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registry of biomedical companies

  February 16, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Aussie-Filipino Cooperative Enterprises of Canada

Barberry Community House - BBL 1440 Barberry Dr
Port Coquitlam BC

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: +011-604-941-9022


An initiative in the Negros Island region (NIR) is start of a Feeds Laboratory with a Farming / Laboratory Facility for conducting animal-based experimentation, including collecting and surgically modifying animals to obtain samples, collect data by computerized facility and analyze in order to interpret results for later databasing and also for publishing on the Internet and hardcopy.  Southern Neg. Or. (Zamboanguita, Bayawan and Siaton) and Southern Siquijor are all sitios or centres for native-run R&D Agric. & Agri-Food in the Philippines planned for the near future.
Palinpinon area is a target plan to launch our Agro-Industrial programmed activity in the near future.
A basic proximal analyses laboratory for novel feeds vis-a-vis animal trials for testing their nutritive value (NV) will be set up for our Principal for SkyeBlue funded in contractual form inside a cooperative research centre or (CRC)-like organization in the Philippine Islands (PI).  
1. Grasses and Legumes in pastured acreage useful for "long fibres" (known for their advantage as to production of acetate for milk production in terms of providing 'rafts' in the microbially digesting rumen stomach) and N supplementation of fibrous agricultural residual (FAR) feeds using typical commercial paddocks for increased cost-efficiency. 
For tropical-based dairy farming we are working with possibilities in grass fodders and other FAR residual feeding regimens for Holstein, Jersey/Ayrshire, Caramilk Buffalo stock (Italian-Filipiniensis), and Caprine spp.: e. g. s. "giant" Pangolas and other tropical/subtropical grass spp., marine seagrasses, water hyacinth (Lilly), bagasse from sugarcane for milling and SSF processing, sugarcane tops (SCT), duckweed, straws (rice), stover (corn, sorghum), haulms (vines from legume crops). 
For some fodders for their year-round harvest (continuous) in tropical/subtropical conditions we are working on making them sun-dried for lower Aw (water activity) to improve their Nutritive Value (NV) comparable to haylage and using another ensilage process called solid-substrate fermentation (SSF) to improve protein supplementation of the feedstock.  It is also when further highly processed a potentially very valuable feed source for alcohols bioenergy fermentation and in future Bio-Kerosene.  For Bio-Kerosene, and together with Isobenzoprene Nitrile (e. g. hard synthetic asphalt road plating) competing feedstocks are low-lignin sequestering marine seagrasses (tufting spp.), agave (of tequila fame), aloe vera in addition to haylage or SSF feedstocks.
2. Use of yeast-based feeding with the proprietarily designed HISystem(TM) feeding (Histidine, Arginine, Lysine and Methionine with Leucine) method similar in fermentation production by the Singapore-based and well-known Japanese Ajinomoto FAA manufacturer useful for livestock like cattle, dairy, sheep, goats, pigs (& poultry as in broilers & layers) and developing at SkyeBlue as to their performance parameters with respect to their physiological/biomolecular basis for growth, development and reproduction. 
3. SCT or sugarcane tops, bagasse and paddy straw as FAR with perspectives in ensilage similar to those pointed out for water hyacinth and fed with supplementation approaches using biproduct protein/energy and methods with ensilage to determine quality including nutritive value (NV) due to nitrogen (N) utilization. Improving organic matter (OM) digestibility is through solid-substrate fermentation (SSF) or ensilage of the 'dry' kind with FAR.
4. Aquatic plants (e. g. water hyacinth, duckweed, seagrasses, seaweed and other assorted various aquatic plant spp.) with perspectives in improving farming subsistence using eco-farming practices such as expanding rice paddy farming practice including treatment processing farm wastewater towards irrigation onfarm with aquatic water hyacinth to silting of water in paddy fields, it's pumping back into the water table's acquifers, the harvesting and ensilage via storage practices for cattle feeding including draught primarily during the growing season and for maintenance and for feeding any calves and milking caracows to produce beef and milk for the farm and to sell to abbatoires and for raising breeders for sale or trade on the open market or kept as liquid assets as an investment in future. Harvesting and pond management will be carried out by both manual labour and machinery (e. g. pontoon-driven processing mechanics) (e. g. John Deere or Finning equipment may be employed).
5. A planned Aussie ''Tender-Buff'' Ranchero Project at Palinpinon NegOr Philippines.  We will be trying to involve the feeding of highly processed coconut midrif and SCT from sugarcane in field farming with hi-tech automated (IR activated on remote visual by Internet) stun gunnery using lofted drones from a HQ location to collect and corale them for trailer/trucking before humane slaughter in an A-class abbatoire, e. g. by Cargill, for canning to corned tender buff for export to South Asia and SE Asia and perhaps C. Asia in future (cf. mutton vs tender buff from briskette). We are hoping the best for industrial development in the Philippines with carabeef. As we understand, caramilk is to be also produced by calving animals and is already a recognized fine raw material for pastille. We believe at ''SkyeBlue'' that seasoned deli-like flavoured product in a corned beef loaf might help appetize consumers towards this product*. They may be exported via Vancouver BC Canada after further processing (cf. Home Foodies by D. A. Flores at Wix.com; Antonello Tomaso Ranchero Information Enterprises of Canada at Hum-molgen.org).  
    The new so-called PNA-B12/Auxin or ARF technology with conjugated or carriered biologics for microbial systems for functional food production, pharma production and enzyme manufacturing; cropping systems and other horticultural enterprise including conventional and subhydroponics for various botanicals (water hyacinthe, duckweed, algae, seagrasses, and seaweed, which would be for food processing & animal fodder producgion; and finally, stem cell technology for transplantation therapy in medicine or biopharma production.
   Three breakthroughs are expected with the ff. developments: a) XL-Grow(TM) varieties (non-GMO) especially with the growing premium for land use with capitalization requirements to processing (e. g. pelleting) and packaging for importing/export, b) bio-safe and weather-adapted GMO facilities developed on land for lucrative pharma production using our proposed anti-pollinating secoundary plant alkaloid agents, and finally (c) the very lucrative use of energy biofuel manufacturing, e. g. bio-ethanol, bio-isobutanol and in future biokerosene, in the Philippines.
*Per corned loaf: An addition of 1 1/2 tsp each of dried parsley, rosemary, cumin and dill and a pinch of sugar and a few pinches of salt in addition to curing salts. Serving suggestion: You can further layer fine English marmalade and aspic (from powder) layered on a toasted buttered English muffin or a French croissante.

(c) D. A. Flores. 2023-2050. SKYE BLUE INTERNET. Port Coquitlam. B. C. Canada V3B 1G3.  

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Last update of this entry: June 15, 2024

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