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registry of biomedical companies

  February 07, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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C/ Fernando Poo, 16 Piso 6ºB
E-28045 Madrid, Spain

Phone: (+34) 902998352
Fax: (+34) 902998379

Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


We need some products in order to be able to be ready for what we are trying in European Community, and any American o Third Country Company working on Biotechnology is very wellcome in any of our two research fields, even if it is not possible to be in European Union R&D toghether.

Biotechnology products requests for cemeteries can be explained in an article that has been already published in many Latin America countries.

This message can be forwarded to anyone you consider apropiate with our
thanks. It is not easy to find what we are looking for, but we need it.

To whom it may concern all over Europe, asking for contacts:

(C.I.T.A.) SL" is looking for European Partners in
order to make proposals to Biotechnology programme of the European
Commission before its deadline in October 97. There is budget enough for
payment of any R&D accepted, and we can be partners for other projects.

We need several kinds of partners:

a) Industries and Laboratories that can analyze and develop new products
b) Institutions and non profit organizations for Health and Ecology
c) Cemeteries and Funeral Homes that what to test and advice our systems

We would like to work with other companies in two new areas:

1ª Human Genome Analysis for Funeral Homes and Cemeteries that will offer
a new service for relatives aiming the identification role and looking in
particular for genes encoding data function with an applied potential in
biotechnology. EMBL Data Library was established in 1980 to collect,
organize and distribute a database of nucleotide sequences and related
information. This has been done in collaboration with GenBank in the USA
and the DNA Database in Japan, and there is an European Bioinformatics
Institute. C.I.T.A. would like to implement a protocol and to offer some
instruments for DNA codification in Funeral Homes and Cemeteries using
the tools already developed and methodologies for function search. Dead
people genome will be very useful in the future, if European laws
concerning data privacy accept that dead people data can be used this

2º Biotechnology applied to graveyards, with social acceptance. Recent
scientific studies suggest control of the putrefaction process in
cemeteries by supplementing nature with non pathological bacteria and
enzymes (biocatalyst) that can decompose the bodies more completely and
in less time, with no resultant dangerous water contamination. Moreover,
it is advisable to select an appropriate botanical balance for every
climate. The target is to show the way for proper maintenance of the
cemetery and to keep an eye on the main progress of the cemetery's
involvement in the equilibrium of the flora and the micro fauna giving
much more value and less risk to the area around it where people live.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Miguel Angel Gallardo Ortiz is a Mining Engineer (UPM) and Criminologist
(U. Complutense) who is working for COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL EN
TECNOLOGÍAS AVANZADAS (C.I.T.A.), the Spanish company that leads the
project IBEROEKA 116 for Funeral Homes and Cemeteries Intranet
communications in the Internet all over Latin America and Spain
C/ Fernando Poo, 16 Piso 6ºB E-28045 Madrid, Spain
Tel: (+34) 902998352 and (+34) 902998379
Internet E-mail: miguel@cita.es

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Last update of this entry: September 03, 2011

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