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PO Box 180
Dolores, Colorado, 81323, USA
United States of America, Colorado
Toll free: 888 292 0356
Phone: 970 882 7499 Fax: 970 882 7068 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Clare Chemical Research invented the revolutionary Dark Reader blue light transilluminator. The Dark Reader does NOT use any UV light to visualize DNA in agarose gels - so there is no sunburn and no damage to precious DNA samples. The detection level is around 100 pg of dsDNA by eye and tens of picograms using a CCD camera. Other recently introduced products include a Dark Reader hand lamp for viewing GFPs and a gel box that incorporates an integral transilluminator, allowing DNA fragments to be visualized as they migrate.
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Last update of this entry: December 13, 2007