge we do not have enough information for proposing project application either at their UNE in Armidale NSW 2351 Australia or from UNSW, Sydney Australia where our Principal/Owner resided at the time back in 1987-88/1992-1995 as enrolled and furloughed.

4. Pig Feeding and Nutrition. Factors in animal welfare and wellness: a) stress with antioxidants with water hyacinth (a new "green" feed), b) heart function (glycosides with several to be studies in medicinal chemistry) with water hyacinth, and c) diseases (anti-microbial activity) with grass intake and greens (vegetables and forage). This might also be transposed to goats (in captivity) and deer (in the wild). Greetings, to the SUCA Farm Manager, and a project dealing with: "Goat Farming and Husbandry" and its viability for caprine dairy production for milk, cheese (and soap), Sitio Manga, Zamboanguita, Southern Negros Oriental.

In future, we plan to institute advances in caprine and ovine genome research to apply world-wide health management and to improved feeding and nutrition in metabolically up-regulated non-GMO goats and sheep using sublingual delivery of a gene-silencing biologic to be developed using PNA-B12 technology for livestock, originally from microbial fermentation food technology. 

5. Botanical and Horticultural Production of Seagrasses (a growing trend to be with vertical farming technology and fish salmonid farming together with microbial biotechnology). Calli culture and production, over production of HIS, ARG and LEU with feeding of AA supplementation (e. g. dead yeast culture, DYC), and the biochemistry documentation and further selection via protoplast fusion. 

6. Genus Project: The waxes in grasses or legume model plants crops are fatty acid, long-chain such as C-18, C-26 derivatives like the hydroxyacids, diacids, saturated or modified chains as fatty acids or fatty alcohols. A) In the roots (NB: vs aerial parts like the leaves, flowering parts or stems) suberins are wax-like substances referred to occurring as intracellular membranous lamellae. B) In the cuticular areas of leaves on the other hand, the studies cover modeling plants for their abiotic stress responsiveness with stress mechanisms with deposition of non-stomatal, metabolic water conservation wax cuticular barriered transpiration; e. g. s. of abiotic stressors include drought, cold and heat resistance.  It is feasible to think that activation with TF or TFE factors on genes that result in as much as 40% or more augmentation of a cuticular wax deposition can still neverthelsss lead to increased physiological responsiveness and water conservation thus for purposes of raising the plant, e. g. seagrasses / fisheries farming, it is desired to grow and downstream process with harvesting the waxy long-chain product to eventually reduce them chemically and crack catalytically the raw material to C-8 alkanes evenly to what is referred to as bio-kerosene, AtJ(r3), route 3, utilizable for the avionics or flight industry.

7. GMO vs.non-GMO regulatory approaches to regulate the metabolome of a selected ecosystem for PNA-B12 Biological Gene Silencers and GRO Sea Lice with more robust Salmon Fed (e. g. Nutraceuticals) in Fisheries with Feed Manufacturing in Salmon Rearing.  "SkyeBlue" Is planning on testing Quinolines (Vit K1, K2 and K3) elaborated to Vit K × n=6  =  S.A. (sq nm) in surface area as an alternative to Vit B12 designated as PNA-(K1)6, or PNA-(K2)6- multiple tailed for easy access in fat, viz. digestion of the lower tract.  Mammals like farm animals and humans would also be compatible with this  Biologique(R).  Insect invertebrates and plant crops are likely to be matched with pheremone and auxin or auxin-like factor.  We are excited by this bit of news at "SkyeBlue"!!!

8. GMO vs. non-GMO regulatory approaches to regulate the metabolome of a selected ecosystem for PNA-B12 Biologic Gene Silencers and Seagrass Feed Manufacturing with Yeast-Based (DYC) Feeds with Robust GRO Vertical Farming and Salmon Rearing. (Also see above mentioned text.)

