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registry of biomedical companies

  January 23, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Life Industry Parks Information Canada

A Skye Blue Internet Co.
Toll free: +011-604-941-9022 (help line)

Phone: (604)-945-8408 - local
Fax: (604)-941-9022 (FAX line)

Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


For planning the "techno-landscape", however, emphasizing a more rural context or setting amongst communities and industrial sites which we will leave for later; in actual fact perhaps a more reasonable site plan would be urban using environmental consulting services, sourcing of resources both natural, human and training resources and infrastructural needs (e. g. utilities, roads, bridges, telecommunications, transportation, aviation, etc.), financial resources and institutions, and all ancilliary infrastructure as with housing, commercial, local government administrative and public services (e. g. hospital, police, fire, ambulance, licensing, etc.), parks & recreational board facilities and public works, as examples.

     The further "greening" of the life sciences landscape with the life sciences hub planned in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia BC CANADA addresses issues in restructuring engineering landscape where already mechanized engineering is over proficient and increased automation is called for.  More applications in bioengineering is called for including applications in health (including bioanalytics in diagnostics and therapeutics), foods, energy, specialty materials, and nanotechnology and its new image as a new revolutionary approach of imitating and/or manipulating nanobiological mechanisms for productive ends.

Caution: There is no offer of representation outstanding to any party public or private in industry, academe or amongst NGOs at this time for the entity "FHTM" to operate as conceived, but simply stands as a construct and guide for future planning for industrial / rural research & development start-ups and multi-nationals within the Lower Fraser Valley.

SKYEVIEW: Skye Blue's association has announced that it will serve as an NGO-related organization accepting donations towards supporting worthy causes in community conservation and towards a 'greener environment'. All donations accepted will be free-will offerings and related directly to answering issues in food security, a growing global issue, lately highlighted in a new publication by Elsevier, the Netherlands and environmental sustainability (e. g. carbon recycling and taxation, global warming and bioenergy with zero emissions as a goal).  For payment to this worthwhile cause: see instructions at Skye Blue Internet, this website, http://www.hum-molgen.de/.  All financial audit is by our reference banking institution. Our involvement in animal feeding systems and sustainable management systems in animal production makes this an obvious cause to support.

SKYEVIEW: The latest on enablement of biofuels, in Africa in particular, is that there is a lack of self-interest in developing countries in terms of refining and self-consumption, a lack of sustainability (e. g. jatropha), requiring the same costly inputs of fertilizer, pecticides and water to be cost effective and lack of controls in water quality, soil quality and carbon balance and deforestation of lands in order to crop.  The competition of biodiesel production with food production will cause prices to double by 2020 and cause widespread hunger.  These should be strongly noted as another argument for using farm wastes for both food, feed and energy to preserve sustainability.

SKYEVIEW: 'Green recycling' of organic waste materials from industrial and municipal sources has just been put in the spotlight with use of harvested ocean-growing seaweed in photobio-designed field tank reactors located in shore-lined sub-tropical and tropical climes which are rich as composted material for nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium (N-P-K) for use in cropping. Biocropping has been proferred at Skye Blue in the past which includes sugar grasses, anti-protozoal herbaceous cropping and now high-P uptake seaweed and seagrasses.  All genetic modifications are environmentally safe. The typical ratio in seaweed of the elements necessary to support plant life in fertilizers is N-P-K : 1-0-1.  This is an area of great potential and should be expanded on commercially and fully exploited as the 'organic alternative' to energy-based intensive inputs used in farming practice. It has yet to be investigated further if dual-purpose seaweed production as with algal photobioreactors in sun-drenched subtropical climes and tropical climes such as New Mexico, USA and Queensland Australia can be used to produce biodiesel or longer-chain ->ethanol, n-butanol, higher-chain alcohols. (See: Biomass Systems Central Operations.) 


The nanotechnological feat of designing high throughput porins for inorganic dissolved phosphorous in salt water with seaweed can be done given molecular tools using structure-mechanism studies with cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cTEM)/x-ray diffraction/residue sequencing for imaging including component design and single residue substitution and immunofluorescence and NMR to further characterize the cell membrane and its components. The uptake of inorganic phosphorous (Pi) should be at an equilibrium that exists for potassium intracellularly. Further to this, the potassium should be sequestered in protein storage vesicles (PSVs) with these porins to be assembled in their membranes fitted with leader sequences from the Golgi apparatus that will target them there. The genetic modification of seaweed, should be environmentally contained perhaps in floating rafts and if the spp. flowers or sporulates should be cloned on the maternal mtDNA.















