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registry of biomedical companies

  February 16, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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shenzhen lvshihyuan biotechnology co.,ltd

Rm507,No2 longgang overseas venture park,shenzhen,

Phone: 86-755-21568988
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


Shenzhen Lvshiyuan Biotechnology Co.,Ltd (LSYBT), established in 2003, is a Chinese leader in innovative products and services for veterinary and food safety applications, and are currently immersed in an ambitious international development process. We almost have subsidiaries or sales representation on every continent.


Dedication and commitment, along with a variety of individual strengths and talents, make each of the employees at LSYBT a real asset to the organization. Our scientific staff  has xperience with medical, industrial and environmental diagnostics.  We are able to customize programs to serve client's specific needs with competitive pricing and high quality standards.


LSYBT primarily focuses on developing the most advanced Animal disease diagnostic kits, Food safety ELISA test kits, Rapid test strips, Enzyme, Microorganism reagent, Small molecular antigen, Antibody, Biochemistry products, etc. We can produce 4 Nitrofuran ELISA test kit (AOZ, AMOZ, SEM and AHD) at the same time firstly in the world. We are proud to offer a broad selection of products on testing veterinary drug residues.

Selected Categories:
Product Company   Service Company
- Agriculture
- Immunoassay
- Medical
- Research
- Distributor
- Laboratory
- Analytical

Last update of this entry: September 28, 2016

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