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HuTang SanQin Industrial Park
WuJing District, 213162
Phone: 86-519-6320125 Fax: 86-519-6320135 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
JiuHong company is located in China. Our company mainly specialized in developing and manufacturing medical instruments, and we possess excellent engineers together with first-class equipments. We have professional medical instruments manufacturing experience, our products as: disposable biopsy forceps, esophageal stent, balloons catheter, pneumatic dilator and so on. Disposable biopsy forceps is mainly be used to take living tissue samples under endoscopes. Disposable biopsy forceps is manufactured and wrapped in 10000-grade clean workshop. All our products are sterilized by ethylene oxide, then through strict detection and ensure there is no bacteria contact, in this case, our products can leave the factory. The performance of all products manufactured by our company is excellent, and the price of our products is very competitive. Welcome a good many of clients phone us and contact us if you have some interests or questions. Disposable biopsy forceps Wrapped without bacteria, and there is no need to sterilize and you can use as soon as you open it. Be used to check biopsy tissue of the upper digestive tract and duodenum under Endoscopes. It can be divided into gastroscope-use and enteroscope-use Biopsy Forceps. The jaw of Biopsy Forceps is made up of medical-use stainless material. It operates very nimble and convenient. It can pass the hole ofφ2.8mm in jaw easily, and it can fit to any flexuose cooling channel. It is be welded by laser, and the joint seems very firm and nice. Diameter: φ2.3mm,Length: 1600mm,1800mm,2000mm,2300mm。
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Last update of this entry: January 17, 2007