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registry of biomedical companies

  March 11, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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US OncoTherapy Systems BioMedicine Group

Princeton, NJ 08544, U.S.A.
United States of America, New Jersey
Toll free: US OncoTherapy

Phone: 609-452-0927
Fax: US OncoTherapy

E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Stock symbol: USONCO
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


 US Oncotherapy Systems BioMedicine Group

US Oncotherapy Systems BioMedicine Group is structured with a group of independent scientists who are delegated authorities in different research labs to study outsourcing research projects as contract research organization (CRO). With different multilateral project to project in the two decades, our professional scientists have been equipped with intensive know-how in solving problems for human Systems Biology.

Targeting at treating underlying disease causes without known side effect, US OncoTherapy has committed fundamental research and applied research to Systems Biology in nature medicine for more than two decades. As of 2000, US OncoTherapy has successfully developed series of well-designed biomedical products, which are molecular-based and known as OncoTherapy MediFormula. Proved by numerous clinical trials and testimonies, our biomedical products treat underlying disease causes of 80% disease without known side effects. Up to today, more than 50 MediFormula in US OncoTherapy MediFormula are developed to target on treating more than one hundred colonies of cytopathogenetic causes, which are the underlying diseases causes of 80% disease.

Given without known side effect, it is US OncoTherapy pleasure to share its achievement of disease solution and healthcare well-being to members on this globe.

In order to bring disease solution of treating underlying disease causes, we commit to the research of Systems Biology since twenty years ago by knowing the limit of the conventional mainstream medicine to diseases. Today the achievement of our R&D has disclosed the mechanism of cellular pathogenetic pathway under the subsystems interaction in nature medicine. With this success in our R&D, we further discovered Pleiotropic Pharmacodynamics Discovery (PPD) on polypeptide glycoproteins, and carrier-binding of botanical and herbal glycosides, so as to develop MediFormula of biomedical polypeptide GlycoProteins and herbs, which is the material ingredient in the US OncoTherapy MediFormula. In 25 years, we have accomplished above 50 MediFormula in US OncoTherapy MediFormula, which treats underlying disease causes of 80% disease.

Our R&D is now on a mature phase to produce biomedical products for disease solution and healthcare purpose.

Our R&D achievement:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.    <!--[endif]-->US OncoTherapy Systemic Medicine Group

Our R&D has further established US OncoTherapy Systemic Medicine Group to serve patients and healthcare providers after accomplishing US OncoTherapy MediFormula for treating underlying diseases causes of 80% disease. The US OncoTherapy Systemic Medicine Group is consisted of 52 international research teams with 300 professional scientists to manage personal-tailored total disease solution. Based on intensive know-how in systems biology, the US OncoTherapy Systemic Medicine Group manages personal-tailored prescription precisely targeting on treating underlying disease causes by working on cytophysiology, protein signaling pathway, virus tracing, physiopathology, biomedicine research and development, systemic medicine, integrative medicine, BioDiagnostics, pathophysiology, and BioTherapeutics.

2. Well-designed molecular biomedicine MediFormula

Under our research and development in systems biology, we disclosed the mechanism action of cellular pathogenetic pathway under the subsystems interaction of nature medicine, and that has led to Systemic Medicine. With our Pleiotorpic Pharmacodynamics Discovery (PPD) on polypeptide glycoproteins, botanical and herbal glycosides carrier-binding, above 50 MediFormula of biomedical polypeptide glycoproteins and herbs are developed for our molecular biomedicine MediFormula, which is the US OncoTherapy MediFormula. In 25 years, without known side effect we have accomplished the US OncoTherapy MediFormula to treat more than one hundred colonies of cytopathogenetic causes, which are the underlying disease causes of 80% disease as a whole.

3. US OncoTherapy Integrative Medicine and Telemedicine via the Internet

The US OncoTherapy Integrative Medicine is our achievement in systems biology to manage disease solution. Discovering the happening under the subsystems interaction in systems biology, we disclosed the interrelation and interaction between pathophisiology (physiopathology) and biophisiology, which form cause-and-effect between disease symptoms and cytopathic effect and pathway. This achievement has led to our innovation of Assembler Code & Collating Platform of Systems Biology (US OncoTherapy Medicine ACCP/SB), which has become US OncoTherapy BioDiagnostic Equation for our professional scientists in US OncoTherapy Systemic Medicine Group to prescribe personal-tailored prescription for total disease solution.

Based on the result of US OncoTherapy Medicine ACCP/SB, our US OncoTherapy Systemic Database (DSD) was established for US OncoTherapy BioDiagnostic Equation. While the US OncoTherapy Systemic Database receives Personal Healthcare Survey (PHS), the database will automatically classify disease colonies according to the result of US OncoTherapy ACCP/SB Medicine and will further refer to our professional scientists. Such a mechanism has given a form of integrative BioDiagnostics for our professional scientists to perform disease solution for Systemic Consultation On-Line Synchronism (SCOLS). After managing BioDiagnostics for each patient, personal-tailored prescription for total disease solution will be designed from the US OncoTherapy MediFormula. With our prescription, patients and healthcare providers can get safety-guaranteed US OncoTherapy MediFormula at their local pharmacies.









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Last update of this entry: April 17, 2019

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