Registry of biomedical companies:
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PO Box 1029
Guildford GU5 0WY
United Kingdom
Phone: 0044 1223 969286 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Beremans provides business intelligence and independent research in the Life Sciences sector to support investment and business decisions. Clients include life science companies, healthcare and pharmaceutical companies, government bodies, fund managers and venture capital organisations. Core activities comprise due diligence, company analysis and tracking, sector reports and strategic opportunity analysis. In addition, Beremans provides a range of consulting services to selected pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Core fields of expertise include oncology, vaccines, regenerative medicine and drug discovery; typical projects have addressed topics within the broad fields of travel vaccines, cancer vaccines, drug-related cardiotoxicity, and regenerative medicine / stem cell applications. Recently, Beremans has developed a detailed, proprietary model of international travel from ~20 developed economies to each of ~100 developing economies. This resource, in conjunction with other critical market data, supports quantitative elements of Beremans analysis, for example with regard to revenue projections for travel vaccines.
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Last update of this entry: November 05, 2013