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519 Ziyue Road Minhang
Shanghai 200241
Phone: 008621-61263355 Fax: 008621-61263388 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Since our inception in 1998, GL Biochem is probably the largest and most diversified Peptide Reagents, Custom Peptide and Custom Antibody Producers in China! .We have the capability to produce high quality peptide and peptide reagents from grams up to multiple kilograms (bulk) dependent on your requirement at very competitive pricing. Currently, we are building our third state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in China equipped with GMP manufacturing environment. Ordering information: Please attention your order to Dr Simon Zhu and either fax to 008621-61263388 or email to Dr Simon Zhu Vice President Sales International Global Sales Group GL Biochem (Shanghai) Ltd Address: 519 Ziyue Road, Minhang Shanghai 200241 Tel: +8621-61263355 (Direct)Fax: +8621-61263388 Email: Visit us at
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Last update of this entry: February 15, 2011