Registry of biomedical companies:
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Les Tertiales / 4 rue Niepce
Compiegne, 60200
Phone: 33 (3) 44 23 19 21 Fax: 33 (3) 44 86 55 58 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
For more than 15 years, AmpliTech is dedicated to the importation and distribution of innovative CE IVD marked products, software, and instruments for in vitro diagnostics and research labs in cytogenetics, molecular genetics, and molecular pathology within France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland. Our ranges : cell culture media and automates for cell harvesting (Autochrome) and chromosome spreading (Optichrome) from Euroclone. FISH probes (prenatal, postnatal, haemato-oncology and solid tumours) from Cytocell. Clinical Array CGH BAC and OLIGO CytoChip (ISCA formats : 4x44K, 4x180K, 8x60K, 2x105K), BlueFuse MULTI analysis and database software, BlueFISH library from Bluegnome. QF-PCR for prenatal from Euroclone. ViennaLab StripAssay for HFE, Thalassemia, FMF, CVD, Gaucher, Pharmacogenomics (KRAS, BRAF, CYP2D6). Zendropper : automate for chromosome spreading from Zentech.
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Last update of this entry: March 17, 2011