Registry of biomedical companies:
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30 alobour city cairo egypt
Phone: +202 46651848 Fax: +202 46651847 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Egyptian company for Biotechnology with the brand name : “Spectrum-Diagnostics” is a specialized company in the field of development, Manufacturing and marketing top quality Laboratory diagnostics. We are fully independent and with the contribution of our skilful, hard-working and aggressively researching R&D team, our unique MiCroStab® mix has been formulated. It gives the liquid chemistry reagents the maximum affordable stability which enhances linearity, reproducibility ,reliability and sensitivity . Our Marketing team succeeded to position spectrum as one of the leading manufacturers of chemical diagnostics in Egypt, Africa, Middle East and recently European Union markets. We are know Satisfy all the requirements of our distributors in the following countries: 1) Saudi Arabia 2) Emirates 3) Morocco 4) Sudan 5) Somalia 6) Syria 7) Lebanon 8) Pakistan 9) Yemen 10) Libya 11) United Kingdom. 12) Italy 13) Romania 14) Poland 15) SriLanka 16 )Nepal 17) Colombia 18)Ghana Our progressive growth year after year in all markets reflects the principles behind our success, which simply could be summarized in three key drivers; 1st driver is the continuous multidimensional research process to develop better quality at low cost products, 2nd driver is secure better stability for our products and the 3rd is customization of our products range in the appropriate package to satisfy the needs of booth small and mega labs. way we communicate with customers is a continuous process based on creating a real beneficial partnership. In our communication with customers we try always to ensure Maximum utility and profitability from each drop our customers rely on it, to help in diagnosis of patients to optimize the medical care for this patient. We do believe that our customer satisfaction is not the success parameter but we think for customer loyalty for all spectrum products as the success parameter. Our future plan is to expand the spectrum of our products range to provide the full range service to our customers. Our products line includes: (1) Clinical Chemistry (2) Coagulation (3) Serology (4) Infectious Diseases (4) Blood grouping Reagent (5) Urine Strips and rapid test (6) Semi auto chemistry analyzer (7) HBA1c Analyzer
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Last update of this entry: September 18, 2019