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SKYEVIEW: The developmental and globalization movement across the globe suggests strongly a growing cooperative alliance with the two large super states of CANADA and Russia with greater equity called for economically in terms of standard of living (infrastructure, transportation, utilities, social housing, food production channels and markets perhaps with pricing controls, hard goods manufacture and commercial markets, etc.).  Greater equity between the two countries blessed with vast land area, resources including energy and for immigration and population growth would be conducive to create a new global alliance or bloc.  The Soviet economy is precautionary at this time due to corruption and instability making for an unsafe investment environment, a strong driver of economic growth. There are parallels in natural resources assets between the two (e. g. oil, natural gas, coal, potash) will contribute to their cooperativity for stabler supply and prices as their commodities in world markets.  Both countries or States are of course strongly commodity-based economically.

SKYEVIEW: The current (2015) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement between neighbouring rim countries: Chile, Peru, Mexico, USA, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Australia and New Zealand has in part involved offers on the table for trade in beef, canola, dairy and forestry products not to mention automotive vehicles to perscription drugs. These pose opportunities including banking services to finance trade on the one hand and on the other can decrease industries and drive down wages and increase prices of goods by agreement. In particular we are speculating on beef production and commodity competition on the market (cf. to dairy for e. g. which already will flood such markets) and the need to make prices more competitive with new feeds technologies and improved nutrition. Canola as an oilseed grain can also be made more competitive through cropping technologies (cf. var. biotechs). There is of course room to improve on efficiencies with dairy production and cost-pricing to bring it down further within reach in market of developing countries. Silviculture will also see newer developments in sapling breeding including exciting possibilities with the C-sink rate of photosynthetic modification using molecular tools.

SKYEVIEW: In developed countries, the growing trend for co-ops is promising in the following ways: 1) these have the advantages, compared to lesser developed socio-economies, of being more organized with financial backing as regulated by law and good governance with banking facilities and with investment, 2) with the economies-of-scale for more competitive pricing and with capability for upgrading the workforce in terms of adaptability, capacity and versatility (i .e. multi-tasking operationals), 3) marketability from co-ops of goods and services with infrastructure in place, e. g. transportation, storage and communications, and finally, 4) upgrading and/or down-sizing operational facilities and/or personnel and staff such as when "green" technologies present better adaptability, e. g. networking amongst cooperatives to increase economies of scale, energy use, "greenhouse" gas emissions or "carbon fingerprinting" on the environment, and maintaining labour-type jobs to ensure their stability or security. In Canada it seems that price commodities of agricultural products remain volatile which could be based in fact on supply/demand of resources and/or consumer views of the market when faced with prospects of increasing pressures to produce/trade more goods and services and with the new movement to intensify knowledge-based industries such as the hi-tech life sciences, including biotech, which can impact the level and cost of technologies for production.  The question of the moment is will the intensification of life sciences companies and their activities in the marketplace bring about a demise for traditional agriculture, eventually, and if what, can co-ops in a developed setting play a part in facilitating this trend or transition and can the "green movement", which is generally perceived with approval be upheld with continued supported.  No doubt, the ongoing climate and public approval for organic farming practices and products will be in opposition with the biotech movement although it has already been demonstrated elsewhere that in order to uphold agriculture productivity and food security in countries that are in direst need, that pro-poor policies and measures with biotech will be necessary to enforce for food security to be ensured as populations in these countries continue to rise dramatically, in the future. 

