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registry of biomedical companies

  July 27, 2024
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Global Social Nationalists of Canada

1440 Barberry Drive
Port Coquitlam

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      We are intended to explore all avenues available for implementation of biotechnologies and other related high technologies towards industrial growth and human resource development and of the management and exploitation of natural resources in the developing world including in the Russian republics, parts of West Asia, Central Asia, the Far East of Asia and Russia, Southern Asia, and beyond onto Cuba, Latin America and in the Sahel and the sub-Saharan African (SSA) Continental region.  

     Aims to build on a regulatory policy with a resolution to carry out the option in higher technology and biotech, in particular, to play a future role to help build a greener economy with bioresource renewability and sustainability, to further the profitability of its developing economy in areas such as foods in nutrition, biopharmaceuticals, in the future in the medical or healthcare fields biomedical equipment, biofuels and cost-effective biomaterials including bioplastics (e.g. PLA), and other fine specialty chemicals or materials (e.g. hi-impact vamp materials from IBPN from methane(g) or plant fibre like pulp), upgrading crops through mutagenesis and protoplasmic fusion and marker-assisted selection (MAS) with breeding (e.g.s. forages, grains, pulses, vegetables, shrubs and tree crops with out moratorium on GMO technology using non-GMO alternatives as with PNA "direct applied" technology (e. g. silage feeds, feeds digestion along G.I. tract, lactation, meat production, and aquaponically raised cropping and fish stocks in captivity acting synergistically each to their benefit) and protoplasmic fusion/low-level mutagenesis) and livestock through artificial breeding with in vitro reproductive techniques. 

    The national agenda in the Philippine republic, for development with the role technology plays through widespread reform is geared towards improving: (1) socio-economic factors or indicators for growth with knowledge-based industries, (2) technology transfer and (3) domestic & foreign investment towards furthering initiatives for development using financing from overseas banks and foreign aid, wishing to further Filipino development. There is a need to address: (1) the need for progress towards greater national awareness, loyalty and national reintegration, (2) civil society and its peace and law & order situation, (3) interventive authoritative rule & discipline for its corrective values, (4) effective legal enforcement of ethical practices and values towards the labour code, and other regulatory practices, (5) like anti-graft corruption legislation with civil society and government, (6) also within the family's social structure or unit in bylaw socio-ethics, and the need for cooperativity between groups, (7) including synergy between communities and their unique perspective, (8) the need for law to maintain and even further enhance human resource competencies through training resulting in eventual human resource upgrading and (9) better awareness through increased acculturation with the state-of-affairs of foreign lands and between various emigre groups abroad, in order to guard against significant 'diaspora' which has apparently taken hold already in the Philippine islands and eventually the mass "brain drain" with locals. 

     The principle of technology represents tools that require innovation, technological capacity and resource mobilization and acquisition and its regulation. We believe that adaptation and our resolve can eventually result in positive outcomes when the right technological applications are in place together with their regulatory use. 

  In examples, like the Philippines islands, high-technology initiatives already exist but bridging the gap between political stability, good governance, still lingering poorly-run educational institutions of higher learning (we have great faith in government resulting in considerable or significant and meaningful infrastructural upgrading of facilities and services locally for the country), a well-run civil society, a good private sector-run business climate and in particular problems of urban blight with mass overpopulation such as wide pockets of poverty, disease, illiteracy and widely-occurring poorer infrastructure (still pervasive in the Philippines today), and opting for the role of high technology in industry with greater investment by big business, from government and the local private sector are ongoing dealing with advancing technology before these issues and its further continued investment becomes a clear option towards development.

   At "SkyeBlue" we recommend that the emphasis of development be shifted from regions that have natural resource basis and rich human resource potential as a projected civilized African continent including problematic countries in Kenya and Tanzania to less fortunate resourced countries in Asia like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Laos and Cambodia and the developing Philippine Islands where large predominant pockets of poverty still lie waiting to be addressed.

