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registry of biomedical companies

  February 12, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Cell Biotech Information Canada

Immuno-Pharm for Life
C. -B.
Toll free: +011-604-941-9022 (help line)

Phone: +011-604-945-8408 (landline)
Fax: +011-604-941-9022 (FAX line)


Perspectives for Developmental & Cell Biology



Our research areas of current interest is with contentions to growth and development, the immune system, animal production, health & welfare in both humans and the animal model. 

  • RNA-based fine biochemicals for GRO-class Immuno-Therapy and Immunomodulation in Metabolomics and Disease.
  • Models in cell-based activatable therapeutics (CATs) of the immune system using sheep as a standpoint (e. g. a novel schema for neuro-immunotargeting in cancer treatment, theoretical at this point).
  • The lower molecular weight [LMW] - proteome and pharma discovery with musco-regulatory factors (MRFs) and muscle tissue development and regulation for productive end products and health.
  • The use of lithium and umbilical cord blood cells to restore function in chronic complete spinal cord injury as an adjunct to neurological drugs of the brain in mental health treatment of bipolar conditions.
  • Speculation (just with) with energy efficiency utilization at the cell level and the role p38, TNF-alpha and mitogenesis with longevity or lifespan. There is research continuing in these areas at UNSW, Sydney and Harvard medical schools for those interested.
  • VitD and fructan and their interactions with p38 and their role in immuno-modulating lower-intensity the chronic inflammatory response in: atherosclerosis, T2Diabetes, hypertension, and multiple sclerosis, with still new pharma to be discovered.
  • Fructan and APP (aminopeptide protected) feeding in Animal Production. An e. g. being, the use of peptide generation via enzyme or peptidase fermentation and then used with extruded grain as in pelleted feed supplements with added urea-molasses and their role in determining the efficiency of microbial biomass turnover in ungulate stomachs. This now has applications to efficiency for productivity of farming animals and should be of research interest in future.
  • dsRNA technology with PCS delivery systems in adjuvant with feeding in the rumen is another approach. The mastitic control for the boosted (GMO) or hi-producing dairy cow's udder is another use for this direct or topical possible treatment. 
  • There is a question of what therapeutic modalities, viz. including genetic counselling with stem cell therapy will emerge from research in this potentially vast area encompassing cell development & physiology and also the pharma that can be derived from studying further various mind-body axies (e. g. brain<->organosomal systems and other links) in the further analysis of the depleted, plasmoidal LMW-proteome.
  • Cardiac-arterio transcriptome is to be further investigated for artherosclerotic given to build-up in blood vessels leading away from the cardiac muscles or heart and further down.  Multiple quadruple bypass indicates susceptibility at points near the heart tissue and possibly further out.  TFE and transcriptomics could serve as new biologic pharma for treating atherosclerosis rather as opposed to surgical intervention, balloon intubations/stent therapy.

E.G. Cell therapeutic approach recently has been introduced in research and is undergoing evaluation as to its efficacy. We will be reporting on this as it unfolds.
Reports are out already from specific cases in clinical trials involving T-cell targeted immunity against non-Hodgkins lymphoma cancerous blood cells proved to bring about remission in treated patients over a 2 yr period. 
Fig. 1. New Perspectives in Immunomodulation:  Neuro-Immuno targeting with Cancers Using Cell-Based Therapies.
A. Adaptive Immunity:
    Putative Neurhormones
                  AR (=adrenoreceptors)
                  DC (=dendritic cells)
                  |   |
                  |   |
                  |   |
                  |   |
                  |   - -------------------> 1) Complement----- -
                  |                                   Opsonization       |
                  |                                                               |--->  Apoptosis with Multiple Solid Tumours /
                  |                                                               |       Malignancies, e. g. leukaemia
                  - ----------------------> 2) Phagocytosis---- - 
B.  Genetic Engineering of Blood Cell Lines for Cell-based Therapies:
       Cell Modification                        Cell Modification                 
           Technology:                               Technology:
     (1)         TFs                               (1) Viral Vectors
                    |                                        Tempered:                                            
                    |                                                |
                    |                                  (a) Constructed with
                   V                                       Receptors to Foreign                        
    (2) Blood Cell Line A                       Peptide Antigen from
         Transfusion                                Tumour Cell Biopsy
         (Scalable)                                   (see (3) below)
                    |                                  (b) Constructed with
                    |                                       Coat protein containing
                    |                                       the Foreign Peptide
                    |                                       Antigen
   (3) Neurohormonal                     (c) Enhancement with Multiple
        Expression &                              Viral Vectors due to MHC restriction
        Secretion                               (d) Programmed to be quiescent until
                    |                                      Stage of Blood Cell Line Transfusions
                    |                                                |           
                    |                                               V
              Boosted                           (2)  Blood Cell Line B
                  DC                                     Express Antigenic
                    |                                       Determinants
    Signal Transduction                        (Quiescent) & Tranfusion Scalable
            Pathways:                                       |
                    |                                               | (Transfects)
   (1) Th cell activation                                V
   (2) Th cell expansion                 (3) (a) Tumour-Specific Cells &
   (3) Th differentiation                                |
         to cell line (specific)                  (b) Indications (e. g. malignancies)
   (4) Tc cell antigenic deter-                       |
         minant expansion                              |
                    |                                             V
                    |                               Boosted Expression of Antigenic Determinants
                    - ----------------------->on Cancer Cell Surface (in X103 scale)
                                                    Grandfathered Technologies
                                                    (Use of various proprietary technologies, e. g.
                                                    CAR-T (R) Cell Technologies with T cells by
                                                    MaxCyte (R), Gaithersburg, MD
                                                    Cytolysis via               Apoptosis of Multiple Solid Cancerous
                                                    Opsonization---------> Tumours / Malignancies, e. g. leukaemia
                                                    is Considerably
(c) D. A. Flores. 2018. Skye Blue Publications. Port Coquitlam. British Columbia CANADA V3B1G3