SKYEVIEW: There is the question or the issue where corruption is already endemic like the Philippines and in Russia, although laws are in place, and where their enforcement is another matter.  How vulnerable is investment fraud with economies that deal in money laundering, illicit trade (drugs, contraband), investment misrepresentation without indemnity resulting in loss of considerable assets (as the elderly in Canada face with this ongoing issue).  No doubt, there should be greater awareness and an insurance safety net in addition to special victims units to investigate claims and eventually prosecute criminals. It is their job to maintain a crime-free environment with investments free from fraud used for our growing economies.  These allegations suggest a possible extent of white collar crime in high places in the corporate world and government.  It was believed that during the permanently deposed Marcos regime without any chance of resurrecting heirs to their rightful political inheritance  that aggrandisement/misallocation of public funds bankrupted the Philippine government eventually and croninism did not deliver due process and justice and led to an eventual breakup of the Philippine government leading to the uproar of the Peoples Revolution and advancement in shared democratic rights.  The young, vibrant population well-educated in English in addition to Filipino will eventually bring about another era free of corruption and an economy that rewards talent, efficiency and productivity.  The need for a steady or stable stream of investment capital is an important catalyst for economic growth, with: a climate of peace and order, due regulation by government or the role of good governance and especially corrections by anti-crime enforcements helping prevent fraud like investment fraud in the Philippines.

SKYEVIEW: China, beyond the Philippines within the ASEAN Consolidation Treaty (2015), will be depending for now on energy reserves through signed trade and other ownership agreements between Russia and Canada. The reasons in Canada, for e. g., with 'green' issues on the table such as: polluting the SO2 'airshed' and riske dilbit (diluted bitumen) transport if spills occur in saltwater, from refining towns and the Burrard Inlet in Burnaby, near Vancouver, respectively, has stymied supplies for now to growth areas like East Asia, including China, leading to trends among the fastest growing economies, the Philippines as an example, in growth areas with hydro first followed by geothermal, biomass and the energy cogeneration of physical plants of mills in the agriculture sector and solar power- to grow further in the future as a promising technology.  The LNG 'dream' in B.C. has died down for now between Alberta and British Columbia provinces amongst the B.C. Liberals and, now, the NDP Party of B.C. due to public displeasure against the pipeline and tanker traffic at home in B.C. It is also strongly recommended to NEDA (National Economic & Development Agency), the Philippines to top prioritize energy extraction/refining capacity or capabilities in the Western Philippine Sea (Exxon, is already beginning activities on wells that indicate economic profitability) along with its industrialization plans despite sporadic belligerance from a potential top trading partner and export energy market, China in East Asia. For now the Philippines solid performance in its markets and national development plans seems to have been met with abatement of further unrest in the West Philippine Sea's 'war theatre'. 

SKYEVIEW: Farming for the Future: Bio-Farmed Facilities for Beef & Dairy. There is a delineation between assets of feedstocks and livestock and the hardwired control regulators (e. g. computers, electronics, communications, mechanized regulators and equipment and standing infrastructure, likely steel and glass with concrete). Feedstocks: 1) Pasture -> low lignin, low protease, high fructan, 2) Silage -> low lignin, top-dressed SSF lacasses, 3) Haylage -> low lignin, top-dressed SSF lacasse, 4) L-C Feedstock -> SSF, -> "Yeast Bagasse", -> ureolysis (NPN), 5) L-C Feedstock -> bio-bleaching (L-C Feedstock or ligno-cellulose is used also for bioenergy fermentation to biogas, EtOH and ButOH); Livestock is classed as either: 1) beef -> feed type e. g. low protease, hi-fructan, and 2) dairy -> feed type e. g. low lignin (see: paper). These are envisioned by SkyeBlue for the 'FHTM' Bio-Hub in British Columbia to be fed by the western Priairie provinces for their resources in various feedstocks to be diversified (in this way) for manufacturing and farming for food production out West. It is subsumed that abundant rail transport will be available. 

SKYEVIEW: Rail transport  to move good and services as load demand increases for freight and for tourist transport as infrastructural projects ramp up for the island for various major tourist attractions (e. g. theme parks, recreational wildlife parks) proposed for the Negros island region in the Philippines calls for new innovative means of using biorenewable energy for rail including using a cleaner, quieter electrical grid, not so much from geothermal reserves but from fibre-based methane or natural gas and recent finds (or beginnings?) of natural gas as that found in USD$1 Trillion dollar caches in northwestern Mindanao. It is still in question as to how straw and stover from rice fields if not converted to bioalcohol eventually for car gasohol transportation can be fermented efficiently and sustainably with other farm byproducts as they already have done in China and the Westcoast of North America with earlier indications of fermentable innoculum refined for greater efficiency or effect and product rate of yield. This is just the biological approach. There are chemical means also of converting the same substrate to natural gas amongst other products. We will watch and see about possibilities down the road.  


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Last update of this entry: December 21, 2021

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