Registry of biomedical companies:
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5309,Grain Market,Near B.D.Sen.Sec.School
Ambala Cantt
Phone: 00911714004924 Fax: 00911714007718 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Varun Enterprises was founded as manufacturers of Laboratory Glass Blown Apparatus & Calibrated Glass wares. In a very short span due to sincere and hard efforts jointly by the management, staff and skilled workers it touched great heights. Strictly Quality Control has raised the company to top level in its field. Besides full filling the requirements of the Indian Customers, due to popularity of EDULAB brand, the company started getting enquiries from abroad also, this is how we entered the Export Market. Now our products are being exported to Africa, Middle East and U.S. . We have come to know the importance of your company in the field of instrumentation for use in teaching Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) in Schools and Colleges. Consequently we feel pleasure in introducing ourselves as one of the oldest manufacturers of these instruments of the best quality and workmanship. We are fully equipped with upto date machines and dedicated professionals, who are in this specific field for several decades. Our clients are fully satisfied with our products as well as dealings and this is the main reason they are with us for a considerable period of time. We also specialize in making/designing according to the specification of buyers and it will be indeed a pleasure for us to work with you in this field to our mutual benefit. Our products are mainly Pharmacy equipments,Laboratory Apparatus, Laboratory Instruments & Equipments, Glasswares, Polythene-Wares, Chemicals etc. etc. used in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Science Laboratories for Education, Testing & Research Purposes. Some of them we have placed on the web.Complete customer satisfaction has always been our goal and that is why pursuit of excellence has been the path, we have always followed. While concluding, we would request you to kindly let us know whether you will be interested in having a business tie-up with us. A trial order will convince you of our claim of quality and craftsmanship . We now request you to kindly register our name in your mailing list and send us your enquiries regularly. And sir you will not belive in that lots of exporter in india take product from us.our Quality is of export level.we never compromise in our quality.We are specially manufacturer Of laboratory glassware and Pharmacy Equipments.we give you very reasonable rates.There are lots of our customer in south India also.so I want just that you give me a one chance.its my humble request.
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Last update of this entry: September 06, 2007