Drug Discovery with Boosted Dairy Lactoferrin Using Small Molecule Biopharma for Heart Health.

It was quoted recently from a paper that, "The question that confronts the issue of manipulating dairy lactoferrin in milk in terms of composition (and as it would also follow, total output), significantly boost medicinal-conferring milk food proteins (e. g. casein, alpha-lactalbumin and lactoferrin are examples of those of interest in the scientific literature) which likely serve a protective role against chronic inflammation, is with what therapeutic drug discovery using small molecular tools can we carry our search further with?" [D. A. Flores. 2016. Editorial. Biomolecular and Medicine J. @ dannflores9. wordpress.com.] It is believed at Skye Blue that small molecular analogues to p38, a molecule that addresses the 'suite' of chronic inflammatory markers [D. A. Flores. 2013. Overview Paper. Biomolecular and Medicine J. @ dannflores7.wordpress.com], that are 'recalcitrant' to breakdown could be used therapeutically for heart-health, for example, by single amino acid residue substitutions without affecting tertiary considerations to subunit and allosteric structure or function. A so-called 'proteosis' cascade of events will kinetically determine the half-life given the avidity of binding of p38 as ligand.


Boosting 'Medicinal' Milk Proteins for Heart Health: the Search for Transcription Factors to Caprine Lactoferrin.

The modern molecular genetics of caprine (goat) dairy function (viz. yield or output, milk content or composition,%) has advanced in recent years with finds elucidating the SNP (single nuclear polymorphisms or mutations) in DNA with chromosomal (c'somal) position (viz. their numbering).  Microsatellite tracts consisting of repetitive DNA sequences with certain DNA motifs are repeated 5-50X (times) with DNA microarrays- point oligo-DNA arrays, as probes binding to cDNA or cRNA called targets that are appropriately labelled, used for fine-mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) determinations, or how significantly a QTL point locus correlates statistically with a phenotypic parameter. However, there have been limitations from "old school" standpoints regards low resolution limited by the statistical confidence limit intervals to a certain significance level. A recent study reported by Shopen et al. (2011) [in Marcel Amills et al., 2012, Genetic Factors that Regulate Milk Protein and Lipid Composition in Goats, Intech, Chap. 1], demonstrated significant association between loci in c'somal positions: 5, 6, 11, & 14 to milk protein composition. For our purposes at Skye Blue of producing GMO goats with boosted caprine lactoferrin (cLF) milk protein for medicinal purposes, a preliminary find that points to regulatory genes (transcription factors, TFs) is a trans-effect in bovine cattle that could apply to sheep and goats of an SNP locus affecting c'some 11 &14 for alpha-casein unit one protein (a major casein protein) while residing in position c'some 6.


(c) D. A. Flores. 2003-2050. SKYE BLUE INTERNET. Port Coquitlam. BC. Canada V3B 1G3.  All rights reserved.            

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