   There is a need to support more realistic scenarios of cooperative socialism and attention to nationalistic spirit and values and programming in government to implement them successfully using a meritocratic system of rewards with checks and balances and establish coops for labour code improvement and other investment possibilities including in oil exploration in the Western Philippine Sea also known as the South China Sea by both American and European and other local oil company concerns to help leverage industrial growth in the Philippines for its own development, providing jobs and incomes and most importantly goods and service commodities for trade development including with China, a superpower in the region. This is to state also that the Philippines has a right to claim the whole Sea's oil wealth and its responsibility to set up a limited quota system amongst nations in the region for direct trade in oil commodities. It is rumoured that the U.N. will be required to avert imperialistic tendencies amongst world powers who exploit rather than policing the region as they should, e. g. piracy and terrorism and even overt declarations of war and attack.     


SKYEVIEW: The emergence of certain new technology we follow and study at 'SkyeBlue' will apparently lead to revolutionary movements in agriculture and food production including the development and fielding of so-called dual-purpose cultivars and such ecologically adapted sourced fodders as water hyacinth for swine and as ensiled for cattle and dairy production. As we know as dual-purposed or designed the residuals in cultivars which were first mentioned in Australia in biotech cropping can now be regulated and produced as projected using fine-biological RNA agents as directly applied to cropping like rice straw or corn stover in the Philippines, for e. g., can be harvested, post-harvest treated and stored prior to feeding to livestock allowing a simpler subsistent farmer the capacity to raise by feeding mixed farming situations expanding considerably their repertoire of animal product output and animal services including capital retention or investment and financing through sale of such capital. Water hyacinth cropping in estuarine waters on the other can be used for swine or piggery production to spare environmental destroying due to over farming soybean cropping sparing it and leading to better guarded environmental protection; the pollution problem due to swine production from effluent wastes that goes untreated can also be averted with replacement on land of water hyacinth ensilage fodder-fed cattle for beef or dairy as alternative and viable commodities to porc production. (See also: The E-mail Time & News - Current Events on this website.)  

SKYEVIEW: The ETC Group, (there are other examples of non-Governmental-related organizations, FAO, Rome Italy and the BIO) received recognition for their leader's prognostication and foresight towards the advancement of breakthroughs mentioned in the preceding in areas of science, law, sociology, international aid, economics and trade, genetic engineering with biotechnology, emerging nanotechnology including treatment in medicine, geoengineering and natural resource exploration and exploitation and neurosciences and genomics.

SKYEVIEW: From Africa is a new study of 4 (Ghana, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo) of the 8 fastest growing economies among the top ten of 2011 world-wide accounted for their growth, in part, from agriculture including cash crops and other agricultural commodities.  Increasing democratization and the stability it brings has brought with it reversal of diaspora of young, skilled professionals and much needed investment back to their countries.  Further policy changes including key commodity diversification and on commodities in demand internationally and for rising commodity prices and need for the practice of entrepreneurship, key to operating business and creating jobs and spread of business, were mentioned. Its possible to think that the "bread basket" of SSA is going to become more of a reality for overseas destinations including their current relations with other foreign countries (e. g. the emigre Chinese population). 

SKYEVIEW: The recent reports out of the Philippines and any sign of integration by government action of biotechnology indicates initiatives and organizations from government first of all and perhaps industry will follow.  The Heads of State outlined their views regards "nation building" and the role of "integration of technology" as a matter of "national welfare" as biotechnology would serve the predominant sector of the economy, agriculture and food; they commented that biotechnology has increased by leaps and bounds in the populace in terms of awareness due largely by the social media's efforts to inform the public of such technologies and professionally; also, they require that all technologies be environmentally and consumer safe with the use of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) responsibly.

