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3589 Beisong Road
Phone: 0086 21 54295543 Fax: 0086 21 54296506 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Wisepac Active Packaging Components Co., Ltd. is a professional and innovative desiccant product manufacturer. We provide a wide range of bagged desiccants, absorbents, canister, tablets and humidity indicators to meet your needs with standard products and customized solutions. ① Minipac: Back seal desiccant bag ② Wisepac: 3-side seal desiccant bag ③ Wisesorb: 4-side seal desiccant bag ④ Unisorb: Desiccant for container ⑤ Wisemini: Desiccant bag with transparent window ⑥ Wiseview: Viewable desiccant bag ⑦ Wisycle: Recyclable desiccant bag ⑧ Wistrip: Desiccant strip ⑨ Wisecap: Desiccant canister ⑩ Wisehic: Humidity indicator card ①① Wislip: Desiccant paper ①② Wisetab: Desiccant tablet
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Last update of this entry: August 25, 2009