9. The author has a paper from the last few decades that should soon see the light of day after many years of study, cf. Prof. R. J. Wallace, Rowett Research Institute and (CLICK): Application of recombinant DNA to rumen microbes for the improvement of low quality feed utilization - ScienceDirect. The idea being that now D. A. Flores, the Owner/Principal at ''SkyeBlue'', is pointing the direction towards a new development in non-GMO and also called RNA-based genetically regulatory organismal (GRO)-OMICS (bioinformatical genomics, metabolomics and proteomics. These are my points to outline as comments to ongoing research: 1) Biosafety presents itself with use of GMO-based probiotics in scenarios as with developing country settings were low-quality farmed byproducts present themselves as potential sustainable feed resources if processed and/or fed with probiotics in the rumen stomach for improved digestion and nutritive value to the animal from their diets. It is up to further deliberation if the competitive environment serves to "blank out" introduced probiotic GMOs which require unfortunately greater energy needs (e. g. ATP) due to their molecular modifications. They do not therefore subsist outside the rumen for facultative spp. and if transferred through body fluids of animals (animal handlers are presumably protected and even immunized against their bodily contamination) will could be quarantined or "cordoned" off in coral or stands away from contact with the immediate surrounding environment together with regular disinfection. Note: the main point or approach touted by this author in his mini-review is use of plasmid-based technology, remote from c'somal-based DNA, on gene regulatory cassettes using TFE and TFs, which transfer or expand naturally between spp. in the microbial consortia that is the rumen. 2) Non-GMO based prebiotics also present themselves with use of RNA-based technology also referred to as PNA-B12 fine-chemical biologic agents but their animal delivery is still in question although drenching presents a possible option. 3) If you read the paper above and also open and read a second review of this author (CLICK): Biotechnology and the improvement of silage (tropical and temperate) rumen digestion: a mini-review | SpringerLink (NB: Erratum=No N Balance Data Reported in 2012 post ad hoc), the ff. points can be made regards: a) the fact that limitations in certain amino acid synthesis in microbial metabolism for phenylalanine (PHE), leucine (LEU) and isoleucine (ILE) and b) that amino acids are significantly accumulated in rumen fluid from dietary feeds (i. e. peptides are referred to here as free amino acids, FAA, are insignificantly low in rumen fluid when sampled after feeding) there is a need to address these two metabolic factors when boosting ruminal microbial cell protein (MCP), e. g. TF regulating rate-limiting synthesis of those amino acids, and boosting rate-limiting transfer processes of amino acids intracellularly; this perceived to be v. advanced considering the complexity of the regulatory systems for cell transport processes that are to be regulated, at this time. 4) Lastly, we have to go to Pakistan as an outreach, in particular for such outreach to address their feeding systems and problems for meeting demands for food security (including the peace and order situation) and sustainability to export markets for that Central part of the Asian continent.

10. Microbial Interactions and Protein Utilization in Ruminant Stomach and their Efficiency of Cattle. Resource personnel to turn to: D. A. Flores; and K. Gregg, H. J. Flint, R. J. Wallace, D. E. Beever, G. A. Broderick, and R. L. Baldwin.

The discovery of the factors explaining the lack of efficiency in protein digestion due to microbial interactions and energy and amino acids metabolism in the rumen stomach of sheep. 1) Introduction of modified rumen microbial spp. were observed to be washed out of the rumen rather than competing/senescing; 2) Limiting factors are sugar availability and energy (ATP) and also protein amino acid availability primarily as oligopeptides towards microbial cell protein (MCP) synthesis; 3) The microbial cells may be also limited in their transport rates of oligopeptides primarily across their cell membranes; 4) Further, molecular-based characterization of microbial cell metabolism and cell modeling: uncoupling, mitogenesis, apoptosis, cell signaling, transport of cell processes.

11. Beef, Dairy and Porc Production as Supported by Emerging Feeds of the Aquatic Plant Type.  Water hyacinth (planned for Philippines and BC Canada) and Duckweed (studied in Australia) as Green Fodders Alleviating the Demand for Soy Protein from Resource Stretched Countries Like Brazil, the USA, the Philippines and Vietnam with Respect to Importing Countries (e. g. PR China).  Issues of zoonoses in modern times and animal health and welfare are addressed.  An emergent feed from the aquatic world that is fast-growing, are truculent (for NV and productivity) and ecologically sound with estuarine environments in developing countries and arguably can be combined with waste water treatment for bio-organics (sans chemical toxins) and partially silted to control effluent flow in urban and peri-urban areas. Agri-retailers are to manage this feedstock, to harvest, transport and process (e. g. chopping, wet pressing), sun-drying and/or ensilage (either chemo- and bio-additives) for year-round feeding to cattle. In the Philippines, systems to be axenic in upgrade subsistence or mixed farming are: paddy farming/fish farming/farm waste effluent treatment/marine grass for fodders in place for for grazing or tree plantation farming; desalinization of paddy fields over time is avoided by using more advanced technology using lining as barriers to seepage and soil loss. Another aspect of sustainability with aquatic plant feeding is the high quality/low cost ratio of this novel resource and believed reduced effluent waste problem that results from livestock feeding (viz. ammonia levels and treatment). This nutritional related problem is believed at "SkyeBlue" to be of energy (fibrous fodders and concentrates, from grain, for e. g.) and N availability balanced for optimum use, to start with, in addition to protected protein concentrates for both adequate support of microbial protein and escape on the otherhand that also has optimum availability in digestibility through the lower tract. Hi-producers (e. g. dairy cows) could be possibly a hi-performing animal when fed with these feeding regimes.   