SKYEVIEW: The labour migration in the Philippines with recent brain drain or 'diaspora' has shown that retention of skilled, high quality labour can make a significant change in economic outlook or is a premium economic gain.  Other contributing factors such as trade including energy and natural resources, overseas BPO investing in the country domestically, surge in foreign investment and strong diplomatic ties of a regional/localized 'geopolitical' nature or bloc are also weighed in but the former is touted as the strongest of factors. 

SKYEVIEW: In more rural AUSTRALIA, the developed country that it is, and developing countries like the Philippines, developmental theory "has taken a turn" in furthering small farm/mixed farming in the agricultural sector and their industries.  Large multi-nationals are proposing fielding themselves as agents for agricultural "positive encroachment" and other positive input/output influences (e. g. s. energy, mechanization, expertise, importation with trade).  These are the perscribed effects on the national economy: (1) jobs may be lost, (2) there may be outstanding social issues of what is claimed, that is, displacement towards greater industrialization in the agri field sector, upward bouyancy in the economy including price indices, profitability, stronger demand and improved competitiveness and product quality. The Philippine Islands will be used as one example, possibly, for development.  The Philippines Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is now intensively involved in integrating biotechnology in Philippine agriculture which will help jumpstart the new economy.

SKYEVIEW: With growing oil being discovered off the west in the South China Sea which the Philippines is claiming within their 200 nautical mi. limit economic zone of interest there is a question asked as to basis in the economy that it takes to absorb the wealth (i. e. royalties in payment from oil exploration, refining and distribution outlet cos.) which will answer first of all to the domestic demand for energy by the burgeoning population for electricity, transportation and tourism (i. e. aviation, sea vessels, rail, and semi-trailer freight). What is the banking system? A Saudi Arabian model is suggested with aegis of the Canadian Central Bank, exemplary of a very traditionally strong banking system, that has help absorb profits, create asset and equity, leverage stock investments in industry in the corporate world, help control the consumer price index (CPI), and monitor economic growth or performance and encourage safe and high interest investment from overseas.  It is believed that a strong banking system will provide the support to build a stronger, stable economy with appreciable GNP growth >5% per annum.  The likely clients of this new oil wealth will be the growing, vibrant industrialization and remarkable capitalization of the sub-continent Indian economy and funded perhaps by their state-run oil multi-national, Oil India Ltd. (OIL), with an alternative scenario involving BP Shell, a v. large multi-national running exploration, oil extraction in the Philippine South China Sea for the Philippines in armistice between the two shared countries using the projected oil wealth.

SKYEVIEW: The recent developments here in Canada of initiatives to start new Canadian-Russian relations and exchange of technology, training and trade to help develop the rural Russian federation including the exchange of resource commodities (e. g. wheat, liquified natural gas (LNG), oil, forestry products, potash).  Banking and financial services to business enterprises could be used to set up investment opportunities from overseas, loans, mortgages and other financial services with Canadian banks to help control money supply and inflation or market prices or help fix prices in a more regulation economy and for economic stimulus and exchange, regulate trading on the stock exchange, counter money laundering and its activity in the black market.  There is growing trend in urban areas to expand and satellite in urban centres and increase capacity, quota and level of training that is adaptive to industry needs in Canada also proposed for Russia especially with business programs to address the entrepreneurial needs of the market place.  This will be a big precipitator of business activity and economic development which is now true in the African continent.  Jobs from industry creation of commercial activity will provide real financial and professional opportunities for the population.  Alternative fuels such as bioethanol will eventually serve the shortfall in the rural market of Russia including its ends in transportation (e. g. efficient long-haul, Mag-Lev lines are proposed) and rural infrastructure (i. e. roads, bridges, utilities, including extensive hydro dams in addition to alternative "green" bioenergy which will assure Russian energy self-sufficiency, communications, and ports).  The latter can be drawn from USA/Canadian expertise used successfully in that country.  It should also be mentioned that good governance that does not corrupt civil society by compromise with outside criminal elements, that is liberal and progressive in regulation and legislation of society, government and business, but also has regulatory and even authoritarian elements for a conservative but uncorrupted, meritorious society should be used nationally and locally. Democratic systems of representation and majority rule is called for that is answerable and that is dynamic. 

