Registry of biomedical companies:
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9/5, Durga Nagar
Ambala-133 001
India Toll free: ----
Phone: 91-171-2650273 Fax: 91-171-2651141
Stock symbol: MIKO
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
A leading ISO 9001:2000 manufacturer and exporter of Lab. Instruments and Ophthalmic Instruments such as : Pathological Microscope, Industrial Microscope, Over Head Projector, Stereo-Zoom, Stereo Microscope, E.N.T. Microscope, Ophthalmic Microscope, Slit Lamp (FDA Approved), Lens Meter (FDA Approved), Kerato Meter (FDA Approved), A-Scan, Colposcope, Beam Splitter for Surgical Microscopes etc.
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Last update of this entry: January 16, 2008