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registry of biomedical companies

  February 13, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Pal Surgical Works

Plot No-5, Street No-2, Jawahar Nagar Industrial A

Phone: +91-0120-2602677
Fax: +91-0120-2602677

E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Stock symbol: PAL
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.



Dear Sir,

We have come across your good name as importers of Surgical,Medical,Hospital & Laboratory goods in your country.

It has been great pleasure to introduce ourselves as registered manufacturer and exporters of Surgical, Medical,& Laboratory Goods based in India.

Accredited with all govt. institutions/organizations, with fifteen years standing in business, having clientele in each major city of India, export in Europe, Middle East and South-East Asia.We, as a manufacturer,offer our products at very competitive prices compare to other Indian Exporters.

We, as a genuine Manufacturer are capable of producing Surgical , Medical , Scientific and Laboratory products as per customer requirements.

Hence, we can act as a reliable source for all your procurement needs from India.

We therefore request you to enlist our name in your regular supplier list for future enquiries.

Competitive prices and prompt delivery assured.

Please find attached our Export Representative Price List especially prepared for your good company for the comparison purpose.If you need any other products besides our price list, please let us know, we are confident that we will be able to offer the same at very reasonable prices.

Besides lots of products, we specially deal in Quality Surgical Instruments, Epoxy coated Stainless steel Hospital Furniture, Medical equipments, Anaesthesia Products, Diagnostic Products, Surgical Rubber Goods, Hospital Holloware, Orthopaedic Implants,Stethoscopes, Sphygmomanometer, Laryngoscopes, Otoscope, E.N.T Sets, SurgicalScissors and forceps, Hospital rubber Sheeting, Enama syringes, Ryles Tube, Mackintosh Sheeting, Douche bags, Hot Water Bottles, Surgical/Laboratory tubing, Rehabilitation Aids, Wheel Chairs, Abdominal belts, Cervical Collars, Sterlising Equipments,Autoclaves,Bed Pans, Dressing Drums, Suction Units (All types), Weighing Machines, O.T Equipments, Dental Produtcs, Hospital beds (All Types), Bed side Lockers, Examination Tables, Bed side Screens, Hospital Garments, Bed Sheets,Mattress,Pillow,Blankets,Microscopes and spares, Microtomes, Overhead Projectors,Centrifuge, Oven, Incubators, Analytical Balances,Plastic Labware & other laboratory goods etc.

We can deliver your shipments both by air & sea as per your requirement.

Should you have any further information regarding our company please visit our web site

www.palsurgicals.com or send your reply directly to psw1@vsnl.com.

While thanking you in advance for your precious time to study our offer,we sincerely look forward to receive your comments and suggestions in order to establish our business relations for mutual benefit.

A kind word of reply will be highly appreciated.

Many thanks & best regards,

Sincerely yours

(Senior Sales Executive)
M/s. Pal Surgical Works
Plot No-5, Street No-2, Jawahar Nagar Industrial Area,
Delhi - 110094(INDIA)
Tel: + 91-0120-2602677 Fax: +91-0120-2602677

E-mail: info@palsurgicals.com,  URL: www.palsurgicals.com


Selected Categories:
Product Company   Service Company
- General
- Medical
- Research
- Distributor
- Laboratory
- Medical
- Analytical

Last update of this entry: October 29, 2014

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