SKYEVIEW: Ferrari and Tata Motors of India's advances to develop and mass manufacture the first prototype pedicab-a-van commuter vehicle for use around the islands versus other bidders for similar contracts with the Philippine government including local reports from Dumaguete City in Engineering to help partner with American-European interests and Chinese financiers helping further shape the futures for infrastructural engineering and design of transportation in the Negros Island Region (NIR). There are also reports here in Canada and back in Dumaguete City of Negros island that certain southern European interests would immigrate and take up and assume responsibilities and other business operationals together with investors in hand to set up model enterprises in support of American investments near the Kabangkalan, Negros Occidental flagging the socio-economic and labour balance implied by such a move regards the job creation in a nexus with locals from investors, labour code enactments and the need for further upgrading in the way of progressively moving to the mini-concept car and mini-concept SUV industry.  

SKYEVIEW: Regards the "pedi-power movement" is the question of investor confidence at the tail-end of vehicular car rental or ownership especially with outside investors (e. g. non-locals, foreign nationals, expatriate permanent residents) possessing hard currency (USD$ or CAD$). It is estimated that a chassised vehicle at 1/3 to the conventional car would require an initial investment of USD$35,000 and thus with 10 investors about USD$10,000 total initial layout including licensing fees and taxes. There will have to be bidding system for licensing at a regulated surcharge fee. The new planned rail transport system for freight in the province will consist of laying new track and use of German-built locomotives to service Sugarlandia and service local freight up and down the island with containerized vessels from local designed and manufactured trucks (buses are currently fabricated locally on the island) serviced from containerized ports such as those in Dumaguete/Bacong, Dumaguete/Sibulan, Dumaguete, Bais/Tanjay, Silay, and Bacolod. 

SKYEVIEW:  The Dual Design Strategy for the tropics/subtropics are for use in the summer months of the dry season are the open tent model of C-car cabs or the monsoon/colder months of the closed, fully housed  C-car cabs  with the ff. advantages, that are, better mileage and ambiance in hot weather for the former and better safety from collision, weatherproofing, interior control and greater added value to profitability. Examples of countries that could field this schema of design vehicles are Mainland China (Peoples Republic), ROC (Taiwan) and  the Philippines. It is believed that this can also be applied to commuter vehicles similarly in temperate or cold climate/summer countries.  We have to mention here the cross-over designs that are possible with any given vehicles for fuel savings year round.

SKYEVIEW: Can social media from your computer, ipad or other PDA be used for advertising further the: "seagrass movement"? There are new T. V. programming trends that can be used similarly "interactively" with Youtube.com that combines natural history, documentary television of tourism and contemporary culture, exploring the naturalistic world exploring the world of wildlife, anthropology & cultural heritage and world-wide country development: viz. socio-economics, geo-political, socio-cultural history, foreign-military relations and treaties etc., CCTV (KCTS 9 Vancouver B. C. CANADA) is one such successful product now airing for the benefit of multi-cultural group in the Pacific Northwest. The "seagrass movement" is unique in its message to this type of programming surrounding issues of technological development and the challenges along with it, ethical issues around the applications of biotechnological studies with marine plant spp. and livestock [cf. Dolly the first cloned sheep, and the Enviropig(R)] and the modern socio-economic changes it will bring to the local agri-food industries due to biotech diversification, jobs from semi-labour-intensive and capital intensive (inputs, infrastructure and energy) and coop movements involving shared resources, profit-sharing, and outstanding issue of competitiveness, product quality, adaptability to innovation and diversification.  

