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A-916 Time Pionner, No 98 Sifangping
Changsha city
Phone: 00867314834151 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Naturalin Bio-resources Co., Ltd (NBC) is a manufacturer, professional planning provider and supporter in Chinese tea leaf and botanical/herbal extracts business scope with 10 years experience in China. We are located in Changsha High New Technology Developing Zone, a biological high-tech enterprise with independent lmp & Exp statue specialized in botanical extracts and Chinese Teas. Our annual Chinese Tea leaf and Botanical Extracts output is 300-400 Tons with competitive products: Chinese Tea Leaf Series, Tea Extracts Series, Grape Seed and Skin Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Ginger Root Extact, Rhodiola P. E, Red Clover Extract, etc.
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Last update of this entry: February 04, 2007