Registry of biomedical companies:
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Phone: 024195163153 Fax: +49241 95 163 155 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
antibodies-online.com facilitates researchers to find the appropriate antibodies for their respective research project. As an independent and multi-vendor marketplace for research antibodies and thanks to the cooperation with more than 120 different manufacturers, we offer a large selection of Antibodies (over 500,000), ELISA Kits (over 200,000), Secondary Antibodies (13,000), Proteins (150,000), Peptides and Isotype Controls. In addition the scientists receive news and detailed information about the individual antibodies from databases such as the PubMed and others.
We help scientists to find the right products in our database. Similar products can be compared, our technical hotline offers consulting and the possibility to order directly with us. We help suppliers to reach the right audience. Product listings on antibodies-online increase the visibility of your products on the internet. A complement to existing distribution channels and a way to professionalize internet sales channel at zero risk. Joining our platform does not incur any fixed costs.
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Last update of this entry: September 28, 2022