SKYEVIEW: The new world order according to the diplomatic Russian point of view is that of a balance of power of cooperation and development across different zones or regions the world over not militarism. To illustrate this a possible alliance across the Philippine Western Sea also known as the South China Sea with the Spratleys in dispute as a strategic area and with potential energy oil wealth for the region and beyond including the Philippine nation's push as the new miracle "Tiger Economy" of SE Asia is that of ties between Russia, China, India and Vietnam amidst the American viewpoint of peace or security measures strategically required to adopt a stance between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea and thus plans to engage the Indonesian archipelagic national strategy in terms of development pushes in addition to courting Filipino participation in military tactical operations or simulated defensive war games in that part of the world. Hoping that these new alliances will serve the purpose of building stability in this part of the world. Politics and the rest that follows with diplomacy and negotiation, etc. will be the substance of relations. But to ward off confrontations or potential threats the U. S. would opt for military precautionary per adventure in its world-wide push to secure peace and order.

SKYEVIEW: Demand for energy and food will grow in the U.S. in terms of shifting sourcing supply from places like Mexico, California and Canada amidst the growing trend for growing and buying local due to supply logistics (e. g. transportation and handling) and going organic which albeit is more expensive but more sustainable. There are plans to source the African continent for food and horticultural crops to transported by sea and air such as fruits, roots crops, grains and other staples, produce (i. e. vegetables) meat, flowers (e. g. roses, tulips, carnations), as examples, as the changing scenarios around the world grow from food alone to sourcing farm or agri-waste for bioenergy production such as the NexGen hi-density alcohols such as grain straw or stover in places like China, C. Asia, Russia, Canada (including Western Canada), the U.S.A., Brazil, India, and Australia. A world-wide enterprise no doubt that will spell the new picture between food and the need to generate the diversified product of energy, at least in the U.S.A. In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) the remake of Africa as a new "bread basket" for food and other commodities will spell a new era of renewed infrastructural building and investments, including multinationals in places like Mozambique, co-ops to pool resources and improve sustainability and efficiency for better competitiveness and output, microeconomic ventures in food and transportation to help local economies fledge themselves, serving on the whole as a new international hub for trade and interchange for the whole of the African continent, at least further south from another gateway, Egypt in northern Africa.

SKYEVIEW: How does the Philippines figure in U.S. foreign policy in the Pacific with oil wealth rearing it's head in the Far East.  It is believed that American allied amid the Indian Ocean and Far East have polarized against China and Russia with Philippine President Duterte's new policy towards China and Russia. Americans have to show more favour to Filipinos due to their interests in energy in the Far East.  There will be more ingress by China in the area and polarization between Russia and China and the U.S. amidst U.S. interests for the same in energy.  The Philippine foreign policy is to pursue their oil reserves for the region and quota their portion for local industry and development of the country.  The favoured trading status and technology transfer and other exchanges, engender a safer Pacific Rim and diffuse any polarization between superpowers and encourage a better community of nations.  One of the spin-offs will be a stronger tourist market with better investment standards similar to Hawaii's example which is much vaunted by the Americans. 

SKYEVIEW: We are supporting the slogan for government to: "Support oil wealth in the Philippines by building progress with industrialization and commercialization," through a planning Ministry of Social Development for Commerce and Trade. Under the current government with Pangulo or Presidente Ferdinand E. Marcos, Jr., it would further socialism in the Philippines targeting the critical strata of the working class (the majority of citizens) and the rest (for poverty reduction) of the base of society to encourage fair and humane employment policies that are progressive for better commerce (with the new oil wealth) and export/import companies for goods and services as part of the GNP (total whole) including with critical countries like PR China and their sphere of influence (Macao, Hong Kong, Mongolia (inner and outer), Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan and what was formerly referred to as Formosa). Technology transfer, investments from foreigners and foreign loans will be critical to its beginnings and success. Let's begin nation-building in the Philippines now.

(c) D. A. Flores. SKYE BLUE INTERNET. Port Coquitlam. BC. Canada V3B 1G3. 

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