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Dear Visitors, DODHY INSTRUMENTS CO, is a leading company in the field of Dental and Surgical instruments, we provide you high quality Instruments like Orthodontic Pliers, Needle Holders, Forceps, Retractors, Wire cutting Forceps, Bone Ronguers, Impression Trays, Scalars, Extracting Forceps, Probes, Curettes, Pliers Operating Scissors Bandage Scissors Iris Scissors and many more .................. For further insformations you can write us at infoATdodhyinstrumentslDOTcom Thaning and assuring you our maximum cooperation we are with best regards RASHID DODHY DODHY INSTRUMENTS CO, Jinah town capital road sialkot P O Box: 2534 Tel: 00923076257755
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Last update of this entry: September 25, 2024