Aquatic plant feedcrops like water hyacinthe and duckweed are emerging 'alternative' feeds for storage and process and handling (cf. pelleting with additional supplementation) are new issues in animal feeding for large and small ruminants and pigs and even chickens, the latter being projected from 'as is' as 'greens'. The preliminaries are as ff.: ensilage over a minimum of 3 mos. with year round feeding, and dehydration or even freeze-drying via forced air, an oven in the former, and a vacuum pump in the latter. Pelleting which ff. involves grinding to a mill pore size and then blending with minerals, even vitamins, molasses and urea-N and sulfur (S). The plants can be raised, e. g., in Manila's estuaries and harvested by various entrepreneurs and transported after processing to the provinces especially for pig farming and may improve the animal's welfare and the environment, with ruminants. Remember, the fibre is of exceptional quality and productiveness is therefore ideal for dairy. Piggeries have also been looked into including where the soy crisis is eating at resources: Brazil, USA and China, would be e. g. s., where there is a predominant trade market for pork. It is unknown, as more hardy species, if aquatic plants need ecologically to be balanced by regulatory means.

12) Our Principal/Owner has underscored (3) major discoveries by ''SkyeBlue'' in the recent scientific literature and these are research areas for further research work and commercially develop (in our case, as private inventors and investors) the ff.: ''Proteino-genesis and the ''holy grail'' of rumen digestion and ruminant livestock nutrition (see: D. A. Flores)''; ''Recent Developments in Chronic Inflammation and Related Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine'' and finally, ''Agro-ecology Applied to Land Food Systems (LFS) in Our Temperate AEZ of the BC Lower Mainland in Canada with Respect to Water Hyacinth''.  It is known that there are Agricultural Research Centres around the world including countries like U.K., Canada, Australia, and in particular the British Columbian Lower Mainland in Canada.

13) "On the wire" we have evidence of a planned Ph.D. project gathered from recent research on the literature to update previous studies of D. A. Flores et al., 1986a,b; D. A. Flores, 1991; D. A. Flores, 2012 (erratum to previous), with a preamble or note that water hyacinth fodder is now a bona fide source from this aquatic plant spp. to livestock including feeding it as a silage stored and made available year-round for beef production [seagrass has been suggested as a HQ hay for hi-producing dairy on the otherhand, high in water (logging) but one-tenth in lignan content in its lignocellulosic fibre and grows in situ in concentrated tufts] in the tropics, and even water buffaloes, a native spp. for carabeef, or the same in Australian swamp crossbreeds called "tender buff", and now recommended by D. A. Flores, 2022) for both tropical and temperate (we are looking into the Arctic rainforest BC Lower Mainland of Canada) climes with use of functional feeding strategies (not outlined specifically here but found elsewhere or write for FYI info to "SkyeBlue" in the Vancouver area) including with HIS, ARG, LEU, MET, and LYS amino acids and peptides (fish meal) and support from escape protein concentrates such as soybean meal or corn meal for hi-producing or performing dairy cattle or beef cattle here in Canada. (See: https://www.scirp.org/pdf/as_2022022414472510.pdf; https://www.scirp.org/pdf/as_2022110414410773.pdf.)

14) Bioinformatics and genomics/proteomics research for Yeast (e. g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae) towards furthering D. A. Flores' research for solving the mechanism of the methylase for synthesis of Lanosterol, the continuation for towards synthesis using E. coli/yeast spp. for gene cloning and enzyme fermentation (sequentially) of active form VitD3-Agonist in ~32 steps for orthopharm manufacturing and enhancing SCP yeast formation from cheaper yeast bagasse (milled, refined with enzyme pretreatment) as a ruminant livestock hi-energy dairy and protein supplement and also for supplementing grass-fed beef stock.  In other developing countries we can start thinking of exporting feeds from the Vancouver area to supply their ranching enterprises with beef, mutton and carabeef (cf. "Tender Buff" in Australia) including the manufacturing of corned beef, carabeef and mutton. 

15) Our revolutionary novel gel chromatography that is: 1) cheaper than LC chromatography, 2) requiring feasible research for complexing or modifying the backbone (cellulose) chemically to variate pore size/solvent/hydrophobicity/mobility variables for separation, 3) the ease of polymerization from "nata" or nacre of coco mother liquor, a practice in the Filipino for fermentation of food product, 4) semi-automated processing of columnar gels and pre-packing/preformulation in solvent "carrier" with: ionic and viscousity agents, buffers, leading ionic spp., trailing ionic spp., and prefilter to concentrate diffusive bands. Requirements are to test the dye tag (DT) reagent's (a detergent) micellar behaviour on the column to stack - or unstack if the critical micellar concentration (CMC) is exceeded. Protein analytes or samples are to be prepped before multiple, high-capacity micro-delivery to mounted gel. Finally, the so-called Digitel device as licensed exclusively by the company's laser driven reader is at lambda max = dye tag reagent will be distributed after manufacture in the USA, Canada, Japan and Europe. 

(c) 1979-2059. Skye Blue Internet. Port Coquitlam, BC Canada.

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