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registry of biomedical companies

  February 16, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Bio-Risk Information of Canada

1440 Barberry Dr.
Port Coquitlam
Toll free: +011-604-941-9022

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: +011-604-941-9022
E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


 Advocating for Improving "Bio-risks" in the Livestock Production, Food and Horticulture Industries. Join our alliance for the Fraser Lower Mainland Land Food System's (LFS) for food security with trade, sourcing- e. g. buying local, with sound geo-political mindset along the way, and reliability or consistency in farming inputs and supply and sustainability to ensure continuity in food production by preserving land, water and air and weather conditions from new global warming trends.

 Agenda Items: 

1) Hormone-free. - synthetics, e. g. diethylstilbestrol (a steroidal hormone); gene-silencing to boost activity levels of hormones and agents; with natural hormones utilizing FAA feeding for GH/GRH.

2) Ab (antibiotic)-free -  DNA gene silencing techniques with PNA-B12 carriered biologics.

3) GMO-free - cf. DNA manipulation & techniques unique at "SkyeBlue" and farm produce foods (e. g. milk food products or MFP and eggs) GMO-free (labelled), as processed. Another e. g. for the future of "greening" biotech practice are trees and shrubs (inedible but extractable and bearing, e. g. the Stevia(R) shrub) for substrate like edible oils, sugar or syrups, proteins like soy for further processing, and biomaterials (like specialized rubbers) regarding land-based issues (e. g. conservation or preservation & maintenance) that are processed for non-GMO content (r-DNA and cellular).

4) Vegan - cf. to PETA's policy for the humane treatment of all animals (domesticated, companion, wildlife) in terms of their care and animal welfare rights; "clean meat" alternatives (e. g. egg white, porc, chicken, beef) from bioreactor manufacturing processing. There are outstanding aspects to this technology: 1) one being the product:phosphate is higher in this case compared to crop-sourced animal feeding, that is, a) given soil fertilization conditions and b) and lowering by feed efficiency (i.e. it is higher), and 2) yeast as the major vehicle for producing hydrolyzed building blocks such as amino acids + sugars + fats from vegetable oils and animal byproducts.

5) Organic-produced animal products and from crops produced with no chemical inputs - cf. environmentally friendly and more sustainable practices. Better alternatives from seagrass-fed beef and dairy milk cattle as bi-products of "pharming" and energy biofuel generation cheaper than organic/grass-fed alternatives in farming.

6) There are newer techniques to generate new varieties or spp. from, say two different genuses, via protoplastfusion involving fusing primed cells, allowing reconstitution, callus generation and growth of plantlets; there is also a technique called somatic embryogenesis where from different phenotypic varieties upon selection can be cloned by inserting the nuclei of a cell into a somatic cell host and generating an embryo upon differentiation for development into a callus and then plantlets, and using marker-assisted selection where with high-speed bioinformatics the desired genetic modifications are followed with each breeding cycle the selection process being key to hastening evolution of DNA modification in the breeding program of plantlets and matured varieties.  

7) An even newer or novel technology, just around the block, is gene-silencing using a biologic developed at the Univ. of Warzawa, Poland recently as a test case with protein-nucleic acid and accessory VitB12 conjugate that enters across barriers to deliver a mRNA gene silencing element as directly applied: e. g. VitB12-for microbial cell/sublingual/skin penetrating biologics; pheremonal-for insecticidal applications; auxin or auxin-like growth promoting agronomic applications with crops. These allow non-GMO approaches to biological problems with much less biorisking of human populations and their natural environments. 

 We refer you to our umbrella, informal (non-licensed) NPO - Skye Blue Association, Port Coquitlam, BC to join the e-mail list services by subscription for a minimal fee to defray costs to the association.


(c) D. A. Flores. SKYE BLUE INTERNET. Port Coquitlam. B. C. Canada V3B 1G3. 

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Last update of this entry: November 07, 2024

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