Registry of biomedical companies:
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5020 Fairway, Suite 220
Canada Toll free: 1.888.368.8368
Phone: 514.633.6006 Fax: 514.633.6011
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Bio S&T is located in Montreal, Canada and is dedicated to providing top-notch R&D technical services to research laboratories in universities, research institutes and R&D departments of pharmaceutical companies. We provide gene discovery solutions such as: BAC, fosmid, cosmid, lambda and plasmid library construction; BAC library screening; cDNA for 454 and Next Generation sequencing; small and large scale sequencing (including whole genome and full BAC sequencing); APA genome walking services and retroviral research products.
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Last update of this entry: August 11, 2015