Registry of biomedical companies:
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4571 W Vander Bie Place
Tucson, 85741
United States of America, Arizona
Phone: 937-726-8039
Stock symbol: na
Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Medical Concepts & Innovations is a medical and financial consulting company serving Wall Street investment firms, dialysis providers and manufacturers of dialysis related products. We also do consulting for dialysis facility start-ups, providing assistance with CMS 855 forms, Medicare/Medicaid Certification, billing and collections, facility design and operations. We can also assist you in the creation of policies, procedures and all paperwork required for facility operation. We can also assist you with staff recruitment for key positions in your dialysis facility, connect you to builders to create your facility. Can also assist with selection and purchase of all equipment and disposables. Contact: Joe Atkins, CEO
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Last update of this entry: February 16, 2022